The Witch's Taste

Chapter 325 Plague Walker

Chapter 325 Plague Walker

Chen Ziang was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the window next to him had been screened.

A mosquito is crawling outside the screen window, slowly combing its mouthparts with its two front legs, like a murderer slowly wiping the blade of the murderer.

Recently, mutant Japanese encephalitis has begun to spread in major urban areas. Patients with the disease will develop fever, drowsiness, and even coma within 5-7 days.The mortality rate of severe patients is as high as 70%, and even if they are cured, they will leave lifelong sequelae of epilepsy.

There are currently no treatment drugs, only preventive drugs - the "oral monoclonal antibody" developed by the Barr Group, which can immunize against variant Japanese encephalitis infection after taking it, but it must be taken every half a month.

The original price of the drug is quite expensive, but the Barr Group "takes into account the health needs of the public" and is willing to cooperate with many companies on the market to sell drugs in bulk at more favorable prices.

At this point, the entire conspiracy has completely surfaced:
Mosquitoes flying all over the sky have turned into micro-killers that take human lives. The only one who has the means to save lives is the Barr Group.All forces in the Aegelaos sector must maintain friendly relations with the Baal Group, otherwise they will not be able to get medicines and will only die miserably from repeated infections and pain.

No one dares to trace the origin of the mutant Japanese encephalitis, and no one dares to ask "why the Barr Group came up with preventive drugs so quickly." Even if it is figured out, what can it do?You don't take medicine anymore?

The local branches of the chaebols have reached an agreement with the Barr Group and received a stable supply of drugs in batches; as for small and medium-sized enterprises and civilians, they can only rely on rush buying and "relationships" to do their own thing... So some people began to try to escape Aijiraou However, the surrounding star areas that received the news have already closed the routes to Aegelaos in advance, for fear that the Baal Group would take the opportunity to transport these mosquitoes.

Under such circumstances, Ms. Jiang Ying, the president of the local Human Mutual Aid Association, finally couldn't sit still and chose to pay a visit.

"Now the general trend of Japanese encephalitis epidemic is irreversible, and there are still more than three months until winter. Before then, the medicines of the Barr Group are our only means of life-saving." After sitting down on the sofa, Jiang Ying did not waste time. He spoke quickly, "But the price of the medicine is too expensive, and even if we survive this year, the disease may come back next year."

"Ms. Jiang Ying, there are no outsiders here, you might as well speak more clearly." Chen Ziang said calmly, "Is there anyone who wants to immigrate to our starship?"

With external shipping routes completely cut off and no way to escape, the human residents of Aegelaos naturally turned to the starship humans for help.

"Yes." Jiang Ying lowered her head in embarrassment.

Some time ago, when Chen Ziang told her that "Starship humans allow Aegelaos humans to immigrate," she and her group members publicly solicited immigration wishes, but the result was rejection and ridicule without exception.

The well-educated members politely declined on the grounds of "I don't plan to give up my career here," while the uneducated members simply said bluntly, "According to the refugees who came for exchange, the starship has difficulty supplying even basic vegetables and meat. , who would abandon the wealthy life in Aegelaos and go to a starship to hang out with a group of poor ghosts?"

Unexpectedly, in less than a month, the situation immediately took a turn for the worse.

The developed and wealthy Aegelaos sector immediately became a dangerous place for everyone to escape due to the rampant mosquitoes and the epidemic of Japanese encephalitis; and the starship humans who were once despised have now become the only refuge. …

So Ms. Jiang Ying was quickly found again.The guys who were originally condescending and making comments about the humans on the starship were now all groveling, and some even wanted to give her money. They just asked her to help talk to the starship to get a precious quota of immigrants.

Although these guys were arrogant and respectful, Jiang Ying felt a sense of reversal, but when she thought of bringing up this matter with Chen Ziang again, she subconsciously felt a little scared. After all, she had personally told Chen Ziang before, "Unless it's in Ai People who can’t survive on Geraos will generally not leave the planet and choose space.”

"The current situation is that there is an extra expense for purchasing drugs every month, which makes many people's financial situation worse." Jiang Ying had no choice but to choose to be honest and describe the current difficult situation, "And the Barr Group's requirements will definitely be met. It’s becoming more and more harsh. If the other party changes its policy in the future, such as reducing drug rationing for human races, what can we do then? Kneel down in front of their headquarters and beg for mercy?”

"No one wants to control their life and death in the hands of others. In comparison, starship humans are a better choice. I can apologize for the previous rudeness and offense, but..." Ms. Jiang Ying does not need to apologize." Chen Ziang interrupted her gently, "In the absence of Japanese encephalitis epidemic, starship humans are indeed not the best choice for immigration, and we can give you a generous understanding in this regard."

"However, if you want to immigrate to a starship, you still need to go through political review. Our starship is not a passenger ship, and it is not used to transport you to other star regions, and we do not welcome those duplicitous hypocrites..."

He calmly stated a lot of restrictions, but Jiang Ying couldn't reply at all, so she could only accept them all, with an extremely humble attitude.

After Jiang Ying left silently, Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile:

"Senior is so proud this time. I originally thought that it would take a lot of time and energy to poach the human residents here, but I didn't expect that now they are begging us!"

"Yes." Xia Zili also breathed a sigh of relief, "In this way, Agilaos's scheduled tasks will be completed."

But she soon became sad again:
"It's just that we can successfully achieve our goal, but the price is based on the fact that Aegelaos is ravaged by disease..."

"Don't be stupid, what does this have to do with us!" Suzuna Tsukimiya said coldly, "In the end, aren't it all the elf chaebols who are causing disasters? In order to seize wealth, resources and power, these guys will do anything. Come out, you have time to sympathize with these residents, why not find a way to deal with the chaebols."

"Plague Walker." Xia Qingyu, who was playing with her mobile phone next to her, suddenly said coldly.

"What?" Chen Ziang turned around and asked.

"It's not the mosquitoes that are wreaking havoc outside." Xia Qingyu threw the phone to him, "It's the lower race of a certain god. You guys can see for yourselves."


The Plague Walker is an abyssal god that resembles an insect.

Few people can successfully see this god, because he lives in the extremely deep abyss plane, which is full of plague, disease and death. Flesh and flesh life cannot set foot in it. Only the most senior occult scholars dare to pray to him. .

However, through forbidden séance rituals, lower races of this god can be summoned—they are also in insect form and carry a variety of pathogens.

Shortly after the concert, Xia Qingyu asked several mosquitoes to be made into samples and sent to the starship for research and confirmation. Now they have been confirmed by Rio Hokaze.

These insects are not real mosquitoes, but a lower race of Plague Walkers.They don't need blood like mosquitoes, and their bites are simply to spread diseases.

After reading the analysis conclusion given by Honokaze Rio, he also realized that the current situation was critical, which could be described as dangerous.

The Baal Group may not know the dangers of dealing with gods, but Chen Ziang knows it all too well... The mission of these lower-level races is to spread the plague. While you cooperate with them to spread the disease, you secretly distribute the antidote without telling them. , if this continues, you will definitely lose it!
We have to quickly transport the humans who want to immigrate to the starship, and then run away as soon as possible before the gods get angry!
(End of this chapter)

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