The Witch's Taste

Chapter 311 We humans don’t lie to humans

Chapter 311 We humans don’t lie to humans
The call was from Yuki Izumo, and considering the things she was responsible for, the answer was obvious.

The fact that 5000 refugees were integrated into the Aegiraos sector was probably due to something wrong with this project.

Chen Ziang picked up the phone and turned on the speakerphone, only to hear Izumo Yuki say from inside:

"There was a little incident, and someone got into a fight with the host family."

Chen Ziang:? ? ?

After questioning carefully for a moment, the expressions on the three people's faces became even more confused.

The host family that had the accident was not an elves with racial discrimination, but a first-generation human family that immigrated to the Federation. The motivation behind applying to accept the refugees from Takamagahara did not seem to be well-intentioned.

After taking the refugees into their home, the family began to say some strange things: for example, lunch was one-dollar fried chicken from the supermarket, "This fried chicken only costs one dollar in our federation", and another example was that the after-dinner fruit was watermelon, " The watermelon in Takamagahara is not cheap, right? In our federation, you can eat as much as you like" and the like...

It just so happened that this refugee was also a hot-blooded young man. He couldn't bear the teasing and ridicule in his words. When the male host said, "This is the TV remote control. Do you Gaotian natives know how to use the remote control?" He punched him. He broke the bridge of the opponent's nose.

The hostess called the police while screaming, and federal security officers quickly arrived at the scene and took away the refugee boy who made the first move.

But this matter involves the diplomacy between Starship Humanity and the Bakht Group after all. Therefore, the Public Security Department did not initiate a public prosecution for personal injury. Instead, it notified both parties at the same time: I have the people under control first, and you can discuss how to deal with it.

After dinner, Chen Ziang and the others set out from home and went to the community where the incident occurred, intending to support the refugee young man on behalf of the Starfleet government.

In a federal society, community committees have great autonomy and can even prosecute residents to force them to move out of the community in extreme cases.The chairman of the committee is a wood elf lady in her 40s. She seems to be very easy to talk to. She immediately expressed her position to Chen Ziang when they met:
"Our community committee has learned about this matter, and the host family indeed engaged in intolerable discriminatory behavior."

"We have proposed to the district government to deprive them of their homestay qualifications, and asked them to publicly apologize to the victims and pay a certain amount of mental damages... What do you think?"

Chen Ziang: ……………

How to describe this feeling?It's like you clenched your fist and before you hit him, the other person knelt down and shouted "I was wrong."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was not surprised, because she was more familiar with the urinary properties of federal elves, and knew that accepting refugees was a major policy set by the Bakht Group. The community committee would definitely not dare to go against the big companies, so she nodded and said:
"We are also sorry for what happened. The victim will no longer be staying with you. We will take him back to the starship for psychological treatment."

"Of course." The other party immediately stated his attitude, "Our community is willing to bear the related treatment costs."

Both parties said some useless words and then started drinking tea.Probably because they knew that the future was not menacing on the human side, the representatives of the star district government who received the news were also belatedly arrived, and they repeatedly promised with Chen Ziang and others that "the qualifications of host families will be strictly reviewed in the future" and "this situation will never happen again." ".

After leaving the community committee, Chen Ziang couldn't help but sigh:

"I really didn't expect that something like this would happen... We didn't encounter the racist elves, but the humans of our own race started fighting among themselves first."

"This is what the human nobles of the Federation are like." Tsukimiya Suzuna sneered. "Getting the Federation permanent residence certificate is like getting the blood certificate of the nobles. In an instant, you are more noble than humans outside the Federation."

"Are we going to save them next?" Xia Zili asked worriedly.

"Why not save him?" Chen Ziang sighed, "But forget about this kind of 'human aristocrat', at least he must be mentally sound."

He waved his hand and was about to hail a taxi on the street, but he heard a woman's voice coming from behind:

"Hello, Mr. Chen, may I have a chat?"————————

in a nearby cafe.

Chen Ziang and others were seated at the table. Sitting across from them was an intellectual woman wearing glasses. She took out her business card from her purse and gently pushed it over.

The business card read "Lawyer Jiang Ying, Consul of the Human Mutual Aid Association of the Aegiraos Sector."

"Uh." Chen Ziang put away the business card and asked for confirmation, "Ms. Jiang, what does this human mutual aid association mean?"

Reminiscent of Seiko Takano's "Women's Mutual Aid Club"...

"As the name suggests, it is an autonomous organization formed by the human residents of the Aegelaos Sector for self-protection." Jiang Ying took a sip of coffee and replied, "In the Federation, autonomous organizations are quite common. Ethnic groups basically have their own mutual aid groups.”

"For some ethnic groups, such as wild elves and orcs, their mutual aid associations are often in the form of gangs and will engage in some illegal violent activities. However, our human mutual aid associations are different from them. We only serve to protect the legitimate rights and interests of our members."

Chen Ziang pondered for a moment and said:

"That is to say, there are situations where the legitimate rights and interests of human residents of the Federation are generally harmed, right? If this situation was not common, it wouldn't be necessary to establish an organization like a mutual aid association, right?"

"Haha." Jiang Ying chuckled and continued to stir the coffee with the glass rod in her hand. "Let's get back to business. What do you think of the human family that discriminates against refugees this time?"

"It's disgusting." Xia Zili replied, "Obviously we are all human beings, but we unscrupulously discriminate against our compatriots for fun. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as scum."

"That's what I want to say." Jiang Ying was silent for a while and said, "Convert fanaticism refers to the social phenomenon of ethnic minorities who immigrate to countries of other ethnic groups and fanatically want to separate themselves from their original ethnic identity. "

"Due to the existence of the empire, there are fewer human immigrants than other ethnic groups, but the fanaticism of converts is also more obvious, especially the first-generation immigrants... I can't say all of them, but the proportion of this group of people who are eager to sever their human identity At most, it is the second and third generation native human residents who realize that humans are at the pinnacle of implicit discrimination within the Federation and know how to use their ethnic identity to unite and protect themselves."

At this point, she probably felt that the time had come and said:
"As the leader of the Aegelaos Human Mutual Aid Association, I hope you will not misunderstand because of this incident and think that the humans in the Aegelaos sector are all such scum."

"Although the Federation considers itself a diversified country of immigrants, it actually has a dominant ethnic group, which is the elves. As a discriminated minority, if we humans do not know how to work together within the Federation, sooner or later we will be Forced into a desperate situation.”

"I probably already understand the purpose of Ms. Jiang's visit." Now that it has been confirmed that the other party is here to "find a way out," Chen Ziang is of course happy to have another channel to contact the local human residents of the Federation, "Here is my number. If If you need any help, you can contact me at any time.”

Jiang Ying solemnly wrote down Chen Ziang's number, only to hear Yuegong Suzuna suddenly ask:
"How do you plan to deal with the human family that caused this discrimination incident?"

"Not dealing with it," Jiang Ying replied. "Racial discrimination is the most serious political mistake on the surface of the Federation, and they will soon pay the price they deserve."

"Although we are called the Human Mutual Aid Society, we do not provide assistance to all humans... We only save those who can be saved."

Chen Ziang was startled when he heard this, and suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

This Ms. Jiang Ying...if she can communicate properly, she may become a key figure in saving the human residents of Aegelaos.

(End of this chapter)

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