The Witch's Taste

Chapter 240 Gradually find the memory of chapters

Chapter 240 Gradually Finding Memories

Sitting in the car returning home, Xia Zili couldn't help but turn her head to look, for fear that Yue Gong Ling Nai would come back and play tricks on the sleeping Chen Ziang.

"Don't look at it." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "She won't go back."

"Why?" Xia Zili asked suspiciously.

Xia Qingyu didn't answer, but asked suddenly:

"So you like him, right?"

Xia Zili was startled when he heard the words, but didn't answer.

Until now, she never thought that she could hide it from her sister, but she didn't have the courage to admit it - after all, she was too shy.

There was silence in the car for a while before Xia Zili asked slowly:
"elder sister……"

"What's wrong?" Xia Qingyu's tone was calm, without any emotion.

"The boat of Yuegong Suzuna." Xia Zili asked quietly, "Can't hold everyone in Gao Tianyuan?"

"Yeah." Xia Qingyu didn't deny it, "So what kind of people are going to be saved at that time, we have to define a plan and standards."

"But." Xia Zili asked puzzledly, "Why do you have to run? Couldn't it prevent the tragedy from happening and save everyone?"

"How?" Xia Qingyu raised her eyebrows.

"To prevent the Bakht mining ship from entering, the Democratic Pioneer Party cannot be allowed to take power." Xia Zili sorted out the memories from her previous life, and tried to analyze, "Because even if the British Party loses in the competition for the Star Governor However, a large amount of political resources are still in the hands of Shi, Qin, and Song. Therefore, if the Democratic First Party wants not to be emptied after it takes power, it will inevitably seek foreign support from the Federation. Naturally, it can only obey the elves' demands. "

"That is to say, to allow the British Party to win the next general election."

"That's right." Xia Qingyu affirmed her judgment, "How do I do it?"

"Behind the defeat of the Guoying Party is the Federation's intervention in Gao Tianyuan's public opinion." Xia Zili replied, "The main public opinion points are as follows."

"First, Dijing Group's large-scale layoffs led to the gathering of unemployed miners, and the government finally used force to suppress it, which affected the perception of urban blue-collar workers. This group of people is mainly low-income people engaged in manual labor, and their jobs change quickly. Unstable, the most sensitive to labor security, and the group most opposed to government-enterprise alliances.”

"Second, Yui Miyamoto's dog was brutally killed, but the murderer was not severely punished, causing some urban white-collar workers and student classes to be disappointed with the government. These people have a stable source of income, most of them have no worries about food and clothing, and usually do not have firm political views. Sometimes it is purely based on personal impressions, and it is also the swing group that is most likely to change camps."

"Third, Miwa Fujiwara, the wife of British Party member Qin Zhenglan, accused her husband of domestic violence. The government tried to mediate and get Miwa Fujiwara to stop the complaint, but she failed in the end and was exposed by her on the Internet, which caused the British Party to lose a large number of female voters. "

"The things you mentioned are all things that have already happened and are basically irreversible." Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "And these three incidents only narrowed the gap in support between the DPP and the British Party, and did not make the DPP The First Party has truly turned defeat into victory."

"So." Xia Zili was silent for a moment, then replied, "They finally chose to behead."

"What decapitation?" Xia Qingyu asked with raised eyebrows.

"Assassinate Governor Shi Di." Xia Zili said in a low voice, "On July 7th, before the election in Shinjuku District, an unemployed mental patient was mobilized on the spot, and he was shot in the left lung."

Xia Qingyu looked at her sister quietly, and had roughly confirmed how many memories she had recovered.

"Most of the prestige of the British Party is concentrated on Governor Shi Di himself." Xia Zili spoke quickly, "As long as Shi Di is not dead, no matter how much the Democratic Pioneer Party and the Federation stir up the wind and rain, it will be difficult to shake it. Shi Di's ticket warehouse iron plate."

"So, to save Gao Tianyuan, we must first ensure that Shi Di is not dead."

"Secondly, in this Fujiwara Miwa incident, try to reverse the offensive of public opinion, so that the DPP has no chance to narrow the gap in support."

"As long as Shi Di can win the election in the end, Bakht will not continue to park the ship in Gaotianyuan for another 4 years until the next round of the governor's election, right? As far as I know, every day a starship of this tonnage is parked , the consumed energy, sustaining materials, and loss costs are all astronomical..."

"It's useless." Xia Qingyu interrupted her.

"...What, mean?" Xia Zili asked blankly.

"It doesn't matter what happened to Miwa Fujiwara, whether Shi Di lives or dies in the end, it doesn't matter." Xia Qingyu said flatly, "It's all the same."

"Zili, you are going to hold a concert in Zhongnan City the day after tomorrow, so you should focus on your acting career."

"You don't have to worry too much about political matters."

Xia Zili stared blankly at her sister's side face, feeling as if her heart had fallen from heaven to hell, and the blood that was originally flowing hot in her chest was slowly stilling and cooling down.

"...Okay." She lowered her head after a while and said softly.

However, in her ears, a mother's bewitching whisper sounded:
"Is it really useless?"

"My sister already said that." Xia Zili said bitterly, "What else can I do?"

"Maybe it's just because she doesn't want Gao Tianyuan to be saved." There was a strange smile on the mother's face, as if the devil had seduced the little girl, "After all, as long as Gao Tianyuan really falls into the fire hell, then the human beings who escape here alive by boat The refugees, after certain propaganda methods and brainwashing, must regard Xia Qingyu as their savior and king."

"Sister is not that kind of person..." Xia Zili said in a low voice, but her voice soon wavered.

In the memory of the previous life, there are actually not many parts about the part after the destruction of Gao Tianyuan, but she can vaguely detect it:

... Later, I and my sister seemed to be...

... broke.


The next morning.

Chen Ziang woke up, changed his clothes, washed and went downstairs to cook for his sister.

The living room was quiet, there was no noise, and there was no trace of smashing things. It seemed that last night ended peacefully and nothing happened.

so good.

To be honest, Chen Ziang is not someone who wants to escape when encountering difficulties. The main reason is that it was already early in the morning last night, and he just experienced the Suwon Saori incident.

To be on the safe side, ask them how they were doing last night.

While flipping the poached eggs in a frying pan, Chen Ziang sent a message to the three of them asking.

Xia Qingyu didn't reply as usual, whether she didn't see it or ignored it; Yuegong Suzuna's message came in an instant, and Xia Zili was delayed by about half a minute.

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: No, we chatted for a while, Uncle Weimen drove to the door, and I left.

[Good at singing]: I'm sorry, my sister actually has no other intentions, she is mainly worried about my safety.

Chen Zi'ang confirmed that there was indeed no fight last night, and finally secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and chatted with the two of them for a while to end.

After taking care of his sister and having breakfast, he went out to work.

The light rail car was still full of people. I don’t know if it was because it was Friday. Everyone seemed to be full of energy, not as listless as Monday.

When I got off at the station and just left the light rail car, I saw a few young ladies holding leaflets, appealing to the passengers who got off the car to help sign.

Chen Ziang glanced at it casually, and the content seemed to be "against domestic violence".

You don't need to look at it to know, it must be that the Fujiwara Miwa incident yesterday has fermented from the Internet, and now it is beginning to have an influence offline.

When it comes to domestic violence, normal people are of course against it.However, it seems too much to make a fuss by signing a petition to put pressure on the government because of other people’s domestic violence incidents. Therefore, most office workers did not stop and leave their names. The staff attracted them and asked them to leave here quickly and not to disturb public order.

Chen Ziang stopped to look at it for a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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