The Witch's Taste

Chapter 285 I have a plan

Chapter 285 I have a plan

Within half a minute, the alarmed Rio Suikaze also arrived.

"I knew it was you who was causing trouble." She couldn't help complaining, "You can even cause changes while lying in bed to recuperate. You are the only one in the entire field class who has this ability... By the way, what is your spiritual vision? Hasn’t it been rising?”

"Maybe it's because of my extraordinary talent." Chen Zi'ang said with a smile, "By the way, how is the earthquake intensity monitoring going?"

"Hmph." Rio Hokaze didn't dwell too much on what happened, and just said calmly, "The cyclical intensity of the planet's overall crustal activity has increased, but it is still within the normal range of historical changes."

"Is there something wrong with the ceremony?" Xia Zili's eyes lit up.

"No, this is only the first day." Chen Ziang sighed.

"That's right." Rio Hokaze agreed, "Although the intensity of activity has not increased, the range has increased over a large area. It has appeared widely from low latitudes to high latitudes. Many places where there were no heat sources are now beginning to appear. There are signs of rising temperatures.”

"What are the media saying now?" Xia Zili asked nervously, "Has anyone noticed this abnormal natural phenomenon?"

"No." Hokaze said with a chuckle, "The media are all reporting on military incidents. According to the constitution, the commander-in-chief of the land, air and space forces must be concurrently served by the district governor, but currently no one in the military is openly loyal to the new governor, so... …”

"So it was Sister You who took action." Chen Ziang said to Xia Zili.

"Yes." Xia Zili nodded and smiled.

If the military directly surrenders to Iwata Aokawa, the subsequent rescue process will be much more troublesome.

Fortunately, Xia Qingyu took action in time to control the military, so these active soldiers will be of great use in the future.

"Li Xu, I want to see the specific report on the earthquake activity." Chen Ziang got out of bed and said.


The entrance to the Guangyuan District military base was already surrounded by citizens protesting.

After a whole day of fueling by the media, "military disloyalty" has successfully become a hot search topic.Many indignant citizens spontaneously gathered at the entrance of the Guangyuan District military base, seeking a clear explanation.

If your military can recognize the Sector Governor we elect if it wants to, but not if it doesn't want to, then what's the point of the democratically elected system?What use are our votes?Just reinstate military control!

In the base, Qin Yan, the current chief of defense for the star region, was holding an emergency meeting in the command room, and all the generals were present.It's just that the person sitting on the main seat is not Qin Yan, nor the commander of the armies, but a young woman whom he has never seen before.

Different from the political arena, almost all the middle and high-level generals in Gaotian Yuan's military are from the Lu clan, so there is not much resistance to this, but they just have secret guesses in their hearts.

"There are about 5000 people outside now." Qin Yan said at the meeting. "About [-] people have gathered at the entrance of the base. The collective behavior is relatively restrained at the moment. There is no conflict with the guards. They are just sitting quietly or holding up signs and shouting slogan."

"However, some people crossed the base wall from the sides and rear and threw debris and garbage inside. There are no casualties so far."

"A mob." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "The base has entered the second level of combat readiness. We will monitor the entrance around the clock and report to the command center in a timely manner."

"Level [-] combat readiness status?" Someone asked aloud, "If the media finds out, public opinion will be out of control."

"Who are you?" Xia Qingyu raised her chin.

"Report! I am the staff officer of the Strategic Defense Command of the Far North Military Region, Zhang Yuan!" The other party immediately stood up and reported the establishment. "Staff Zhang." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "A soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, not to deal with the media."


"Your Highness." Qin Yan reminded in a low voice, "However, if the media finds out and continues to cause trouble, there is indeed a risk that the situation will escalate further."

"Why would the media know?" Xia Qingyu raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you still planning to accept interviews?"

"That's not true." Qin Yan denied, "But the media will use very long selfie sticks to cross the wall to take pictures of the scenes inside, or even use camera drones. If there are any adjustments inside the base, they will be captured. ."

"This is the first time I know that the military actually allows the media to take pictures of military bases." Xia Qingyu sneered, "You don't even have snipers at the posts, right?"

"Snipers are on duty 24 hours a day..."

"Someone used a selfie stick to shoot over the fence and asked the sniper to shoot the camera as a warning. If he did not evacuate within 20 seconds after the warning, he would be killed directly." Xia Qingyu ordered, "All drones above the base are prohibited from flying. If discovered, they will be destroyed immediately."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed enthusiastically.

The military's inactive attitude toward media control can be traced back to the period of the second-generation governor-general Shi Jintang.At that time, because the masses had just experienced Shi Zhiqing's military control era and held a high degree of distrust towards the military, Shi Jintang vigorously suppressed the military's arrogant generals and even regularly invited outside media to the military base. Free photography here.

Later in Shi Jintang's rule, the media even had the power to supervise the military.Even the soldiers trained in the ice and snow for four hours, and some media came out to criticize whether "military training was too harsh." Finally, the military was forced to issue a public statement, saying that military doctors were nearby to monitor the situation 24 hours a day, and these disturbances were calmed down.

During Shi Zhiqing's reign, which media would dare to criticize the military?Just go to the house and drag the person away!

The tough attitude shown by Xia Qingyu now undoubtedly suits the appetite of these soldiers, and everyone quickly expressed their obedience to the order... Invisibly, Xia Qingyu's leadership position was also established.

"What if someone gathers a crowd to attack the entrance of the base?" Qin Yan took the opportunity to ask again, with a hint of murderous intent in his tone.

"Kill without mercy!" Xia Qingyu ordered coldly.

Over at the Intelligence Bureau, Chen Ziang didn't know the situation Xia Qingyu was facing. He just studied the data with Suifeng Lisu and Xia Zili for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion:
If seismic activity and volcanic eruptions continue to intensify according to this sign, they will begin to intensify violently in four days, and the Far North City will be completely destroyed within a week.

In other words, to transfer the citizens of the far north to the Ark, the first three days are the most critical golden time, because there will not be any natural disasters, social order will not be destroyed, and the efficiency of transferring people and materials is the highest.

However, precisely because the natural disaster has not yet come, how to convince the people that "a natural disaster is about to happen" has become the most troublesome thing - especially when the current ruling authorities are unwilling to cooperate.

"Speaking of which," Chen Zi'ang suddenly asked, "Where is Shi Di?"

"Didn't a chief judge initiate a public prosecution before?" Xia Zili replied, "He has now resigned as governor and is staying at home to await review."

"Let me remind you." Rio Hokaze said, "If it were before he left office, he might still have influence on propaganda agencies. After he leaves office, it's hard to say how many agencies will still be willing to listen to him."

"What I need is not the district governor." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "but Shi Di."

"Chen Zi'ang, do you have any clever ideas?" Xia Zili said in surprise.

"It's not a brilliant idea." Chen Ziang said modestly, "But... I need your help."

(End of this chapter)

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