The Witch's Taste

Chapter 291 Apocalypse

Chapter 291 Apocalypse
Considering that Nishikawa Mihui had indeed helped him once before, Chen Ziang decided to let her out to see how she would deal with the professor inside.

A black figure suddenly emerged from the surroundings, frightening the soldiers to subconsciously aim their guns at her, but Chen Ziang quickly raised a hand to signal his men to stay calm for the time being.

The figure finally solidified into the appearance of Nishikawa Mie, with a weird sneer on her face, and a Yinhan Scythe quickly appeared in her hand.

She just waved her weapon twice before completely splitting the hotel door open, revealing the old professor inside who was looking at him dumbfounded.

Chen Ziang: ……………

"You see." Nishikawa Mie dissipated the sickle and said proudly, "It's easy to solve it."

"Who asked you to destroy the public property of another hotel!" Chen Ziang complained excitedly, "What I want is a way to let him out without destroying the public property! Can I not use a sickle to force his way in?"

"Then you didn't say you can't be violent..." Before Nishikawa Mie could finish her complaint, the figure disappeared from the place again - Chen Ziang had a thought and successfully retracted it into the sword.

So my Mandala Magic Sword actually still has this effect...

Chen Ziang looked at his sword, then sighed, waving his hand for the soldiers to go in and pull out the livid old professor inside.

At this moment, the hotel manager finally rushed out of the elevator with the universal key card.

"I'm so sorry, I was outside just now..." His voice stopped suddenly, because the door of the hotel room in front of him had been broken open, and several soldiers were dragging the struggling old man out.

"I accidentally broke the door." Chen Ziang said expressionlessly, "What's your phone number?"

"Well, the money won't be needed..."

"Give me your phone number."

After writing down the number that the other party reported cautiously, he wrote it down on the list, and then crossed out the old professor's name. Chen Ziang finally said:
"Someone will discuss compensation with you later."

After leaving the hotel, the soldiers pressed the professor into the armored vehicle. Chen Ziang continued to look at the next person on the list, and suddenly he heard noisy exclamations coming from the street outside:
"...It exploded! It exploded!"

What exploded?Chen Ziang was a little stunned, and his cell phone rang soon.

As soon as the connection was connected, Xia Zili's voice sounded:
"Chen Zi'ang! A volcanic eruption has begun in Gao Tianyuan!"


Looking down from the public observation deck of Star Port, Takamagahara looks like a huge snowball.Most of the area is covered with silver-covered white tundra, and even if you look hard enough, you can only see tiny undulations of mountains.

Jibei City and Zhongnan City are one of the few brightly lit human settlements on the planet. They are difficult to observe during the day and can only be seen clearly in the backside hemisphere.

However, the planet Gaotian at this time is like a white canvas that has been spattered with orange-red ink. Large lava flowers are blooming wantonly on the surface - even the smallest lava flower, the actual scale radius It is also above [-] meters.

Chen Ziang saw that the sky above Jibei City was covered by a large number of dark clouds. It should be the thick cumulonimbus clouds formed after the hot lake in Jinchuan District was evaporated by high heat.

The natural disaster is silent and has arrived quietly.

"Expert rescue work in Jibei City has only completed 45%." Xia Zili continued on the other side of the phone. "The problem now is that the natural disaster has arrived early, and the hot lake in Jinchuan District provides a large amount of water vapor and heat, which is different from the heat coming from the suburbs. The cold air collided with the front and the front continued to see-saw, causing heavy rain in almost the entire Jibei City and extremely poor visibility."

"Such unfavorable weather conditions make it impossible for our ship to land. So my sister means to suspend the rescue first. After the volcano erupts further tomorrow, the front of the hot and cold airflow will be pushed out of Jibei City, and then we can continue the rescue activities... …”

"But in this case, you are essentially betting on climate change." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "What if the weather does not improve tomorrow? Wait another day? What if there is still heavy rain the day after tomorrow? Can these people be saved? "Yeah." Xia Zili whispered, "So what do you think?"

"The visibility in the center of the heavy rain is low, but what about the edge areas?" Chen Ziang confirmed and asked, "Can we land in the edge areas where rainfall is sparse and visibility is allowed?"

"It's possible, but the journey from the fringe area to the city is too long. Moreover, most of the public transportation in the city has been paralyzed, and the main roads are also blocked by traffic. It will probably take more than 24 hours to go back and forth..."

"Let's do this, call the manpower of the Planetary Commando here, we will parachute into the city on a troop transport above the cumulonimbus clouds, and then gather these experts according to the list." Chen Ziang said quickly, "When the weather permits tomorrow, we will Make unified arrangements for boarding the ship."

"If the weather continues to not improve, we will try to transport them out of the rain range and then put them on the troop carrier."

"Okay." Xia Zili said quickly, "I will accompany you down."

Xia Qingyu did not object to the plan proposed by Chen Ziang, but Tsukigomi Suzuna did have an opinion:
"Senior, it's not impossible to parachute to land, but is it necessary for you to lead the team down in person? Can't we just leave it to the people of the Planetary Commandos?"

"The planetary commandos act according to the orders. There must be a command below, right?" Chen Ziang replied, "They may not know how to deal with complex situations. I feel more at ease if I follow them."

"But senior, don't you have any experience in cloud skydiving?" Tsukimiya Suzuna continued to try to persuade.

"Why not?" Chen Ziang retorted, "Didn't I parachute directly from space last time? It was much easier than skydiving from the clouds."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was speechless.Were you skydiving?You were in free fall, and then instantly became invincible before approaching the ground!

But in this way, the seniors are not inexperienced in dealing with this kind of situation. Besides, there is Xia Zili taking care of and escorting... Bah, bah, bah!Just because she went with her, I felt even more worried, okay?
She wanted to blurt out "I'll go too," but the Ever Given really needed someone to take charge, so Suzuna Tsukimiya held it in for a long while before she finally said:
"Then will keep yourself clean down there, right?"

Chen Ziang was silent for a long time and replied:


"Ahem, pretend I didn't say that." Suzuna Tsukimiya knew she had made a mistake and said quickly, "Okay then, try to keep in touch after we go down."

On today's Eternal starship, the crew basically obeys Suzuna Tsukinomiya, while the military obeys Xia Qingyu's orders.After taking care of these two people, the troop transport ship and planetary commando team that Chen Ziang needed were quickly put in place.

As the troop carrier entered the atmosphere, the cabin began to shake violently.

Chen Ziang looked around. The soldiers in the commando team were either looking at the floor in a daze or closing their eyes to rest. Only Xia Zili, who was also wearing professional equipment next to him, gave him a reassuring look.

Soon, the starship approached the sky above the cumulonimbus clouds and entered cruising mode.

"Let's go." Chen Ziang stood up and lined up to parachute with the commandos, Xia Zili followed closely behind.

The moment you fall into the clouds, you feel as if you have entered a sauna, with a large amount of warm water hitting your face.

Even if he was wearing goggles, the mirror was covered with water droplets flying across it, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

It wasn't until everyone completely passed through the clouds that Chen Ziang could clearly see the Jibei City below. It was already dark at this time, with countless high-rise buildings standing quietly in the curtain of heavy rain, and there were almost no bright lights.

The city he had lived in since he was a child was already on the verge of death.

 After taking antipyretic medicine, the fever went down, but after a few hours it rose back to 38 degrees Celsius. There was no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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