The Witch's Taste

Chapter 221 Asura Field Part 1

Chapter 221 One of the Asura Fields
The dog matter caused a lot of trouble on the Internet.The public opinion situation is quite unfavorable for the British Party, and some polls even show that the Governor's support has dropped by 4 percentage points as a result.

Of course, as Xia Qingyu said, these are not matters that Chen Ziang should be concerned about, so leave it to the people above.

What worries him most now is the situation of the third witch, Mizuhara Saori.

Ever since Xia Qingyu returned and claimed to "not cooperate", he had completely lost news of this witch - no matter how he contacted her through the pendant, there was no reply.

With the examples of Mie Nishikawa and Seiko Takahashi before, Chen Ziang is not so naive as to think that Suwon Saori has not shown up in public so far because he has no plans to make trouble for the time being.

The birth mechanism of witches determines that they are definitely not safe people. It is not too much to say that they are "time bombs".

After finishing his daily work, Chen Ziang searched the Internet for news related to unemployed miners.

It is a pity that, apart from a large number of comments that used this incident to criticize the upper echelons, there is almost no media that really pays attention to the unemployed miners, and naturally there is not much useful news.

While he was patiently searching for clues, someone suddenly sent him a message.

[Good at singing]: Are you there?

[Is there any urban legend]: What's wrong?
【Good at singing】: Are you free tonight?
Chen Ziang thought for a while.

Free is definitely free.Since he was promoted to the head of the field work department, he was rarely called out for drinks by his colleagues after get off work. Who wouldn't be tempted to invite the leader over?
It's just that I always feel that something is wrong... Forget it.

[Is there any urban legend]: There should be. Tell me first, what's the matter?

[Good at singing]: I'm going to hold a concert in Zhongnan City this weekend, but I'm not in a good state recently. If I don't adjust before the concert, I will be in trouble.If you are free tonight, can you come over with me to find out the status?I remember you had that analytical mind.

She should be talking about [Dream Walk], that is, the ability Chen Ziang used to sneak into her subconscious when the two met for the first time.

[Is there any urban legend]: That ability is used to check whether there are hidden hidden dangers in the consciousness.If it is used for psychological treatment, the effect is not great. I suggest you go to a professional psychologist for help.

【Good at singing】: It's not time to find a doctor yet.I just……

[Good at singing]: I just want to find a friend to hang out and adjust my mood. Isn't it convenient for you tonight?

[Is there any urban legend]: It's not inconvenient, but aren't you a big star?Go out to play, in case someone finds out your identity, isn't it good?

[Good at singing]: You don't have to worry about this.Well, it's settled. At 07:30 in the evening, I will come to your house to find you.

Chen Ziang looked at the phone, lost in thought.

Hey, I haven't promised you yet, why did it become "dealed"?
But I really don't have any plans for the evening, if I just go out with friends...

When Chen Ziang's eyes fell on Yuegong Lingna who came in from the outside, he suddenly realized where the previous "unpleasant feeling" came from.

The current self, although still single, can theoretically associate with any opposite sex.But don't forget that he and Tsukimiya Suzuna are also in a relationship of "more than friends, but less than lovers".

If she knew that she had agreed to go out with Xia Zili tonight... Even if she went out as a friend, Suzuna would probably feel a sense of crisis and even have some irrational thoughts.

This girl dared to sneak under the bed in the middle of the night!

Of course, Chen Ziang didn't want to disappoint Yuegong Lingnai's wishes, but it wouldn't be too much to say that he refused Xia Zili directly because of this. First, let's see if he has any good ideas.

Well, the first possibility is that Suzuna will not come to my house tonight, so there will be no problem...

"Senior, I found a super delicious puff shop today!" Tsukimiya Suzuna closed the office door, and then trotted over, holding a plastic bag in her hand, which seemed to be a paper box for food, "You Try this?"

Chen Ziang took the puff and took a sip.

"How is it?" Yue Gong Suzuna's eyes sparkled.

"It's delicious." Chen Ziang commented objectively.

"That's right~" Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled sweetly, "Then I'll visit Senior's house tonight and bring these desserts to my sister-chan."

Chen Ziang: ……………

Well, the first possibility won't come true.

When the schedules of the two parties inevitably conflict, a choice must be made on the matter of "where to go for the appointment".

Choice [-]: Fool Yue Gong Suzuna, and then go to Xia Zili.

……no.First of all, Chen Ziang didn't want to tell such an unnecessary lie, and secondly, he disrespected Suzuna.

Choice [-]: Confid the truth to Yue Gong Suzuna, and then reject Xia Zili.

...Thinking of the pitiful appearance of the half-elf, it seems that I can't bear it.

Choice [-]: Tell Tsukimiya Suzuna the truth, and then ask her if she wants to go together.

...Like, okay?

In this way, there is no need to refuse Xia Zili's request, nor to bear the guilt of deceiving Yuegong Suzuna, which is the so-called "treat each other with sincerity".

You can deceive people for a while, but not for a lifetime.Especially when dealing with your relatives and friends, if the lie is exposed, it will bring a fatal blow to the relationship between the two parties. It is better to communicate well from the beginning, anyway, the other party will not harm you, right?

"It's not a coincidence for you to come." Chen Ziang quickly made up his mind, and replied with a smile, "I was asked to go out at night just now, and I have already agreed. I'm sorry, Ling Nai."

"Really?" Suzuna Yuegong opened her eyes slightly, and then her smile became brighter, "Although it's senior's private matter, I'm also a little curious. Could it be an acquaintance I know?"

"It's the Xia Zili who was our guest last time." Chen Ziang said frankly, "Isn't she going to hold a concert in Zhongnan City this weekend? Recently, she said she couldn't find her status, so I hope I can help her find her feelings." .”

"Oh." Yue Gong Suzuna chuckled, "Interesting, senior is not a psychiatrist... What is she going to ask senior to help with?"

"I don't know." Chen Ziang shook his head and said, "Maybe it's probably just walking around and looking around to change my mood."

"Eh...that's right." Yuegong Suzuna raised her voice, "If it's just for fun, I can also accompany you. Moreover, if it's just to change the mood and have fun, senior's experience in this area But there may not be as many as me."

"Yes, yes." Chen Ziang didn't intend to compare with her in this aspect, "I'll ask her."

On the other side, Xia Zili also received a message from Chen Ziang.

Tsukimiya Suzuna...will you come too?
"It's probably here to sabotage." The mother laughed beside her. "You think of a reason and reject her. With Chen Ziang's character, he won't take a tough attitude in this regard."

"No." Xia Zili looked embarrassed, but quickly shook her head, "I'm not here for a date with Chen Ziang, but just to adjust my mood and restore my state. If I don't let her join in, it won't make me... Do you have ulterior motives?"

The mother smiled beside her and said nothing.

You continue to be stubborn, I am watching.

(End of this chapter)

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