Chapter 282
When the figure appeared, Chen Ziang was also a little confused.

Why, my substitute messenger suddenly awakened?

Immediately afterwards, the Yinhan Scythe suddenly appeared in the figure's hand, and he quickly hacked the elf adjutant next to him to death.

Now Chen Ziang recognized it. This fierce and fearless fighting style... was Nishikawa Mie!

A witch who is driven by hatred and kills like crazy!

"What are you doing standing still!" Nishikawa Mie suddenly turned around and shouted, "Kill him!"

Chen Ziang quickly calmed down and cooperated with Nishikawa Meihui to attack the remaining elf lieutenants in tandem.

The opponent obviously didn't have Chen Ziang's ability to fight one against two. He tried to retreat temporarily to avoid the sharp attack, but Nishikawa Mie threw the scythe. He was caught off guard and was scratched on the shoulder. The power of death quickly seeped from the wound, and he was soon deprived of it. s life.

"You..." As soon as Chen Ziang opened his mouth, Nishikawa Mihui recalled the sickle and said:
"There's no time to explain. Did you hear what that pointy-eared bastard said just now?"


"Then why are we still worrying about this? They are going to destroy our country and our species, so it's not too much for us to kill him first, right?"

Chen Ziang was startled for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Indeed, but it's too cheap to kill him. I think it's okay..."

"Turn her into a living dead?" Nishikawa Mie asked.

"Yes." Chen Ziang was a little surprised, but he also knew that now was really not a good time to explain, so he quickly followed Nishikawa Mihui.

Although Trauch likes to talk, he is also surprisingly good at running away. He disappeared in just a few seconds. When Chen Ziang found the other party again, Trauch happened to climb onto the emergency boat along the gangway. , with a backhand finger:
"Stop them!"

The remaining two elf adjutants were about to follow them onto the ship. After hearing this, they could only turn around and charge towards Chen Zi'ang, but they were intercepted by Nishikawa Mihui, one against two.

"Go after him! I'll clear the way for you!"

Chen Ziang responded, and while Nishikawa Mihui was dragging the two elves, he took a circuitous route around the battlefield, quickly grabbed the door handle of the emergency lifeboat, and dragged it to the side with force.

not open.

This is also natural. After Trauch hid inside, he was not stupid enough to forget to lock the door.

But how can a mere door lock block the touch of the abyss?
As soon as Chen Ziang summoned the tentacles, the floor under the lifeboat suddenly opened.

"Fuck!" He couldn't help but curse out, but fortunately, the touch of the abyss quickly wrapped around his body, preventing him from being thrown into the universe by the sudden burst of airflow.

There was a vacuum of space outside. Trauch issued a takeoff command in the emergency lifeboat, so the floor below suddenly opened, allowing the lifeboat to leave the Bakht mining ship.

But Mie Nishikawa and the two elf lieutenants are still fighting outside!At this time, the cabin was suddenly connected to the vacuum of space outside. The air inside naturally surged out wildly under the action of air pressure, sweeping up all unfixed objects around it.

You don't even care about the lives of your subordinates, what a beast you are!

Chen Ziang didn't have time to complain, he just quickly summoned the Scythe of Yinhan and held it out with force, trying to let Nishikawa Mie catch it as she flew by him, but the other party didn't reach out at all, just threw a murderous smile at him, and then Together with the two elf lieutenants, they were thrown into the vast and dark outer space.

Then she suddenly disappeared.

Ignore this so-called "stand-in messenger" for the moment, because the emergency lifeboat has also left the hull and is rapidly starting its engine in the vacuum of space. Flames have begun to emit from the tail nozzle.Chen Ziang could only wave the Yinhan Scythe with his backhand and began to cut the hull shell.

In the cabin, Trauch was urging the pilot:
"Are you ready? Speed ​​up quickly!"

He also has a strong grasp on the power of the mystic scholar, and he knows that only a far enough physical distance is the safest, and the mere space environment cannot stop the opponent.

As long as they can escape back to Takamagahara and hide in a secret federal intelligence base, when Takamagahara falls into the natural disasters of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, those guys will have no time to search for themselves...

While Trauch was thinking about this, he suddenly heard a harsh friction sound from the hull outside.

"What's wrong?" Trauch pricked up his ears like a frightened bird.

"Maybe it hit space junk." The pilot shrugged and said, "It's normal. In this uncivilized colonial star area, satellites that have exhausted their lifespan are directly abandoned in orbit. But our ship should not have any question……"

He suddenly stared at the instrument panel and said:
"Ah oh..."

"Is it really okay?" Trauch gritted his teeth anxiously.

"It seems that there is some hull damage." The pilot said calmly, "The internal air pressure is decreasing."

"Just tell me the conclusion!" Trauch said angrily, "Can you hold on until you land in Takamagahara?"

"It should be possible." The pilot was sweating slightly and said bravely, "We have already entered the atmosphere, as long as the cracks in the hull do not continue to expand..."

Trauch hurried over to look for cracks in the hull and confirmed that the harsh sound came from the right side.

Just as he leaned over to take a look, the hull of the ship shattered, a hand grabbed his collar, and then pulled it out with force.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Chen Ziang originally wanted to say with a smile, but because the air was too thin, it was difficult for the sound to come out, and in the end it turned into a heart-rending roar.

Trauch was naturally so shocked that he subconsciously pulled out the gun beside him and pressed the trigger against Chen Ziang's chest - but the armor given by Xia Zili was indeed very useful. The bullets could not penetrate the hard leather at all, but only shocked him. He couldn't help but retreat.

Chen Ziang naturally refused to let him use the recoil of the firearm to break free. What if this guy had a parachute on him?
He grabbed the opponent's arm tightly, and the Touch of the Abyss was summoned again, tightly strangling his neck, and then the Drowned Man's Song came, like a huge bloated water ball, completely engulfing Trauch's body. .

"You... gurgling." Trauch wanted to say something more, but the liquid from the drowned person's body was poured into his mouth. Suffocation and lack of oxygen had begun to torture his body.

Probably knowing that he was now certain to die, he used his last strength to glare at Chen Ziang, showed an evil and violent smile, and mouthed:
You all have to die.

Chen Ziang laughed and threw Trauch, who was swallowed by the drowned man, out with all his strength.

Next, this sinful aristocratic elf will turn into a living dead whose soul cannot be freed, and fall on the planet he destroyed... Chen Ziang has adjusted his power so that his body cannot slowly regenerate, so his body First, it will be smashed to pieces, but because of the characteristics of the living dead, it cannot die. It can only be gradually buried in the soil by the wind and snow, enduring eternal curses and torture.

But at this time, Chen Ziang had no time to care about the other party's fate.He was falling at an accelerated rate under the gravity of Takamagahara's planet, and the violent wind was washing over his body.He could barely open his eyes, and could only barely see the clouds below, as well as the endless snowfields and land.

The hard-shell armor given by Xia Zili can protect against bullets, but it will most likely not protect against falling damage from falling from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Therefore, he must use the blood-spotted pin to enter the invincible state at the moment he is about to fall.

The characteristic of becoming a living dead is that one loses the "ability to die." For example, if one falls and breaks his spine or even separates his body and head, he will not die even with such fatal injuries.But it takes a lot of time to regenerate flesh and blood, and this power cannot be turned on for too long, otherwise the transformation will be irreversible.

Of course, he cannot make the same mistake as Trauch, so carefully calculating the landing time and using a blood-spotted pin to avoid injury is the only feasible way out at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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