The Witch's Taste

Chapter 273 Assassination!

Chapter 273 Assassination!

Chen Ziang has never studied finance, but he probably knows that the most critical issue of this "payment to all people" policy is "where does the money come from?"

If the district public reserve distributes money, it is essentially that the government collects taxes from large companies and then distributes it to most people with lower incomes. This is essentially income redistribution, and of course there is no problem - but the public reserve will mostly take it. Don't pay this money.

If the Central Reserve Bank prints money and creates something out of thin air, how can the inflation caused by it be solved?The biggest opposition in this regard is not from the public, but from businesses.Because many small and medium-sized enterprises whose financial situation can barely maintain profits and losses cannot bear the increase in raw material costs caused by inflation.

The prices of daily necessities have increased, and ordinary people can continue to buy them even if they bite the bullet.When the price of raw materials increases, the factory owners will immediately go bankrupt and stop the losses when they see the losses. The enterprise is equivalent to "dead".

Chen Ziang continued browsing. In response to possible protests from social enterprises, the Democratic First Party indeed proposed corresponding solutions. The second election manifesto was "tax reduction."

Reduce taxes for SMEs to help them get rid of the negative effects of inflation.

Print money and distribute it to the people, and reduce the tax burden on enterprises. It seems that both parties are satisfied, and everyone is happy. There is only one question left:
What about finances?

Taxation is the main source of fiscal revenue for the star region, and corporate taxation accounts for a large part of it. If you just slash the big head, what will happen to the missing part of the fiscal revenue?
The Democratic First Party gave its third election manifesto: "Technology introduction."

Allowing Bakht mining ships to move in and mine minerals deep in the earth's crust will help the mining industry's economy rise against the trend.In the words of Zhongnan City’s current political commentator, “Although the corporate tax rate has been reduced, the overall tax revenue has increased, which is a dream-like good thing.”

As for other things such as "legislating to protect animal rights", "promoting equal rights for disadvantaged groups", and even "reconsidering whether to be independent from the imperial system", etc., they are basically empty words and do not require too much attention.

The main thing is the three tricks in the front, the logic is indeed fairly complete, and there are no too fatal flaws.The answer to the most critical question of "where does the money come from" is the interstellar conglomerate Bakht Group. After all, wasn't that what the second-generation governor Shi Jintang did?The exchange of resources for foreign exchange, foreign exchange for equipment, and equipment for industry has driven the leap of Gaotianyuan's overall economy.

If the Bakht mining ship really has deep mining technology, then these three axes are even very feasible... But the reason why the British Party does not operate in this way is because they are well aware of the urinary nature of the elves and doubt Bakht mining. The boat is a disguise.

Chen Ziang knew better. This was basically a fatal blow to Gao Tianyuan. Therefore, these three axes were fundamentally impossible to achieve. It was just that the people were kept in the dark.

"If this is such a propaganda strategy." He thought for a moment and said, "If the British party questions the safety of the Bakht mining ship, how will the other party respond?"

"They don't need to respond at all." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "Because the collective consciousness of the people is similar to that of animals. They naturally like good things and reject bad things."

"As long as the 'Bakht mining ship' is linked to 'paying money to the whole people', denying the 'Bakht mining ship' means denying 'paying money to the whole people', and naturally a large number of people will choose to believe that the mining ship can save the economy - Painting Bread cannot satisfy hunger, but hungry people do not grow brains.”

"Did you take advantage of the weaknesses of human nature..." Chen Ziang thought about it.

"What would you do if you faced this situation?" Xia Qingyu suddenly asked.

"Suppose I am the district governor?" Chen Ziang was silent for a moment and said, "I have an idea: falsely declare to the outside world that 'we are also considering cooperating with the Bakht Group to station mining ships in Gaotianyuan'."

"Secretly sending people to release false news, saying that Bakht had offered exorbitant terms that would be humiliating and humiliating the country, such as allowing the federal mining tycoon to move in and crush local mining companies; another example is that elf tourists enjoy 'extraterritoriality' in Takamagahara, and in Jibei City They have no right to be tried after committing a crime... and then let the official publicly declare that it is pure rumors and there is no such thing, but they avoid talking about the specific terms of cooperation, making the public subconsciously suspicious."

"It's a clumsy plagiarism. What it plagiarizes is the stupid tactics of the Democratic First Party, which incites racial antagonism and xenophobia. It just instigates the relationship between the island people and the elves." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "Do you know where you went wrong?"

"Oh, where is it?" Chen Zi'ang originally just said it casually, and asked with a smile without getting angry.

"Because this is a 'little skill', not a 'big road'." Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "You can have all the skills and methods to govern a country, but you can't have skills but no methods. The Democratic Party plays like this because it is currently in the opposition, even if it makes mistakes Not many people take it seriously; if the Kuomintang Party plays such an unflattering trick, once the matter is revealed, it will have a huge blow to its long-standing reputation in power."

"If it really had any prestige in governing, the Guoying Party would not be in a state of distress now." Chen Ziang said doubtfully. "Of course the prestige of governing exists, although I don't expect you to understand it." Xia Qingyu said mockingly, "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. But have you ever seen anyone throw away the crown on their own initiative? Not all of them. Just hold on to the weight and move forward."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Chen Ziang asked again.

"Nothing can be done." Xia Qingyu said hehely, "You'd better think about your options and stop worrying about the Kuomintang Party. It's not you who is sitting in the position of district governor now."

She gave the eviction order without mercy, and Chen Ziang could only stand up.

When they came to the door, they heard Xia Qingyu say:
“Instead of thinking about how to save a stall that is riddled with holes, why not wait until it collapses and then rebuild it?”

"Because it will kill many people if it collapses." Chen Ziang replied, "I can't bear it."

"The laws of nature will not change just because you can't bear it." Xia Qingyu commented disdainfully, "The so-called morality and conscience are just artificially defined rules to maintain the social structure. But if you can't even maintain your own survival , then morality and conscience will not have any meaning."

"The first priority of the universe is survival, right?" Chen Ziang said with a smile, "A classic imperial saying."

"But I feel that if only a few people can escape from Takamagahara, even if they successfully escape to the Federation, they will not have the power to protect themselves in the future... So I still want to save as many people as possible, so let me try my best. .”

"I didn't stop you." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "It's none of my business."

She slammed the door shut.

Although she seemed to be kicked out, if Xia Qingyu really didn't intend to help, why did she open the door for herself late at night just now?

This level of duplicity is not the Two-dimensional version of tsundere at all, but more like...

...Some kind of helplessness?
Chen Ziang took the light rail again and returned home exhausted. He didn't even bother to change his clothes, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

I slept deeply this time, without any mysterious force disturbing me. I even missed the alarm clock for some reason the next morning.

At around [-]:[-] in the morning, Chen Ziang, who had been sleeping in a daze, was finally awakened by the rapid ringing of his cell phone.

"Chen Zi'ang!" Xia Zili's voice came from the mobile phone, "At the governor's election debate, an assassin opened fire!"

Chen Ziang suddenly became excited and woke up:

"Is Shi Di dead?"

"No." Xia Zili said hesitantly, "When the attack happened, Shi Di hadn't entered the scene yet, so I didn't have time to stop it."

"The target of the assassin's attack was... Iwata Aokawa."

(End of this chapter)

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