The Witch's Taste

Chapter 308: Buy your house and steal your husband

Chapter 308: Buy your house and steal your husband
As it stands, there are roughly three known types of drawing power from the abyss:
The first is to learn all kinds of taboo occult knowledge so that spiritual vision can rise steadily and naturally, which is the path of a "mystical scholar".

The second is to voluntarily devote oneself to the gods of the abyss at the cost of being transformed into a lower race, which is the path of "devil sacrifice".

The third is to be chosen by the gods in extreme pain, and use the pain in exchange for the corresponding power, which is the path of the "witch".

It can be seen from the description that the mysterious scholar's spiritual vision is the slowest to increase because he has to rely on himself for everything; demon sacrifice is basically equivalent to being a dog for the god, and what he can get depends entirely on the mood of the god; only the upgrade of the witch She is the fastest, comparable to the biological daughter of the god of the abyss, and can get candy if she cries loudly.

Of course, the pain that can make a witch "cry" is not just the pain of being pricked in the hand by a wooden thorn, so overall it is consistent with "the more you pay, the more you get in return."In this way, the power of the witch can be understood.

After all, their pain is greater than anyone else's.

"But if the witch is stronger than everyone else," Chen Ziang asked thoughtfully, "then the one who rules the galaxy at this stage should be the strongest witch, right? Why haven't I heard of anything like this?"

"Mainly because the lifespan of witches is generally short." Suzuna Tsukimiya said carelessly, "Severe pain that is enough to destroy reason is not only the source of power that allows witches to quickly gain strength, but it is also a noose hanging around their necks."

"Before reaching the level of conquering the galaxy, they often cannot bear the torture and actively seek death. Therefore, it is difficult to change the existing international structure."

"That's right." Chen Ziang looked at Tsukinomiya Suzuna as if nothing had happened, and suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

Has Suzuna ever experienced such pain?

So what happened to me in my previous life...

Before he could feel sentimental for a long time, he saw Xia Zili and others coming out of the building.


"Now that we're done talking, let's go sit in a nearby restaurant."

In a private box at a nearby restaurant, Chen Ziang took the contract from Hoshino Norika and glanced at it roughly.

There is no problem, there are not even many restrictive clauses, which can be said to be quite generous from the celebrity side - part of the income sharing that Kiritani Maki can receive belongs to her agency, and the rest is donated to Takamagahara The majority of the costs, such as venue, equipment, and channel publicity expenses, are entirely borne by Aurora Charity.

It's a complete no-cost transaction.

"Actually, because the terms are too generous, it makes us feel a little uneasy." Xia Zili sighed, "Even if a charity organization does not pursue profit, it must at least deduct the cost from the income to maintain a minimum Break even, right?”

"This charity organization gives us the feeling that it doesn't care about money at all..."

"Yuki, I think you are worrying too much." Agent Norika Hoshino had a different opinion, "Aurora Charity is not only a charity organization, but also a religious organization. Did you see the religious symbols hanging on their walls? ?”

"I saw it, with the mark of the Elf Father." Xia Zili said hesitantly, "What do you mean..."

"Religious organizations pursue spiritual prosperity, and it is normal for them not to consider balance of payments at all." Norika Hoshino analyzed, "I have investigated the background of this charity company, and they do often do similar charity activities, such as Collect unwanted items from celebrities and put them up for auction, and all the proceeds will be used for charity, while the cost of the auction is also a separate expense and does not come from the auction proceeds."

"Okay..." Xia Zili noticed that Chen Zi'ang was giving her a wink, so she stopped arguing with her agent for the time being.

After dinner, Hoshino Norika took the contract and went back to Starport to find the legal team.

Chen Ziang whispered to Xia Zili in detail the news revealed by the Barr Group.

"To establish a reflection of the human residents of Aegelaos through my bloodline?" Xia Zili frowned uneasily, "In this case, I can't sign this contract." "No, you have to sign. "Suzuna Tsukimiya narrowed her eyes, "The reason is very simple: among the singing stars in Aegelaos, you are not the only one with human blood."

"If you choose to refuse the visa, they will find someone else to cooperate, and we will lose the source of intelligence in this area. How about you sign the contract first, and then we will use your information channels to further confirm what the other party's mysterious ritual is. things, and then deal with it.”

"Speaking of this, I don't think the Barr Group can be trusted." Xia Zili said doubtfully, "It feels like they are using us as gunmen."

"There are no good deeds among chaebols." Tsukimiya Suzuna said coldly, "There is only competition based on interests."

"As long as it can be confirmed that the Bakht Group is doing something detrimental to us, then there is nothing wrong with cooperating with the Barr Group, as long as you are not stupid enough to trust them completely."

"It's better to sign this contract first." Chen Ziang finally said, "Find out what Bakht is doing. We must not repeat the mistakes of Gao Tianyuan."


The charity concert matter has come to an end for the time being. After Hoshino Norika's legal team confirms that it is correct, they will mail the signed contract.

After the three of them had dinner, they took a taxi to District 24, which has the most municipal parks in Aegelaos and a large number of middle-class communities. The people who live here are those with stable and generous incomes. family.

Chen Ziang didn't know where he was going, but seeing that Xia Zili was very familiar with the environment here, he probably had some guesses in his mind.

"We're here." Xia Zili stopped in front of a house.

The house area is estimated to be about 200 square meters, with a large lawn, shrubs, fences and a detached garage. There is also a pond and big trees in the backyard. It can be said to be a pretty perfect home address.

Outside the wall at the door, there is a "for sale" notice, and the price is quite high - 470 million.

Xia Zili tore down the notice and said:
"I'm going to buy this house."

"Well, so here is..." Chen Ziang asked for confirmation.

"After we left Gaotianyuan, we lived in this house for almost three years." Xia Zili replied, with some sadness in her eyes, "It's great that this place hasn't been sold yet."

"You came here at this time in your previous life. Of course this house is for sale." Tsukimiya Suzuna complained, "And 470 million is too expensive. It's a ten percent premium over houses in the same location, okay?"

"Putting aside the price issue, this house is really good." Chen Ziang commented, "Vegetables can be grown on the lawn, fish can be raised in the pond, and the big tree can be used as a simple swing or even a tree house..."

Tsukimiya Suzuna half-opened her mouth in shock, because what Chen Ziang said was exactly the same as the house renovations in the previous life and later, and Xia Zili also showed a somewhat nostalgic look:
"Right, we looked at a dozen houses for sale and finally chose this place... The price is indeed a bit expensive, but you said the one that is suitable is the best."

Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly became furious when she heard that the couple understood each other tacitly.

But then I thought about it, didn’t Xia Zili make a deal yet?

How about I buy this house secretly?

When the time comes, I will be playing games with my seniors in the bedroom on the second floor. Xia Zili can only watch from the window. If you dare to come in, I will call the security officer in the name of "illegal trespassing"... Hehehehehehehehe!

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but take out her mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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