The Witch's Taste

Chapter 307 Don’t underestimate the witch

Chapter 307 Don’t underestimate the witch

The headquarters of Aurora Charity Company is located in District 64 of Aegelaos. It is a magnificent high-rise building. It is said that although this organization has not raised funds publicly, there are many mysterious big donors behind it, so it has never had any financial problems. question.

Hoshino Norika, Xia Zili, and the original team of the firm entered the building to discuss the concert with Aurora Charity.

Chen Ziang and Tsukimiya Suzuna were waiting in the square outside, observing the people passing by.

As a city planet, Aegelaos has a "massive" number of small and medium-sized enterprises, and its business atmosphere is also very strong.For example, at the mobile hot dog stand on the roadside, there are a large number of white-collar workers wearing business attire and carrying briefcases queuing up to pick up the food. They take it and leave, eating it in a hurry on the way.

"Senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna said from the side, "This is where we met in our previous life."

"Yes." Of course Chen Ziang already knew, because Xia Zili told him that after the destruction of Gao Tianyuan in the previous life, they came to the Aegelaos star region.

"Our family has a certain amount of shares in the Barr Group." Suzuna Tsukimiya continued. "My father was originally a director of the group. Later, in order to go to Takamagahara, he transferred the voting rights and only retained profit dividends."

"The Barr Group is a federal giant specializing in the food and pharmaceutical industries, right?" Chen Ziang asked.

"It's not a franchise, it's a monopoly." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied. "Currently, only Klublev and Bakht maintain their own food production bases and pharmaceutical companies, but they have no competitiveness in the federal open market. And all the others All the food that federal residents eat and all the medicines they use from birth to death come from the Barr Group."

"What a terrible interstellar chaebol." Chen Ziang sighed, "So is it the aristocratic faction or the civilian faction?"

"Civilian faction." A voice sounded next to him, "The Barr Group only hires people based on ability, regardless of bloodline and origin, and has nothing to do with the aristocratic faction."

The two of them turned around and saw a strange middle-aged dark elf in formal attire standing in front of them with a smile, greeting Tsukimiya Suzuna:

"Suzuna, after hearing about the humanitarian disaster in Takamagahara, the board of directors was very concerned about the situation of Director Tsukimiya - now it is confirmed that you are safe and sound, I am really lucky."

"Uncle Abraham." Suzuna Tsukimiya smiled, but in the eyes of Chen Ziang, who knew her well, she knew it was a polite smile that was more polite than close, "Is your career going well recently?"

"Thanks to your father's departure that year." The dark elf named Abraham sat down on the bench next to him and replied, "A lot of positions were given up, and I was promoted to the public relations department."

"The public relations department is not easy to run." Suzuna Tsukimiya shook her head and said, "If there are different voices within the board of directors, then no matter which side you follow, you will only offend the other side."

"That's what big business is like," Abraham said with a smile, "so you need to stick to the right side."

"Who are they?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked curiously, "Hamrak and Jollif? They are the only ones who can offer you an olive branch."

Abraham smiled without saying a word and turned his gaze to Chen Ziang:
"Mr. Chen is the leader of the Takamagahara refugees, right?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Ziang did not deny this, but just asked the other party's intention first.

"I heard that Aurora Charity has been contacting you recently." Abraham said seriously, "You want to invite Kiritani Maki to a charity concert, right?"

"That's right." These are all public matters. Chen Ziang did not deny it. "Is there any problem with this matter?"

"There are four stars participating in the charity concert." Abraham replied, "Among them, Carola Pixie is a hybrid of orc and elf, Maki Kiritani is a hybrid of human and elf, Meryl Daisy's grandmother is a dwarf, and Mariana "Dosero's genetic genealogy is relatively complex and can basically be regarded as containing the blood of the five major elves." "In other words, the genes in these four stars combined include humans, dwarves, orcs and elves. Chen Sir, he once served in Countermeasures Section [-] in Gao Tianyuan, so he must be able to see something is wrong."

Chen Ziang was stunned for a moment and said:
"Ritual? Is there any mysterious ritual that needs to be initiated by these four stars containing the bloodlines of the four major races, so as to construct a map of all racial residents in Aegelaos?"

"I don't understand the specific mechanism." Abraham replied, "I have just temporarily memorized these mysterious and taboo knowledge. After the negotiation with you is over, I will go back to cleanse my memory."

"In short, the actual controller behind the Aurora Charity Company is the Bakht family. They are very good at hiding mysterious rituals in various seemingly normal social activities. It is because of this that you Gaotian people left your hometown. Who should we compare with this? They all have a deeper understanding.”

"You want to cooperate with us?" Tsukimiya Suzuna interrupted, "Other than that, I can't think of any reason why the group sent you to contact us."

"Of course." Abraham said frankly, "Everyone is actually aware of the recent changes in the Bakht family. The Rhine Business Alliance and the Soul Mystery Alliance have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Barr Group in this regard and strive to prevent the Bakht family from attacking Aji. Laos takes action, no matter what conspiracy they hide. If you, the starship humans, are also included, it will be a four-way cooperation."

"Why us?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown, "We starship humans, whether in terms of economic strength or technological level, should not be able to cooperate with you interstellar plutocrats."

"Mr. Chen, don't belittle yourself." Abraham smiled. "Chaebols have the advantages of chaebols, and individuals also have their own strengths. At least big companies like us, even if they offer huge sums of money, can't recruit Bakht mining ships that can withstand countless The siege of the army and the immortals, the strong man who forcibly took the life of the Krublev noble."

Chen Ziang was quite surprised, because Abraham's statement reminded him: the starship society is indeed poor, but there is one thing that is the best in the galaxy - that is the combat strength of individual soldiers.

Tsukinomiya Suzuna, Xia Zili, Xia Qingyu, and of course I should be included. Their current combat strength can already kill mass-produced mysterious soldiers like the Immortals (such as the lieutenants around Trauch). It is no wonder that they are These interstellar plutocrats are targeting.

He and Tsukimiya Suzuna exchanged glances for a moment, then confirmed again and asked:

"So you want to hire our force?"

"I prefer to call it 'cooperation'." Abraham said with a smile, "I can't say about other companies, but the mystical scholars hired by our company are indeed not as good as yours in combat ability."

"At this stage, we do not plan to start a 'corporate war' with the Bakht family, so we cannot use any established military force. The infiltration of mystical scholars is the best option at the moment. Of course, you also need our goodwill and resources, no ?"

"I need to think about it." Chen Ziang replied.This was not to delay time, but to confirm with Xia Qingyu, who was staying behind on the starship, to see if there were any risks that he had not thought of.

"You can call this number after you make a decision." Abraham gave him a number, "Looking forward to your good news."

After the dark elf left, Chen Ziang pondered for a moment and then asked Yuegong Suzuna:
"How credible do you think his words are?"

"Nine points." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied, "The elf Abraham is very smart. He won't lie, but he is very good at hiding part of the truth and letting you think in the direction he guides."

"In other words, the Barr Group really wants to cooperate with us." Chen Ziang asked thoughtfully, "Are we really that strong?"

"Hey, senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna said dissatisfied, "Don't underestimate us witches!"

(End of this chapter)

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