The Witch's Taste

Chapter 286 Day 1

Chapter 286 Day One

On the first day after the governor general election, there are still about three days before the volcano erupts.

Recently, a strange rumor has popped up on the Internet, saying that the government is secretly working with the federal chaebol to conduct experiments on mining deep mineral resources, which will lead to a major volcanic disaster in the near future.

To be honest, similar rumors have been endless since the Bakht mining ship arrived in Gaotianyuan.

Because in an economic downturn, everyone instinctively has a distrustful attitude towards the government and chaebols, so no matter what companies do, they will think of the worst... However, the British National Party quickly clarified the matter at that time, claiming that before verification and confirmation, The Bakht mining ship would not be allowed to enter the atmosphere, and in order to oppose the ruling party, the Democratic First Party strongly praised the "harmless nature" of the mining ship. These rumors gradually disappeared naturally without causing much trouble.

However, this time the rumors spread too fast, and it is said that the source came from civil servants within the system, making the people subconsciously uneasy.

"Senior, the rumors have already spread." Suzuna Tsukimiya said with a smile on the phone, "That's true! The more I told them not to spread the rumors, the faster they spread. It really made me laugh to death."

"It's normal. After all, it is information related to the safety of the whole family. Of course, relatives and friends will be notified as soon as possible." Chen Ziang replied, "And there is a good thing in the system, that is, most people will blindly follow their superiors, and for the so-called 'internal Intelligence' is extremely sensitive."

This statement is not his subjective conjecture, but a summary of the experience of the mixed system of the two generations.

In fact, when Chen Ziang was on earth in his previous life, every time his hometown city was about to experience a rising housing price, the leaders of his work unit were the first to start buying houses, and then everyone followed suit.Moreover, it won’t be long before the location of the house you buy will be divided into the subway planning area and the excellent school district...

Although the situation in Takamagahara is different from that on Earth, the system should be similar.

"But what to do next?" Tsukimiya Suzuna continued to ask, "Senior, Internet media channels are still in the hands of the federation."

"If you vigorously promote the impending natural disaster, it will definitely be blocked or restricted as 'false news'."

"No, we want to deny it." Chen Ziang said seriously. "Let Shi Di make a public statement saying that he has never cooperated with the federal plutocrats during his administration. The so-called 'volcanic eruption three days later' is also a lie."

"Okay." Tsukigomi Suzuna agreed, "I'll go talk to Song Mingyuan."

In the mansion, Shi Di, who had lost the election and resigned, did not feel much weakened.

He has recently picked up the brush again and started creating an oil painting.On the canvas are countless blond elves walking on the street. In the most conspicuous position in the center of the crowd, there is a human with black hair and yellow skin, wearing only a clumsy blond wig and pointed fake ears.

"Your Majesty the Governor, you must express your stance this time." Song Mingyuan quickly broke into his studio.

"I am no longer the governor." Shi Di was very open-minded, "The people have chosen a new governor, you should talk to him."

"In fact, he is framing you this time." Song Mingyuan spoke quickly, and his expression was full of indignation, "Didn't he instigate people to attack you before? This accusation must have been concocted by the Democratic Party for the purpose of using You will be liquidated and persecuted for this.”

"I have never cooperated with any federal plutocrats." Shi Di frowned and put down his brush helplessly, "They can't make it up without reason, right?"

"Why not?" Song Mingyuan said seriously, "In short, if you still want to have a stable retirement life, you must make clarifications as soon as possible. Although we lost the election this time, there are still many people who are willing to believe you. The premise is that you can Promise it to them personally.”

"Okay." Shi Di reluctantly agreed.

————————Since his official account on major Internet channels has been blocked, Shi Di can only speak out through TV. With Song Mingyuan’s mediation, he participated in the news program of Ping’an District TV Station this afternoon. , gave a brief clarification.

This explanation did not cause much trouble. Most people who originally paid attention to the matter just said "oh" after reading the news, thinking "it is indeed a rumor", and then stopped thinking about it.

However, around evening, something new happened:

Some people are buying disaster prevention supplies in large quantities.

Cans, drinking water, emergency flashlights and generators, as well as common first aid kits that are essential for every household, were all sold out in advance in major supermarkets. The clean shelves were in sharp contrast to the dazzling array of shelves next to them. Many of them were Citizens even took photos and posted them online to ridicule them, to show their wisdom in not being fooled by rumors.

Soon, these people stopped laughing.

Sanhe TV Station cooperated with the Sanhe District Market Supervision Bureau to respond to complaints from some people who suspected that "someone was driving up the prices of disaster prevention materials." After overt and covert inspections, they found the guy who purchased materials in large turned out that the person was a buyer for the military. The corresponding superior approval slip was given, and in front of the cameras and countless live broadcast viewers, he claimed that this was the military's purchase and reserve of disaster prevention materials, which was legal, reasonable and legitimate.

This matter is logically untenable. After all, military procurement always invites bids in advance and then decides on suppliers. How can they directly send people to buy in supermarkets outside?

However, the vast majority of the people do not have the ability to think logically, or they will not subconsciously doubt whether the news is true or not. Therefore, those small supermarkets that have not been patronized are quickly sold out by nearby residents. The same items include cans and other disaster prevention supplies.

As for the supplies that were snapped up by the military, they were sent to the space elevator and transported to the star port. Then, Tsukimiya Suzuna's men drove the cargo spacecraft to load them and send them to the supership "Eternal" stationed on the back of the moon. ".

It can be regarded as continuing to expand material reserves.

That night, when everyone gathered again, Xia Qingyu rarely found any criticism or ridicule, which made Chen Ziang a little suspicious.

"Qingyu, is there anything wrong with my plan?"

"Your plan is full of flaws." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "But it can be used."

"If there are really many loopholes, the Federation will definitely take countermeasures." Chen Ziang said worriedly, "You might as well tell me where the loopholes are..."

"The federal ambassador died in the federal embassy." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "The deceased was a member of the Klublev family. Isn't this more important than Gao Tianyuan's life and death?"

"Are you saying that they are now fully engaged in investigating the cause of Trauch's death, so they have no time to deal with the rumors in Jibei City?" Chen Ziang thought thoughtfully.

"The focus of the Federation or the Bakht Group is to transform Gaotianyuan into a lava planet with low mining costs. Their goal has been achieved." I actually don’t care.”

"But this is not enough." Xia Qingyu was noncommittal and just continued, "To make the vast majority of the people doubt that this so-called 'natural disaster' is real, just 'someone is rushing to buy disaster prevention supplies' is not enough. You It also requires a truly fatal blow that cannot be neutralized.”

"That's right." Chen Zi'ang was silent for a moment and then said, "Suzuna."

"Let's take the Forever to the skies above the Far North City."

(End of this chapter)

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