The Witch's Taste

Chapter 290 Afternoon of the 3nd

Chapter 290 Afternoon of the Third Day

Starships are different from ordinary airplanes because there is no gravity and air resistance in space. Therefore, most starships are very large and bulky, and they belong to the type that "looks like they are not flying in the atmosphere."

Eight cargo ships took off from the Guangyuan District military base one after another, passing through the atmosphere to transport troops to outer space. Such a spectacular sight undoubtedly attracted the attention of many citizens. Many people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures, or called their relatives and friends. Come out and see the starships.

Even military starships have begun to transport troops and run away. What is the reason, huh?

At this point, no matter how stubborn they are, the citizens of Jibei City insist that "it's all rumors" and "nothing happened". They can no longer be stubborn at this time and begin to quietly look for disaster evacuation places, such as basements. , bridge tunnels, subway tunnels, etc... It is said that the Gunma District Subway Company found a dozen backpackers in the subway tunnel in the afternoon. They secretly camped on the side of the tracks to avoid disasters, but they were passed by passengers in the subway cars. Witnessed.

All the air tickets and bus tickets to the space launch base were sold out. Those who were able to go to the star port were starting to run. Some of them were unable to find shelter on the spot. The other group gathered at the door of the Sector Governor's Mansion in Ping'an District, shouting. I want Iwata Aokawa to give an explanation.

What explanation can the Democratic First Party give?The military was not under their control from the beginning. They originally wanted to use public opinion to force them, but the other party turned around and ran away to the star port. Now the people all panicked.

Now facing accountability from the panicked people, they have only four options: admit, deny, pretend not to answer, or use other methods to fool them.

It is impossible to admit it, not to mention that the big bosses in the party are kept in the dark, once it is admitted, the social level will definitely lose control;
Denial, and has been denying it for the past few days. The problem is that no one believes it!It was Shidi running away again, there was an earthquake at night, and there was a large-scale troop transport by the military. In the eyes of the people, it was clear that the upper class was already preparing for natural disasters... The "upper class" here, the people actually subconsciously put the people first. The Party and the Kuomintang Party are classified into the same category. After all, they are both politicians with great eyes and hands. They must already know the inside information, but they are hiding it from us ordinary people!

This is an injustice to Iwata Aokawa and the others.They have not received any reliable information so far, saying that a natural disaster will indeed occur on Sunday this week, and the inquiries sent to the Bakht Group have all been answered with "nothing" or "groundless", in the tone of the official format. There is also a mockery of "Why does your government even believe this?" which makes everyone feel embarrassed.

At this point, it is impossible to admit it, and there is no point in denying it. Pretending to be dead is a slow suicide, so the only thing you can do is to find a way to fool it.

At the following press conference, the first-time District Governor Iwata Aokawa showed his superb Tai Chi skills.

Faced with inquiries from the public and the media, he did not admit that "we have not received relevant information", but said, "We are currently collecting geological information and conducting thorough research and judgment", and said, "In the spirit of caring for the public. "We have a responsible attitude and will announce the results as soon as possible after they come out." This abruptly eliminated all problems.

The press conference finally ended. The media reporters at the scene were at a loss, and the people outside were also confused.

It feels like the new governor has said a lot, but he seems to have said nothing... So will there be a big earthquake tomorrow?

Iwata Aokawa returned to the Governor's Mansion and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the sudden news almost took his breath away - all departments organized a weekend team building trip to the Star Port, and civil servants followed the military. Ran away.

"Who allowed them to go to team building without permission!" Iwata Aokawa was furious in the office.

Losing your temper is of course useless.First of all, non-working hours on weekends are at the discretion of civil servants. Of course it is not impossible for superiors to make temporary adjustments if they want, but the problem is that you haven’t made any adjustments. So do we have to report to you for approval in advance when we go out to play?
As for why we went to the star port, we can only say that the Civil Service Law does not stipulate that we cannot go to the star port. Everyone just wants to see the scenery of the universe. What's wrong?
From a procedural point of view, there is no problem, but in fact, it is much more serious.If the public outside knew that the civil servants had gone to Starport with the soldiers, it would be impossible to predict what chaos would follow... After all, these two groups are the backbone of maintaining social order, and are generally considered " A profession that can learn the secrets of higher-ups.

After much deliberation, I could only order him to go down and block the news as much as possible so that the people outside would not know.

But civil servants are no more closely involved with society than the highly closed military. Even if Iwata Aokawa repeatedly orders the news to be blocked, who will implement it?
Soon, "collective escape within the system" became a hot search headline and was wildly forwarded by major chat groups.

But unexpectedly, not many people came to make trouble in front of the Governor's Mansion again this time.

In other words, after realizing that the current system is completely out of touch with the new governor's team, everyone also realizes that the new elected governor is actually just a showman... It can only be said that the people of Gaotianyuan are numb, and there is obviously no need to find a new governor. Everyone who can maintain order has gone to the star port. Who else can we turn to for help?
Those who can moisturize quickly go to the star port, and those who cannot moisturize find a place to hide, such as basements, garages, subway tunnels... and then wish themselves good luck.


Unlike Gao Tianyuan, where the social order is rapidly disintegrating, the people of the star port in space expressed that their emotions are relatively stable, and many people even firmly believe that "the earthquake is a hoax" and "the biggest rumor of this century."Even if it's true... it's none of my business?
When people are in the star port, unless your volcano erupts to a height of more than [-] meters and directly passes through the atmosphere to barbecue the space station, otherwise nothing happens here in the star port - what is happening is that there have been a large number of tourists coming from the surface recently. The hotels were fully booked and the streets were overcrowded, which made many old residents of Xinggang complain.

Since the space elevator is under the jurisdiction of the military, Chen Ziang led a team of soldiers and took the entry and exit list of the star port. Those engineering experts who were more important for interstellar navigation and who took refuge in the star port were Everyone in the name of the military was politely invited to the "Forever" starship.

Some people with a keen sense of smell guessed that the ecological environment of Takamagahara was about to end when they saw the big ship that even the military was preparing to run away, so they followed the ship obediently.

Even if they couldn't think of so many things at the same time, when the soldiers showed their firearms, they quickly figured out the key... Of course, there are also some fools who really don't know what to do, and all kinds of oil and salt are not available. At this time, it is necessary Randomly.

"You are infringing on human rights!" Through the door of the hotel room, the professor inside could be heard yelling angrily, "Get out of here! Or I'll call the police!"

Chen Ziang reluctantly took out the list to confirm: Shimada Motomasa (57) is a super expert in the field of electronic device cooling, a powerful professor with enough technical skills to receive the academic subsidy of the district.

Although this expert is good at cooling electronic devices, he is obviously not good at cooling his own brain. If he said something like "the military is not qualified to forcibly recruit academic personnel," why don't you look at the rifle I am holding and say it again?
Considering that this was a hotel, Chen Ziang did not want to break in for no reason and cause unnecessary losses to the hotel owner, so he asked his subordinates:

"Is the room manager here?"

"I heard they'll be here soon," the subordinate replied.

Just as Chen Ziang was waiting for the manager to deliver the room card and was getting a little impatient, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind:
"It's too much trouble, why not let me do it."

"Are you... Mihui Nishikawa?" Chen Ziang recognized her voice.

"Yes, I helped you last time, remember?"

"Why are you in my brain?"

"No, I'm in that sword of yours... while it killed my body, it also imprisoned my soul, understand?" Nishikawa Mie's tone was very gloomy, "I can only come out with your consent. Get some air.”

"How about it? Let me out and I'll help you deal with this professor."

Chen Ziang hesitated.

"My divinity has collapsed." Nishikawa Mie continued, "What remains in the sword now is my humanity, without any power - but I can borrow your power, so you don't have to worry about me turning against you when I come out. Because as long as you have a thought, the power I borrowed will be taken back."

Inspiration told him that Nishikawa Mihui was telling the truth, but Chen Ziang was still a little worried and asked:

"Then how are you going to get him out?"

"Leave it to me." Nishikawa Mie did not answer.

(End of this chapter)

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