The Witch's Taste

Chapter 310 Fight to the death if you want to fight

Chapter 310 Fight to the death if you want to fight

Chen Ziang always felt that something was wrong, but he had no evidence.

The smashed tables and chairs were put together. Judging from the traces of the fragments, there were no traces of sharp cutting. They should have been violently smashed by external forces.

Judging from the shape and traces of the broken spider web, the gap in the TV screen seemed to have been broken by something larger.

Chen Ziang turned around and looked at the two girls carefully.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was cutting meat and Xia Zili was cooking in front of the stove. Both of them were unscathed. Not only were there no marks on their bodies, but there was no damage on their clothes either.

It had to be said that they were fighting, but Chen Ziang himself found it unconvincing.

He put the broken garbage into a big plastic bag and carried it out to take out the garbage.

The moment the door closed, Xia Zili had already picked up the empty iron pot next to her and smashed it hard against Tsukimiya Suzuna's head. The huge force caused a low whistle of the wind.

Tsukimiya Suzuna lifted the kitchen knife with her left hand and pressed it against the bottom of the iron pot. She directly took the fruit knife with her right hand and stabbed Xia Zili in the waist - and then she held it up with a shovel.

The two of them were fighting wildly, and it looked like there were flashes of swords and swords going back and forth. In fact, as long as one mistake was made, there would be blood immediately.

Chen Ziang went to the door to take out the garbage and came back. He opened the door that was ajar. Xia Zili immediately put the iron pot back on the stove and added some oil to it. Tsukigomi Suzuna also took back the fruit knife and started swishing. Cut potatoes.

When he came to the kitchen door and looked at the empty kitchen, Chen Ziang frowned and asked:
"Didn't you turn on the range hood?"

"Turn it on now." Xia Zili turned on the range hood.

"When I entered the door just now." Chen Ziang frowned and said, "I seemed to hear a crackling sound."

"That's Zili using the spatula to shovel the pot." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

"It's because you cut the chopping board too loudly." Xia Zili retorted.

"I just asked casually why such a thing can cause such a quarrel..." Chen Zi'ang felt somewhat like a "disaster" and quickly waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I won't cause trouble for you here. I clean the living room." Where is the broom?"

He left the kitchen and came to the living room, picked up a broom and started to sweep the floor. He heard another sound of gold and iron clashing in the kitchen, as if someone was slashing with weapons.

Chen Ziang was shocked, and quickly dropped the broom and ran to the kitchen. As soon as he rushed to the door of the kitchen, the sound of gold and iron suddenly stopped, and he saw the two girls were cooking seriously.

Is it my imagination?Chen Ziang left angrily, returned to the living room and picked up the broom, and heard the crackling sound again, and it seemed to be even more intense than before.

He didn't even bother to throw away the broom, and rushed to the kitchen door again. The noise disappeared again, and he saw Xia Zili in the kitchen taking out the pot and loading it, and then cleaning the iron pot for Tsukimiya Suzuna.

Chen Ziang was so angry that he simply didn't sweep the floor. He just hid behind the wall and watched what mischief they were doing.

After waiting for a long time, the sound did not come out, so he could only go to the center of the living room and continue to clean the dust on the floor.

As a result, within a few scans, there was another loud bang in the kitchen.

Chen Ziang threw the broom to the ground, and was about to catch the two girls to ask what happened when he suddenly heard a voice in his head:
"They are just pretending to be stupid if you go, why not leave it to me."

"Are you sure?" Chen Ziang asked doubtfully.

It's not that I judge a gentleman with a villain's heart, but you, Nishikawa Mie, really don't have any brains.Judging from your past deeds, what you are best at is wreaking havoc everywhere and trying to solve any problem with violence. It is really hard for me to believe that you have any ability to solve problems.

...Forget it, I'll give you another chance.As Chen Ziang's thoughts moved slightly, Nishikawa Meihui's figure also appeared in the living room.

This middle-aged woman who looked like a village woman quietly came to the kitchen door and saw two girls cooking seriously.

"You..." Tsukimiya Suzuna was the first to notice Saikawa Mie, and immediately asked alertly, "Saikawa Mie, aren't you dead?"

"I am now Chen Ziang's servant." Nishikawa Meihui said seriously, "He was worried that you were fighting privately without telling him, so he sent me over to take a look."

Xia Zili didn't know this witch, but she noticed that she seemed to be laughing at her secretly, so she frowned and said coldly:
"We're not fighting. Didn't you see we were cooking?"

"I'm older than you all put together." Mie Nishikawa, who is in her 40s, said with a sneer, "You can't hide your jealous little tricks from me at all."

"To be honest, your barbaric fight has no meaning other than venting your grievances. Why don't you set some rules?"

"Rules?" Tsukimiya Suzuna sneered, "Do you think we haven't tried it?"

"No matter what rules are set for competition, the person who loses will definitely turn his back and refuse to admit it. In this case, what is the point of setting rules?"

"What I mean is, set a rule for sharing him." Nishikawa Mie chuckled, "For example, one, three, and five will go to this person, two, four, and six will go to that person, and we can rest on Sundays or go together."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was dumbfounded, but Xia Zili quickly saw through her bad intentions and said:
"With our two personalities, it is absolutely impossible for us to coexist peacefully. Even if we temporarily tolerate each other according to your statement, sooner or later we will be over-suppressed and explode out of control... At that time, it will only trigger a greater conflict. In fact, you are Are you looking forward to this?"

"That's right." Mihui Nishikawa showed an evil smile, "A small fight is worse than a big fight, and a big fight is worse than a fight to the death. If you can bear it, just bear it, if you can't bear it, fight to the death, and fight with kitchen utensils like you do. What’s the point? Can you beat someone to death and then have your husband all to yourself? Stop dreaming.”

The three people were muttering in the kitchen. Chen Ziang waited in the living room for a long time with no response, so he went to the kitchen to confirm the situation.

"It's done." Nishikawa Mie turned around and said, and her figure suddenly disappeared on the spot.

"Uh..." Chen Ziang was silent for a moment and asked, "What did she say to you?"

"She said that our cooking skills work well together." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied, "It reminded her of the time she spent cooking together with her daughter."

Chen Ziang: ……………

I don’t know what you said, but it’s definitely not what Suzuna said.

However, the tense atmosphere in Inspiration had disappeared, and he couldn't continue to worry about it any more, so he sighed and said:

"Okay, let's eat first."

With the ingredients Chen Ziang brought back from the supermarket, Xia Zili has made a few simple home-cooked dishes. Although they are not rich, they are delicious and nutritious.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was eating her rice carelessly, still thinking about Nishikawa Mie's proposal.

If she had to say "sharing seniors", it was not unacceptable, but it just didn't cross her bottom line - if she could monopolize seniors, she would certainly not be generous enough to share them with others.

The real problem is that Xia Zili cannot accept this kind of thing.

Only those who have had it know the pain of loss. She was the biggest winner in her previous life. How could she admit defeat and make concessions in this life?
Therefore, this proposal is actually of little value for discussion, unless there is an extremely rare critical situation that forces everyone to put aside their prejudices and tolerate each other...

Is that really the case?
Just as she was thinking wildly, three people's cell phones rang at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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