The Witch's Taste

Chapter 281 There are always many villains

Chapter 281 The villain always talks a lot
Bakht mining ship, its model is indeed a mining ship, its hull is divided into mining area, equipment area and security area.

Needless to say, the mining area originally housed huge planet-level drilling wells, specifically used to mine minerals inside asteroids.Now it has been completely dismantled, and mystical scholars have used various relics and taboo runes to arrange extremely complex deity rituals.

The equipment area contains the equipment needed for most starships, such as life support equipment, energy stores, engines, etc.; as for the security area, the interstellar mining workers originally lived there, but now they have been replaced by the organic Bakht security force.

Captain Bakht checked the surveillance inside the ship. The location where the attackers invaded was located in the equipment area, but it was quickly divided into three:
One of them had an extremely simple and rough fighting style. He endured a large number of attacks and blocks, killed people and smashed walls, and walked out of a straight line. It seemed that he was heading towards the trance ceremony in the mining area.

The second person is much weirder. Even the camera can't capture her true appearance. She just keeps jumping and flashing in a dark hurricane of shadows, shuttling from one cabin to another, completely ignoring the various cabin structures in between. Its target seems to be the "cargo" imprisoned in the warehouse.

The paths forward for these two men are extremely clear, and their goals can be easily deduced.But the last man's route was a little strange, as if he was searching the surrounding cabins... Before he attacked, he released a large amount of black mist, blocking all monitoring probes, and then started killing in the darkness.

After the black fog dissipated, the corpses scattered around appeared in different forms.Some seemed to have been cut in two by sharp objects, some were directly smashed to death by blunt objects, and some were transformed into strange living dead, staggering around aimlessly.

The captain quickly made a decision to gather a large number of troops in the direction of the mining area and try to stop the first person - because the ceremony site was the most critical and could not be missed.

Near the equipment area, Chen Ziang has cleared away the surrounding enemies and roughly figured out the overall structure of the mining ship.

Nowadays, his fighting style is very simple. At the beginning, he uses the black mist of [Scythe of Coldness] to cover the surrounding area, directly blocking the vision of all enemies.

These black fogs not only block light, but also absorb the surrounding heat, making neither infrared nor thermal imaging cameras effective.

Then there is the summoning of [Touch of the Abyss], the summoning of [Song of the Drowned], and summoning objects to attack the enemy from a safe rear... It’s not that I’m a coward, but these elven soldiers all hold firearms and use the Mandala Sword. Close combat is too dangerous.

As for using the Song of the Drowned to transform living people... he initially thought it was a bit too evil, but now that the fate of the entire Gao Tianyuan is at stake, Chen Ziang has no way to be kind and can only achieve his goal by any means or at any cost. .

The previous ones who were transformed were all elf soldiers, and they knew nothing about the plans of the top leaders of the Bakht family; when it came to the three living dead in No. 20, they finally caught a certain small leader. The memory they retained before their death said that they "saw a The big shot was escorted by his colleagues and headed toward the negative third floor of the ship."

After Chen Ziang got the clue, he didn't bother to look for a passage to the lower level of the ship. He directly summoned the touch of the abyss and started smashing the floor.

Compared to the extreme sharpness of the Yinhan Scythe, the characteristic of the Touch of the Abyss is that it is infinitely powerful.Once, twice, three times, dense cracks appeared on the alloy floor.

On the seventh stroke, the floor finally fell apart, revealing a hole for passage.

Chen Zi'ang casually summoned a living dead man and commanded it to jump into the cave entrance. Thick gunshots soon rang out from below. As expected, the enemy had already followed the sound to ambush him.

The firearms held by these elf soldiers are not indoor gunpowder weapons that are prone to ricochet, but some kind of high-tech energy weapon that has never been seen before, which can emit dangerous scorching light when shooting.

However, for things like the living dead, it is the mysterious power that keeps their bodies intact and immortal. Therefore, simple high-temperature heat and electric current have no way of causing any harm to them. On the contrary, physical damage that destroys the body is more troublesome (such as If your head is cut off, it will take time to grow back).

Chen Ziang remained silent and summoned the Yinhan Scythe, and a large black mist penetrated downwards.

As the black mist poured in, the elven soldiers also realized that the attack was coming. They were so frightened that they quickly gathered together, raised their guns and fired wildly around them, as if they were afraid of some invisible enemy.

But it is a pity that the enemy is a huge tentacle that can be summoned from any position and any direction, and their gathering in one place creates an excellent opportunity for the Touch of the Abyss to catch them all.

The tentacles only hit 360 and five degrees in a round, and all these elven soldiers were beaten to the ground with broken bones and muscles.

Then there are the transparent and invisible drowned people, who devour and transform all the injured who have lost the ability to move into the living dead.

Under Chen Ziang's instructions, these living dead will begin to stagger and spread in all directions, spreading greater chaos and destruction in the mining ship.

I always feel like a necromancer... never mind it.Chen Ziang quickly went down and thought about the current situation.

So far, the enemies he has encountered and dealt with are all "garrisons" originally stationed at nearby transportation hubs.In other words, the main mobile force of the elves should intercept Zili or Suzuna.

But he couldn't go over to help at this time. It was better to find Trauch as soon as possible and kill him, and then see if there was a chance to go back.

Trauch was heading towards the lower level of the ship, seemingly to avoid the battle on the main level. After all, Zili and Suzuna were both on the main level... Of course Chen Ziang would not let him get his wish.

The Touch of the Abyss smashed the floor, going downstairs, and then down again. On the way, he transformed a few more living dead, and then he learned that Trauch was moving towards the stern of the ship - there was an "emergency escape ship" stationed there, and he could go down at any time. It can carry people to leave the Bakht mining ship and land again in the direction of the Gaotian planet.

Chen Ziang calculated the direction accurately, took a roundabout way to outflank them, and then directly intercepted the path forward of Trauch and others. Thick black mist quickly spewed out.

Seeing the black mist suddenly pouring out from the aisle in front, Trauch immediately shouted:
"Jericho, kill him!"

The elf adjutant next to him rushed forward quickly. As he ran, he suddenly turned into a cloud of mist. With a faint roar, he quickly rushed towards Chen Ziang.

Turning into clouds, it has a high probability of being immune to physical attacks, and is not afraid of the touch of the abyss and the sickle of coldness, but Chen Ziang is also experienced and can reach out with a finger.

[Touch of Entanglement]!
The clouds and mist suddenly exploded in the air, and then scattered all over the place.Upon closer inspection, there are countless tiny tentacles like maggots, struggling and twisting on the ground.

Trauch was so shocked that he didn't expect that the adjutant would be killed instantly when he met him. He quickly shouted:
"Patrick, Grantham, Charlie! Stop me!"

Three elf lieutenants rushed out at the same time, but Chen Ziang used [Entanglement Touch] to deal with one of them. The other two quickly attacked from the left and right, and soon forced him to pull out the Mandala Sword and switch to a defensive counterattack posture.

Trauch suddenly became energetic and wanted to send the two remaining lieutenants over to surround and kill the humans on the opposite side. However, he was worried that there were still enemies lurking around, waiting for him to be alone and then assassinate him. , finally gave up such an idea, and just deliberately said sarcastically:

"What's wrong? You dare to fight here alone, but you can't even defeat my adjutant. Are you just here to be funny?"

Chen Zi'ang didn't answer, and quickly summoned the Touch of the Abyss to block the way forward to prevent someone from the other side from attacking with firearms.The Mandala Magic Sword blocked the attack on the left, and then pulled out the bloated touch to coil around the right arm, forcefully absorbing the attack of another elf.

"It's a pity that you came too late." Seeing that the other party was "at a disadvantage", Trauch immediately sneered with pride, "The ceremony was started three days ago, didn't you expect it? Gao Tianyuan was already doomed, everything you have done It’s all in vain.”

"Do you know why Gao Tianyuan was destroyed? Because you humans are born to be a lowly race, just like rats!"

Trauch's expression became more arrogant and his tone became vicious, mocking the man who he saw was about to be defeated and killed:
"You are uncivilized savages who use ugly hieroglyphics and eat with two small sticks, like chimpanzees who have just learned to communicate and use tools. Your women kneel down and lick us, and you want to marry an elf and sneak into the Federation. Men, on the other hand, are like animals and are allowed to be driven and exploited by us. Even if they are beaten and scolded, they dare not resist. These are the best proof that elves are inherently superior to humans!"

"Your desire to gain a place in the universe is as ridiculous as an animal's desire to dine with its master. Despicable races should live in dark sewers, and pests that try to crawl back to the surface will only be trampled to death. Takamagahara is only the first , and other human colonial star sectors will soon follow your footsteps, until your inherently evil human empire collapses under the bombardment of the Federation fleet!"

"The only fate of mankind is the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species and turning into dust!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Zi'ang, who was still fighting one against two, was swinging his sword when a dim figure suddenly emerged from his body.

The figure solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a black scythe appeared in its hand. It swung back at an incredible and tricky angle, decapitating Patrick who was caught off guard in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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