The Witch's Taste

Chapter 283 Then, let’s start the counterattack

Chapter 283 Then, let’s start the counterattack

The rotten but not completely rotten throat made a hoarse cry for help:
"help me……"

The next second, there was a crisp sound of snapping fingers.

The living dead that were supposed to be unkillable quickly disappeared from their place as quietly as if they were erased with an eraser.

He stepped on his high heels, past the place where the living dead disappeared, and came to the edge of another large pit.

"Still nothing."

"But at least I know how to prepare a way out before I act can't be said that it's useless."

"Ha ha."


Back in Jibei City, we gathered in the infirmary underground of the Intelligence Bureau. Everyone was not very interested.

Xia Zili successfully destroyed the ceremony site.Unfortunately, by the time she reached the front of the hull, the ritual was already in motion.

Judging from the information found at the scene, the ceremony must be started only when the mining ship reaches the surface. This is why the Federation needs to support the Democratic Party to come to power - they hope to obtain legal permission to land on the planet in the name of mining, and do not want to The empire has no say in this regard.

However, after Trauch sent an order from the federal embassy, ​​claiming that the original plan might be sabotaged, the captain issued two orders, "arrival to the surface" and "initiation ceremony" in advance.

In the next few minutes, the Bakht mining ship narrowed the distance to the surface of Gaotianyuan by more than 2 meters, and finally entered the atmosphere and started the ceremony. At this time, Xia Zili rushed to the mining area and completely destroyed the ceremony site. It's all gone, just 2 minutes and 47 seconds apart.

If I had been faster, the ceremony might have been interrupted.This conclusion made Xia Zili extremely frustrated.

However, Xia Qingyu reminded her that if the Bakht mining ship had not arrived at the surface in advance, Chen Ziang would have spent several times as long as he fell from space to the surface, and may even have exceeded the lifespan of his carapace. .

In other words, if she destroyed the ceremony site in time, causing the Bakht mining ship's mission to directly fail, and giving up the descent, it would bring even more fatal danger to Chen Ziang who rushed out of the ship.

This incident brought great comfort to Xia Zili and prevented her from being really depressed... If I could go back to the past and choose again, I would have to do this.

Compared to Xia Zili, Tsukimiya Suzuna was in a relatively happier mood because she rescued Miss Kikuchi who was imprisoned for blood drawing.

It's just that the senior was in ragged clothes when he was sent back and fell into a deep coma, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on her relatively good mood.

"So when will senior wake up?" she asked Hokaze Rio bluntly.

"This afternoon, or tomorrow." Hokaze Rio said calmly, "The result of the medical examination is spiritual exhaustion... In fact, there are not many scars on his body, only some signs of excessive exercise."

"I hope so." Tsukimiya Suzuna muttered.

"I told you before, Suzuna." Honikaze Rio said with a bitter smile, "Just because you asked me over and over again won't change the matter itself."

"I know." Tsukimiya Suzuna said irritably, "I'm just worried... I shouldn't let senior act alone."

"It doesn't matter." Xia Qingyu suddenly sneered and said, "It's all the same."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment and sighed.

Of course she could understand the implication of Xia Qingyu's words: What really made Chen Ziang unconscious was his jealous and vengeful character. He would rather risk death by jumping out of the mining ship than let the murderer go free.

If you can't subtly reverse his thinking, even if you stay by his side all the time, what can you do?In the future, he may even confront the entire Federation head-on. Can you still lock him in the basement and prevent him from being put in danger?
Xia Zili heard an extra layer of meaning from her sister's words.

The Federation does not want to destroy Takamagahara, but to transform Takamama into a lava planet with low mining costs. There are huge commercial interests in this.Even if he succeeds by luck this time, will the Federation give up?
There will definitely be a second and third Bakht mining ship coming, until the Bakht family completely achieves their goal.

In the final analysis, what really destroyed Takamagahara was not the mining ship or the ritual, but the greedy ambition of the Bakht family that looked down upon human life.

As long as their ambitions cannot be curbed, Gao Tianyuan will not be able to escape the end of destruction.

"I have something else to do, so excuse me." Ignoring these two fools, Xia Qingyu stood up neatly and left the large intelligence library.Only Xia Zili and Yuegong Suzuna were left, guarding Chen Ziang who was unconscious and resting, looking at each other in confusion.

Back in the office, Xia Qingyu looked at the missed calls on her phone and dialed back. Song Mingyuan's voice soon sounded on the other side:

"Your Highness, it's an emergency. The newly appointed District Governor Iwata Aokawa has announced that he will initiate a review of Shi Di's 'malfeasance' during his tenure."

"He hasn't taken office yet." Xia Qingyu said concisely and concisely, "The transfer of power from the governor is one month."

"Yes." Song Mingyuan replied, "So the initiator of the review was not Iwata Aokawa, but Justice Takada Yasuhei of the District Supreme Court."

There are seven justices in the Supreme Court of the Star District, six from the mainland race and one from the island race.Theoretically, in the name of "defending the law," any politician in the All-Gao Tianyuan except the District Governor can be prosecuted.

In fact, since the Supreme Court and the political arena have been controlled by the British Party for a long time, the justices will basically not use this power.Even if there is a power struggle and mutual strife among internal factions, they will wait until the incumbent politicians step down before settling the matter, thereby controlling the intensity of the struggle within a certain range.

There is no doubt that this liquidation of Shi Di marks that the Supreme Court has been opened up by the Democratic Party, and the era of unscrupulous partisanship seems to be coming.

As the trend of "people leaving for tea" spreads, more and more forces may begin to surrender to the Democratic Party in the future... Of course, who said that the Kuomintang Party was defeated in this election?This is also inevitable.

Although Song Mingyuan asked Xia Qingyu for help, he also knew that there was nothing he could do now, so he didn't expect to get any useful advice, but he heard Xia Qingyu say:
"This matter couldn't be simpler. Just let the Qin family arrange for military personnel to assassinate Chongtian Yasuhei."

Song Mingyuan pondered for a long time and asked slowly:


"Assassination of Chongtian Yasuhei." Xia Qingyu asked patiently, "What word do you not understand?"

"No, this assassination..." Song Mingyuan was dumbfounded, "Does His Highness mean to use a military coup to make a comeback?"

"But in this way, the democratically elected system that was founded by the second-generation governor Shi Jintang will completely lose its prestige! And the public will never accept it..."

"During the Shi Zhiqing military control period, were there any people who refused to accept it?" Xia Qingyu asked with a sneer.

"That's different!" Song Mingyuan argued, "Nowadays, times have changed and people's hearts have turned away. Even the military cannot say that it is absolutely loyal to the District Governor and the British Party..."

"If you can't guarantee absolute loyalty, then clean it." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Purge, it's better to make mistakes than let them go. You don't need me to teach you, right?"

Song Mingyuan:…………

"I will discuss it with the Qin family, Your Highness." He lowered his voice and said, "I will try my best..."

"If you can't do it," Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "you have no value, Song Mingyuan."

"……I see."

When Song Mingyuan hung up the phone, he realized that his back was covered in cold sweat, and even the sofa cushions behind him were wet.

"Dad?" Song Xi walked out of the study with green tea, glanced at Song Mingyuan who was sitting on pins and needles, and asked strangely, "Why do you look so bad?"

"Nothing." Song Mingyuan loosened his collar and exhaled a long breath, "Is the floor heating temperature set too high?"

"Oh, mom just said it was too cold to sleep, so she asked me to raise the temperature by 2 degrees." Song Xi glanced into the bedroom, "She should be asleep, then I'll turn it back."

Song Xi walked into the bedroom, while Song Mingyuan just stared at her daughter's back in silence, her eyes seeming a little distracted.

Even if it's for my wife and daughter...

There is no absolute right-wing policy in politics. To vacillate is to perish!When it's time to take a stand, even if the opposite side is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, you have to bite the bullet and rush forward!

(End of this chapter)

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