The Witch's Taste

Chapter 275 Xia Zili comes forward

Chapter 275 Xia Zili comes forward
"We are also studying this matter." Regarding Tsukimiya Suzuna's inquiry, Song Mingyuan did not ignore her because of her young age. He just replied, "But the uncontrollable risk of disconnecting the network is too great."

"In the current election between the two parties, although the other party has used off-the-shelf tactics, all sectors of society are unaware of this. On the contrary, if we choose to physically cut off the network, it will definitely frighten the public, and in their eyes, It was us who did not follow the rules in the first place, so the ensuing backlash may even exceed the current public opinion pressure."

"So, the more urgent the moment, the less likely you are to make mistakes while busy, and you still have to focus on stability."

"Okay." Tsukimiya Suzuna thought the same thing.

The other party's account is blocked quietly, and other users don't even know about it.But if the Internet is cut off, the entire population of Takamagahara will be alarmed, and some of them may even not pay much attention to politics. Then they find that the Internet signal suddenly disappears, and they will also become dissatisfied with the Kuoying Party.

"It seems we have no choice." She sighed pretendingly, "Senior, it's not that we are too useless, it's just that the enemy is too powerful."

Although she sighed sadly on her face, Tsukimiya Suzuna was happy in her heart.

She had no feelings for Gao Tianyuan. It was more than enough to move all the relatives and friends she knew in this life onto the ship, so she didn't care whether the planet would be destroyed.

Besides, if Gao Tianyuan is destroyed, wouldn’t senior have no choice but to take my ship?
The empire refuses to open its borders, and the Federation that opens its borders has evil intentions. Although the galaxy is huge, the only place for me, senior, is my ship!

It's my boat!mine!
She was thinking happily in her heart, but she heard Chen Ziang frown and say:
"Something's wrong."

"What's wrong?" Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly continued to pretend to be sentimental and asked carefully.

"Song Mingyuan's attitude is too calm." Chen Ziang said.

"Maybe he's just a deep man." Tsukimiya Suzuna disagreed, "I've never seen him panic or scared before."

"What I mean is," Chen Ziang explained, "His attitude reminds me of a person."


"Xia Qingyu."

At the mention of this name, Tsukimiya Suzuna's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then she said slowly:

"Senior, what you mean is that he actually doesn't care whether the National British Party wins the election?"

"In other words, he has already found a way out." Chen Ziang whispered, "He no longer intends to stay on this ship, so how can he care about how to repair the ship?"

"I don't know what the internal situation of the Guoying Party was like in the original timeline, but if even people of Song Mingyuan's level have begun to think about how to find a way out after losing the election, it is basically impossible to win the election. Bar."

"Yes." Tsukimiya Suzuna couldn't deny this, and could only comfort her, "Senior, as of now, we can only rely on us."

"Yes." Chen Ziang took out his cell phone and started calling Xia Zili.

Tsukimiya Suzuna: ……………

No, when I say "rely on us" I mean you and me!Don’t take anyone else with you!

She quietly pricked up her ears. Fortunately, Chen Ziang just asked Xia Zili to come back and gathered at Xia Qingyu's house. Everyone continued to discuss the follow-up countermeasures.

Nowadays, under the turbulent public opinion, the probability of defeat of the Kuomintang Party is extremely high, and the countdown to Takamagahara's outcome has begun. As "aboard this big ship that is about to sink", "the few "passengers" who know that the ship is about to sink" , everyone must also carry out self-rescue operations as soon as possible.


"So why do you have to gather at my house?" Xia Qingyu crossed her arms and asked coldly. The aura around her seemed to freeze everything into ice.

"Because if it were set up somewhere else, I'm worried you wouldn't come." Chen Ziang said truthfully.Then Xia Qingyu's face became even more disgusting.

Xia Zili sat blankly on the chair next to her, seeming a little depressed.

She had previously told Chen Ziang that "the eyes of the masses are sharp," but when she turned around, the crowd stabbed her in the back. Under the manipulation of public opinion by the federation behind the scenes, they frantically attacked the district government. No one even thought about "what if it's true?" It was an assassination, why did the attacker only fire one bullet?"

Even if your marksmanship is poor and you can't control the recoil, then you can at least squeeze the trigger and shoot out all the bullets in the magazine, right?As long as one bullet hits the internal organs, the opponent will probably not survive - now only one bullet was fired, and it hit the right shoulder blade, which is proof of the "accurate marksmanship".

She also tried to open a small account to raise questions online. Unexpectedly, the netizens who were questioned did not discuss the truth with her at all. They just labeled her as a "government troll" and then ridiculed and slandered her wildly.

She spent a lot of time writing a long, well-founded post to analyze the truth of the attack... Then the post was blocked, and the reason given by the administrator was "too many reports , temporarily blocked for review."

She was really helpless now.She has the ability to kill thousands of Gaotian people, but she can't change the thoughts in the minds of these thousands of Gaotian people.

She tried her best to save these people, but these people didn't want to be saved.

Xia Zili was depressed, Tsukimiya Suzuna pretended to be depressed but was secretly happy inside. Xia Qingyu even made no secret of her gloating mood, with a sarcastic sneer always on her face, as if to say, "I knew this was the case."

Seeing that none of the three people had the intention to speak, Chen Ziang could only play the role of leader and said proactively:

"Judging from the current trend of public opinion, the public support of the two parties may be about to reverse."

"Not yet... not sure yet." Xia Zili said weakly, "There is still some time before the election, maybe... maybe everyone will calm down again by then."

What she said was not very convincing at all, because the Federation would definitely not stop taking action, so Suzuna Tsukimiya just looked at her with pity in her eyes and did not bother to refute this statement.

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then said:

"Well, it's not necessarily true. It's just that the probability of it happening is very high, so let's estimate it based on the Democratic Party coming to power."

"After the Democratic Party came to power, Iwata Aokawa would inevitably allow Bakht mining ships to enter in order to fulfill his pre-election promise and win federal support to consolidate power."

"According to some of my investigations, it can be confirmed that the mining ship should carry some kind of ritual that can awaken a certain god sealed deep in the planet..."

Chen Ziang told the three of them in detail about the information he got from "Sura the Lightless", only to hear Yue Gong Ling Nai say:
"Based on what I know about the elves, they probably won't put all their eggs in the same basket. Otherwise, what if someone hijacks the mining ship?"

"According to the consistent behavior of elves, the subject of the ritual may indeed be on the mining ship, but the control core will definitely be elsewhere. In this way, even if the mining ship loses control, the other party cannot tamper with the control ritual itself."

"In other words, if we can find this control core, we actually don't have to attack the heavily guarded Bakht mining ship."

"Hmm." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "Ashless Shura did mention that there is a certain 'sacrificial instrument' in this ritual. Could it be the core of controlling the ritual itself?"

Xia Zili suddenly stood up.

"I'll go," she said seriously, "I'll go find Trauch Klublev and ask him what he knows about the conspiracy of the Bakht Group and where the sacrificial vessel might be hidden... The sacrificial vessel and the ritual cannot be separated. It’s too far, it must be somewhere in Takamagahara.”

"Are you really going to ask your brother?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said in a lazy tone, "Although there is no actual evidence in the past life, with the consistent urination of the Klublev family, even if they did not participate in Bach I definitely support the plan to destroy Takamagahara with both hands."

"It would be better if he participated." Xia Zili said solemnly, "In that case, I will risk my life to stop him."

 Some readers have reported that they prefer to watch emotional dramas. In fact, the main line and the emotional line are not completely separate, and it does not mean that promoting the main line means that the emotional line has no progress.Because the male and female protagonists previously had their own jobs, the emotional scenes were mainly "daily posts" during non-working hours.But in the future, when everyone faces a life-or-death crisis, they must join forces to "help each other". In this way, in addition to the "daily posts", the emotional drama can also naturally add the content of "fighting side by side". Otherwise, it will be easy to create "daily posts" if it is always written. Fatigue and aesthetic fatigue - creating a new environment for emotional drama, this is the meaning of advancing the main plot.

(End of this chapter)

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