The Witch's Taste

Chapter 245 Give It To Me

Chapter 245 Give It To Me
Fujiwara Miwa's subconscious space seems to be her and Qin Zhenglan's single-family villa in Ping'an District.

However, the interior of the originally ornately decorated house was now full of spilled blood, presenting a strange and terrifying atmosphere.

Chen Ziang held down the mandala magic sword, grabbed Yuegong Lingna who had just stood firm, and said:
"There is a mysterious force in her consciousness at work."

"So that's how it is." Yue Gong Suzuna nodded and said, "No wonder I thought she was fine at first, but suddenly she seemed to be suffering from epilepsy... But, senior."

"what happened?"

"The next time you take me to activate the power transfer position, can you tell me in advance?" Tsukimiya Suzuna complained, "I was almost caught off guard and fell!"

"Sorry, it seemed that someone outside heard the sound and rushed over..."

"Or to prevent me from falling, senior can take me away in the posture of a princess." Yue Gong Ling Naitu said with a smile, "This way I won't fall."

"Okay, next time I will tell you in advance." Chen Ziang said speechlessly.

He looked around again and ordered:
"Turn on inspiration, let's search."

"Okay." Yue Gong Suzuna responded obediently.

The two walked around the living room on the first floor for a while, and found nothing unusual, so they turned their attention to the second floor.

"Speaking of it." Suzuna Tsukimiya asked curiously, "Senior, why do you think Fujiwara Miwa refuses to go to court?"

"Because what she wants, legal means can't give her." Chen Ziang replied.

"Then what does she want?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked again.

"In similar cases, most victims need financial compensation." Chen Ziang came to the second floor and looked at the doors on both sides of the corridor. According to a certain witch, she is looking for a way to curse the villain, hoping to kill her husband and get a sky-high insurance money."

"and then?"

"Unfortunately, the villain she pierced was a source of pollution." Chen Ziang replied, "That thing mutated into a black ghost and killed her husband and children."

"But Fujiwara Miwa's request should not be this." Tsukimiya Suzuna said thoughtfully, "If she wants money, the Qin family should be willing to pay her a large sum of money to shut her up."

"I actually noticed it a little bit." Chen Ziang said in a deep voice, "What she wants is a husband who still loves her and won't beat her."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment, then said in astonishment:
"It's impossible! Uh... Senior said that, it seems to have some truth."

"Not all victims of domestic violence hope to make a clean break with their perpetrators." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "The statistics of the cases handled by the Public Security Bureau show that in more than [-]% of domestic violence cases, after the operatives admonished the perpetrators, the victims clearly express that they do not want a divorce."

"But I read the comments on the Internet, and in the case of domestic violence, more than 99% of the comments are advising divorce." Tsukimiya Suzuna said thoughtfully.

"Of course." Chen Ziang replied, "Persuading people to divorce can give these onlookers a sense of moral satisfaction in 'saving people'. As for how the victim will support the broken single-parent family after divorce, how to take care of the psychologically injured children, these The price doesn't need to be borne by the crowd, so of course they're calling for a divorce."

"Similarly, for the victims, the uncertainty and negative impact of divorce are in front of them, but they don't need to pay any price to expect the other party to change their ways and give up violence, so the vast majority of victims will choose to forgive the other party. These phenomena The essence behind it is actually the side of human nature that seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages."

"So that's the case." Tsukimiya Suzuna nodded and said, "Then about Fujiwara Miwa, is senior planning to persuade her to leave or to persuade her to make peace?"

Chen Ziang didn't answer, but just pushed open the door of the next room.

Fujiwara Miwa was hiding behind the door to eavesdrop, and suddenly found that the door was opened, staggered back a few steps in fright, and leaned against the wardrobe.

"Divorce is still about forgiving the other party. No one is qualified to make the decision for her except the person concerned." Chen Ziang looked at Miwa Fujiwara and replied, "Ms. Fujiwara, I said that we are here to help you, so I will The objective situation will tell you, let you make your own decision.”

"The impact of this incident is very great. After being spread by some media, it can even be said to have 'caused public outrage'."

"If you choose to divorce, the Qin family will definitely give enough compensation in exchange for you not to speak out about this matter publicly."

"What about Qin Zhenglan?" Fujiwara Miwa tried to stabilize her expression, and then asked in a low voice.

"In three to five years, he should be hidden by the Qin family." Yuegong Lingnai replied, "After this matter is completely forgotten, he should still come back."

"But if you choose to forgive the other party, then Qin Zhenglan will definitely not continue domestic violence against you, because he cannot afford the corresponding consequences."

"The price is that you will become a virtual marriage." Chen Ziang added, "Qin Zhenglan needs to show his 'repentant' side to restore his political reputation. You should know that once the marriage is mixed with core interests, then Most likely there won’t be much real feelings left.”

"Can't..." Fujiwara Miwa stammered, "Let him really change his past, and then... let's go back to the way we were in the past?"

"How is it possible?" Yue Gong Suzuna said with a smile, "Actually, if you chose to seek help from the Qin family instead of seeking media exposure when something happened, you would never have reached this point..."

"Let me tell you, Suzuna." Chen Ziang interrupted her, "Ms. Fujiwara, no matter what you choose, the possibility of restoring your relationship is very small. Because when you choose to find the media, your behavior is Destroy your husband's career. Regardless of whether he deserves it or not, it's clearly impossible for him to continue to think of you as his wife in his heart."

Miwa Fujiwara looked at him blankly, until she finally couldn't hold it anymore, knelt down on the spot and sobbed loudly, buried her head deeply in her knees.

"I..." She almost broke down in tears, "I don't know, I actually... I just want to teach him a lesson... It's just that they said... They said, we must make a big deal..."

"Who said it was going to make a big deal?" Chen Ziang asked eagerly.

Before Fujiwara Miwa could answer, the sound of morning bells and evening drums suddenly sounded around, as if countless people were chanting sutras together:

"do not give up!"

"it serves him right!"

"Let him pay the price!"

Chen Ziang made a decisive decision: "Lingna!"

"Okay!" Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly stepped forward and controlled Miwa Fujiwara.

From her hands, a liquid-like thick shadow seeped out, quickly blocking Fujiwara Miwa's ears, preventing her from being affected by the sound.

Chen Ziang quickly drew out the mandala magic sword, and saw golden ribbons appear in the surrounding void.

On the streamer, there are dense eyes, which are staring at Miwa Fujiwara without blinking at this moment, while the brainwashing chant continues:

"Continue to expose him!"

"Absolutely intolerable!"

"Teach him a lesson!"

Without hesitation, Chen Ziang drew his sword and cut through the streamer like lightning.Golden blood flowed from the torn eyes, and the streamers pulled away instantly like a frightened snake, scurrying around the room.


In the real world, the three of them guarding Fujiwara Miwa suddenly found that the white light of her temple was dimming.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked.

"The effect of the holy artifact is declining." Another person said with a frown.

"Could it be that you used it improperly?"

"How is it possible! I follow the instructions given by the elf and make offerings every day!"

"You must have made a mistake in reciting the scriptures, and now something is wrong."

"Don't worry, I'll use it again..."

He took out the silver pendant cross from his pocket again, and was about to stick it to Miwa Fujiwara's temple, when suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and snatched the cross away.

"Oh, what a beautiful pendant!" The upright monster with black horns held the cross in its hand and let out a clear and melodious laugh.

"Give it to me, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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