The Witch's Taste

Chapter 241 Poisonous Oath

Chapter 241 Poisonous Oath
When he came to the Intelligence Bureau, Chen Ziang mentioned this matter to Yuegong Suzuna:
"... At that time, my inspiration noticed some problems, but I couldn't tell what was wrong specifically, and it only disappeared in a flash, so that I thought it was some kind of illusion."

"But this situation, according to mystic experience..." Suzuna Tsukimiya said thoughtfully, "The more it looks like an illusion, the less likely it is an illusion, right?"

"Yes." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "So just to be on the safe side, I wanted to check with them, but by the time I realized it, they had already been dispersed by the subway security guards."

"Yeah." Suzuna Tsukimiya pondered for a moment, "Leave it to me to investigate. I'll ask Izumo Yuuki."

After handing over the matter to Suzuna Yuegong, Chen Ziang was finally able to spare time to do the real "business".

Receive rewards for completing war missions.

After beheading "Water Source Saori", 2200 points of fire from the nest of the drowned have already arrived.

For the original Chen Ziang, 2200 fire seeds was a huge sum of money, after all, killing a ghoul only cost 3 fire seeds.But now, with the continuous expansion of the power pool, these thousands of fire seeds feel a bit stretched... You know, even if you summon a living dead to help with work, you need to pay more than 100 fire seeds!

Not to mention that he still has a life-saving key sealed item such as the blood-stained pin in his hand, and the cost of locking the injury is also high.The last time I tried it when I was fighting the Immortals at the Federation Embassy, ​​it cost about 20 points per second, which means that the 2200 points of fire can only maintain blood locks for less than 2 minutes...

Poor, I am so poor!

Silently turning on the power of dream walking, Chen Ziang arrived at the ancient city of Enrank first, and entered the temple where the altar of chaos was located.

The redemption list has not changed: [Profane Witchcraft] 50 points, [Avatar with Thousand Faces] 50 points, [Fear Night Demon] 500 points, and rank [Sacrifice] upgrade by 1000 points.

From the exchange price alone, one can know that the strongest power here is [Fear Night Demon]. However, it is said that after the Night Demon is summoned, it is difficult to control whether it is friend or foe, so Chen Ziang is still hesitating.

He turned his head and continued to activate his power, and went to the drowned Hailin of the living dead, and the city of Zubasa in the dying state.

For the Altar of Chaos in Drowned Sea Forest, the exchange list is exactly the same as that in the ancient city of Enrank.In other words, all city altars in the same faction share the same redemption list.

As for the altar of flesh and blood on the city of Zubasa, the three powers are [Scythe of Yin and Cold] 1000 points, [Plague Walker] 500 points, [Pan God's Name] 200 points, and the military rank [Lamb] is promoted by 100 points.

Considering that after the military rank is upgraded, there will be more powers that can be exchanged, Chen Ziang simply raised the rank of the flesh and blood camp first.

Perhaps the newly released powers have the ability to help my sister and solve her illness?

As the idea of ​​upgrading fell, the list of capabilities quickly became blurred.

When Chen Ziang stepped out of the underground altar, he saw the ghoul priest, Sarah Hek, walking out of the city gate corridor with a scepter in his hand.

"Brilliant victory! Your Excellency." Although wearing an exquisite hollowed-out skull mask, Sarah Hek's voice was beaming, with an undisguised smile, "I heard that you killed the witch of the Crystal of Wisdom ?”

"Uh..." Before Chen Ziang could decide how to respond, Sarah Hek had already walked beside him, and said enthusiastically, "The gods of the mist camp are freaks, if they are still planting chess pieces in the lower world , the vast majority of flesh-and-blood races will suffer greatly from it.”

"From this point of view, you have made great contributions to the flesh and blood camp, and my lord is very satisfied with your performance. It is a pity that the mother goddess has not targeted the fog camp now, and there is no corresponding war mission Otherwise, my lord will definitely reward you heavily."

Chen Ziang heard him talking about a lot of things, but the result was "no reward"... He was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with this ghoul, and interrupted him with a wave of his hand:

"Forget about the past, is there any war mission here?"

"The task of killing witches is gone." Sarah Hek replied, "Witches are not commonplace goods that can be seen everywhere. They can only be born in a world that is about to fall into turmoil and destruction. However, unless my lord personally We, the ghouls, have also commissioned the release of the war mission of sending down the oracle, so you can think about it."

Chen Ziang followed him to the square on the other side, and saw the papyrus nailed on the stone tablet. It said tasks such as "elimination of spiritual aberrations" and "detection of hostile races". Most of the rewards were 300 yuan. -500 meritorious service points vary.

In terms of difficulty, it is not 01:30 points easier than "Slaying the Witch".The only problem is that the mission locations are all within the Dying Realm, and they are quite far away from the city of Zubasa. It may take a lot of time and effort to go back and forth.

If Chen Ziang was not born in the system, but some kind of folk mystic scholar or vagrant, then of course he can accumulate fire seeds through these scattered tasks, anyway, he has a lot of free time every day.

But after all, he needs to go to work, and it is already eight or nine o'clock when he comes home at night, and he has to take care of his younger sister, and he is also harassed by girls on weekends. How can he have time to do these small independent tasks?

That is to say, the task of slaying the witch overlapped with his own job content, and he could do it by the way, even if he had to work part-time after get off work or something.


Not long after leaving the Dying Realm and returning to the real world, Chen Zi'ang received a message from Yuegong Suzuna.

The few women who called for a joint name in the subway did not come here on a whim, but were organized behind the scenes.In fact, members of the 13 light rail stations in Shinjuku District were all engaged in activities this morning, which alarmed the Shinjuku District Public Security Department.

As for the organization behind them, it is not the mutual aid association spontaneously organized online by the masses in the previous Takano Seiko case, but the "Parent-Teacher Association" in Zhongnan City-this is a serious official organization. Public institutions that protect the rights and interests of women and children are also part of the system.

"How could it be the Parent-Teacher Association?" Knowing the result, Chen Ziang was also taken aback. "I remember that this unit is responsible for urging families with school-age children to get vaccinated every year?"

"It's not just about vaccination." Suzuna Tsukimiya said helplessly, "It ranges from the 18R classification of audio-visual products, the approval of cultural festivals in elementary schools, junior high schools, etc., to the minor issues of various parents' dissatisfaction, the rising divorce rate in some neighborhoods, and what kind of career The fellowship between units...Anyway, as long as they can have something to do with women and minors, they can come and get involved."

"However, because the scope involved is too wide, this unit actually does not have much real power. Its main function is to respond to public opinion and supervise the society."

What Yue Gong Suzuna said, Chen Ziang, as a member of the old system, is naturally not too unfamiliar.

Institutions like this basically have no real power, so don't expect them to do things.In the same way, in order to show their sense of existence, they also have to jump out and make a fuss when necessary, otherwise they will really be ignored by the leaders above.

But the real question is, why did the Parent-Teacher Association in Zhongnan City come to work in Jibei City?

Within the system, meddling in the affairs of other people's jurisdiction is an absolute taboo!

Coupled with the abnormality of the previous flash of inspiration, Chen Ziang has reason to suspect that there must be something wrong with Zhongnan City... It just so happens that this weekend with Suzuna, we are going to Zhongnan City for a trip to a concert, so we can investigate it by the way .

"Speaking of which, are we going to Zhongnan City tonight?" Chen Ziang asked for confirmation.

"That's right, pick up Xiaozhu and leave." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied with a smile.

Xia Qingyu couldn't follow this trip, and Xia Zili was busy with the concert.Chen Xiaozhu can do whatever he wants, if I still can't eat senior, I will read my name, Yue Gong Suzuna, upside down!

(End of this chapter)

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