The Witch's Taste

Chapter 274 Deaf and Blind

Chapter 274 Deaf and Blind
The incident happened at the Ping An District TV station, at the governor's election debate.

Iwata Aokawa took the field first as the candidate of the Democratic First Party.When the live broadcast time came, Governor Shi Di was still on the road due to temporary reasons, so the program team arranged for Iwata Aokawa to give a political statement first.

The lecture lasted 10 minutes. By the time he finished his lecture, Shi Di had almost arrived and was ready, so he could take over.

Since he had already announced ten propositions for his candidacy yesterday, "giving money to all people" ranked first among them, which also caused an uproar on the Internet. Therefore, as Iwata Aokawa started to speak, the ratings of the program began to increase sharply, and there were even some Many office workers secretly take out their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast at the company and want to know how the money is distributed, how much it is, and when it is distributed.

During the live broadcast, Iwata Aokawa did not deliberately sell out (after all, everyone is here for this, and it would be too hateful to make a mystery). He frankly said that the specific amount has not yet been determined, but it is estimated that it will not be less than 2000 yuan, nor will it be What form of consumer coupon?

He then claimed that there is currently no difficulty in “distributing money to all the people” and that there are only “some difficult objections”, but he will work hard to overcome it if he is elected.

Then, Iwata Qingchuan talked about other campaign proposals one after another, such as corporate tax cuts, technology introduction, animal rights protection, racial equality, etc. His opinions were relatively radical, and he also won a lot of applause from the Internet.

In fact, anyone with a little bit of political common sense will know that these things are either difficult to implement or "press the gourd and the ladle floats". While satisfying the demands of these people, it is likely to offend another group of people. ...So Iwata Aokawa is most likely just writing a down payment.

Just like when Shi Boen was running for office, he emphasized industrial transformation every year, "shifting the focus from the mining industry to the interstellar tourism industry" and "letting foreign tourists come to enjoy the snow scenery and hot springs of Gaotianyuan". As a result, until his death, interstellar tourism The overall income has not improved much.

In the final analysis, it is because voters only want to hear what they want to hear, and will not consider the difficulty or even possibility of implementation.In short, after Iwata Qingchuan's talk, it is not clear whether the polls have changed, but the ratings have broken the historical record.

Then something unexpected happened.

When the debate assistant Shimabukuro Hatadai came on stage and handed Iwata Aokawa water, someone in the audience stood up and approached the front desk. Before the court officials could stop him, he took out a pistol from his arms and shot Iwata Aokawa in the head. right breast.

Iwata Aokawa fell to the ground on the spot, and the murderer was knocked down by the running attendants. The scene was immediately chaotic, and all of this was exposed to the live broadcast footage with high ratings.

"...In short, that's how it is." Xia Zili finally said, "When the shooting happened, Shi Di happened to arrive at the TV station not long ago, and was being put on by the staff backstage. After hearing the news, he went out to confirm the situation."

"Fortunately, there was only this one attacker at the scene, and he was quickly subdued. The bullet hit Iwata Aokawa's right shoulder blade. After initial rescue, it was confirmed that his life was not in danger, but it is said that the fragments of the warhead It may remain in the body and require long-term hospitalization, so the Democratic Party is in big trouble this time..."

"No, we are in big trouble." Chen Ziang sighed.

"Why?" Xia Zili asked in confusion.

"Iwata Aokawa will definitely continue to participate in the election." Chen Ziang explained, "and public opinion will definitely say that it was members of the Kuomintang party who assassinated him."

"But why?" Xia Zili said in disbelief, "Wouldn't it be possible to know the murderer's background just by interrogating him?"

"What is important is not the murderer's background, but the 'murderer's background' that the public is willing to believe." Chen Ziang said in a solemn tone, "He just said he wanted to 'distribute money to all the people,' but there may be 'opposition'. He was attacked and assassinated on the back foot, what do you think the audience watching the live broadcast will think?"

"But..." Xia Zili wanted to say something more, but then she thought about how confident she was before and told Chen Ziang, "The eyes of the masses are sharp." She suddenly became speechless again.

"Anyway, you can continue to look at Shi Di." Chen Ziang sighed, "But if this is the case, Shi Di's personal safety...may not be important anymore."

After hanging up the phone with Xia Zili, Chen Ziang finished washing and left the bedroom. As soon as he went downstairs to the living room, he saw Tsukinomiya Suzuna pushing the door in from outside.

"Senior!" she said hurriedly, "have you heard the news that just happened?"

"I heard about it." Chen Ziang nodded and said, "So what happened?"

"Public opinion has exploded." Tsukimiya Suzuna said concisely, "This attack is really unexpected. Online comments are overwhelming that the sector government is assassinating dissidents. What's even more shocking is that the government's official accounts on major platforms have been unable to publish new updates. News." "Unable to release the news?" Chen Ziang frowned.

"Yes." Tsukimiya Suzuna showed him a screenshot of her mobile phone, "That's it, no matter it's short videos, Weibo... official accounts cannot send messages. Clicking 'Publish' will display 'Your account status is abnormal', and the message will not be sent at all." stay home."

"It's all software from the federal company." Chen Ziang thought thoughtfully and said, "Is this preventing the official from speaking out? It's not necessary. The local TV stations are not yet under their control. The British Party can hold a press conference to explain the situation."

"But the press conference cannot be held just now." Tsukimiya Suzuna sighed. "At least enough reporters must be summoned, right? This will take a certain amount of time, and it is likely to miss the prime time window to guide public opinion in the early stage."

"What's more, it's working time now. Many people are working in the company. It's impossible to watch TV. You can only use your mobile phone to check news online!"

Chen Ziang was immediately horrified, vaguely aware of the terrifying power of this combination of punches.

"What about the TV station's account on the major video websites?" He asked again to confirm, "For example, record the program into a video and send it to the video website?"

"Let me confirm." Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly pressed the phone.

After a moment, she shook her head:

"No, it won't work. The official accounts of the TV stations in Ping An District, Shinjuku District, and Mikawa District on all major platforms have all been in 'abnormal status.' Other TV stations have not confirmed it yet, but they are probably about the same."

"Where's the temporary trumpet?"

"Small accounts... don't have many fans, so they can only rely on the platform's smart push."

As they talked, both of them fell silent.

Was taken by the general.

In Chen Ziang's mind, the words Xia Qingyu said before suddenly rang out.

Whatever you try.

It's all the same anyway.

...Yes, the Internet market in Gaotianyuan is completely occupied by the Federation. All the software that everyone is accustomed to using is developed by the Federation.At this critical moment, people only need to do some background operations to instantly make you blind and deaf without knowing it. You can only see the words they want you to see and hear the sounds they want you to hear... …

"We have to keep going to Internet cafes." Chen Ziang said with a wry smile, "At least the hardware is not on our side, or else we will just turn off the lights and cut off the wireless network."

"...Isn't it possible?" Suzuna Tsukinomiya said hesitantly, "If the Internet is disconnected, wouldn't it affect a wider area? At that time, some people will definitely say that the district government is controlling speech..."

"Could the next situation be worse?" Chen Ziang sighed.

"Let me ask Song Mingyuan what he said." Tsukimiya Suzuna started typing at a fast speed again.

(End of this chapter)

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