Chapter 244
The Parent-Teacher Association in Zhongnan City is located in a relatively simple four-story building.

A promotional poster was pasted on the wall near the door, with the headline written on it in Lu language and Island pinyin:

"Protect your child, please get vaccinated."

The Parent-Teacher Association, as a product of the private self-government reform policy of the second-generation Governor Shi Jintang, was originally formed by selecting well-known parents and teachers from the private community, with the aim of "building a healthier parent-child relationship and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women and children."

Obviously, the above is just a basket. It seems that anyone who works with women and children can be put in it, but in fact, they have no real power at all. They can only urge families with school-age children to get vaccinated. Nothing unsuitable for kids etc... just stuff that no one cares about anyway.

As the Fujiwara Miwa incident fermented, the Parent-Teacher Association finally hardened, and soon announced to the outside world that it would protect Fujiwara Miwa from family aggression and "fully support" her follow-up rights protection.

Considering that the consensus of the upper echelon on this matter is to "suppress the enthusiasm", the Parent-Teacher Association in Zhongnan City, as a public institution, is undoubtedly against the upper echelons by "making things bigger" ".

At the same time, because of the existence of Miwa Fujiwara as a victim, the higher-ups were unable to deal with the public institution, otherwise they would definitely be regarded as "victims of suppression" by public opinion-most people would not understand that "the public institution blatantly contradicts the superior" No matter how bad the behavior is in the system, they will only think that "those who support the victim are good people" and "those who attack good people are bad people", and they are unable to think about deeper logic.

Taking this into consideration, Chen Ziang and Yuegong Suzuna cannot reveal the identities of the agents of the Intelligence Bureau, they must sneak in secretly without being discovered.

At the gate of the building, the two saw a group of reporters guarding the gate from a long distance away, posing in the posture of "not waiting for the big news".

The old guard moved a stool and stood in front of these reporters, holding a newspaper in his hand and reading it slowly, with the courage of "thousands of troops and horses, I will not let them pass".

"Senior, what do you say?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked in a low voice.

"Think of a way not to alert anyone to sneak in." Chen Ziang replied.

If Xia Qingyu were here, she would be able to directly open the portal leading to the interior through her magical little silver key... Today, Chen Ziang counts the powers he has mastered, but finds that there is no similar hidden ability that can sneak in .

It would have been nice if I had exchanged the power of the "Avatar with Thousand Faces" before.

Tsukimiya Suzuna saw his entanglement, and immediately said:
"I do have an ability that can come in handy here. Senior, catch me quickly."

Chen Ziang grabbed her arm curiously, and suddenly felt the world spinning, and both of them were swallowed by the chaotic hurricane that was born on the spot.

In the next second, when the line of sight stabilized, there were already indoor furnishings around - the two were teleported to the interior of the building.

"What is your ability?" Chen Ziang asked in astonishment.

Before Tsukimiya Suzuna could reply, he quickly waved his hand and said:
"Forget it, I won't ask for now, let's find the target quickly."

The two sneaked from the first floor to the second floor, avoiding the employees in the office, and searched all the way to the third floor. Finally, in a small meeting room, they saw Fujiwara Miwa sitting on the sofa in a daze.

As a hot figure in this incident, Miwa Fujiwara's appearance is not a secret.At this time, she looked haggard and extremely depressed, just sitting on the sofa and swiping her phone boredly.

"Fujiwara Miwa." Chen Ziang opened the door and said in a low voice, "Can we talk?"

If the other party immediately yelled loudly, it is estimated that special measures can only be used, such as using [Touch of Entanglement] to defeat her reason... But Fujiwara Miwa just moved back subconsciously, showing a clearly nervous expression, and asked:

"Who are you?"

"We are the ones who want to help you." Tsukimiya Suzuna said gently.

Fujiwara Miwa was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, and said in a cold voice:

"If you are from the Qin family, or come to mediate and persuade me not to defend my rights, please go back."

"We are not from the Qin family." Chen Ziang said frankly, "We want to help you."

"Oh?" Fujiwara Miwa raised her brows and looked at him carefully for a moment, as if to confirm whether there were signs of lying on his face.

After a while, she tentatively asked cautiously:

"Then how are you going to help me?"

"First of all, I want him to pay the price." Fujiwara Miwa rolled up his sleeves, revealing the dense wounds on it, and said in a hateful voice, "These...these...are all when he quarreled on weekdays and beat me to the point where I was scarred evidence of……"

Chen Ziang looked carefully for a moment, his expression became serious, and he said:

"Ms. Fujiwara, he caused serious violence to you during marriage. As long as you go with us to a notary institution for a physical examination as evidence, you can send him to prison through legal means."

"I don't want him to go to jail!" Fujiwara Miwa gritted his teeth, "What's the use of going to jail? With the background of the Qin family, it's just offering food and drink in prison!"

"The Qin family has cut him off." Yue Gong Ling Nai said aloud, "This time the matter is very big, and the price he needs to pay to protect him is greater than his own value, so there will be no situation that you worry about in terms of punishment. "

Fujiwara Miwa was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said:
"It's not enough, I...I want him to suffer the same pain as me!"

"That's easy to handle." Tsukimiya Suzuna said immediately, "We can ask someone to beat him up. All the injuries he caused you, including slaps, punches, blunt instrument beatings and cigarette butt burns, can be copied in his Body. The Qin family should be willing to use these things in exchange for your understanding and resignation. "

Chen Ziang was a little surprised, because this method of "tit for tat" was obviously illegal.But after thinking about it, this matter is now raging like a turmoil, causing the top leaders of the British Party to be overwhelmed. It seems that it has risen to the political level, and the law really doesn't apply here.

Miwa Fujiwara was speechless, and said after a while:
"Is my pain just a physical injury? Mental?"

Seeing that she still refused to give up, Tsukimiya Suzuna also had some headaches, and said patiently:

"How do you make up for the mental damage? Do you plan to beat him yourself to vent your anger, or do you want him to apologize publicly and ruin your reputation? Or do you want to use cash to compensate? As long as your request is not too exaggerated, I think the Qin family will compromise... ..."

Before she finished speaking, Fujiwara Miwa suddenly screamed and fell on the sofa with her head in her arms.

"Lina!" Chen Ziang quickly grabbed Yuegong Lingna's hand, and activated the power of dream walking.

The two disappeared from the spot in an instant, sneaking into Fujiwara Miwa's consciousness space.

After a while, several other people came from the next door and saw Miwa Fujiwara lying on the sofa.

"What's going on?" someone asked.

"It seems that the rationality has been impacted." Another person observed, "It may be that the obsession we implanted conflicted with her own rationality."

"Then reinforce it, who will come?"

"I'll come." The third person said, "The holy artifact is with me."

He walked towards Miwa Fujiwara on the sofa, took out a cross with a silver pendant from his trouser pocket, stuck it on Miwa Fujiwara's forehead, and said in a low voice:
"Anyone who harms you will be punished, otherwise you can't stop."

The light of the cross was weak but dazzling, and slowly penetrated into Fujiwara Miwa's temples, and her twitching body gradually settled down.

 Add more, make up for the previous leave, and make up for the new leader's add later

(End of this chapter)

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