The Witch's Taste

Chapter 326 Let’s go filming

Chapter 326 Let’s go filming

If the Bakht Group's "gospel plan" is still within the controllable and preventable range, then the "Plague Walker" of the Bal Group is a desperate act that "cannot be saved by gods".

So far, Chen Ziang has dealt with four lower-level races in total.

The Nightmare Clan, the Ghoul Clan, the Living Dead Clan and the Crystal Cluster Clan, none of these four races is a fuel-efficient lamp.Not to mention that their intelligence is not inferior to that of humans. Due to their long-term immersion in mysterious knowledge, they also have various secret information channels behind them and can secretly monitor the plane of the real world.

The Baal Group can't even deal with the witches of our starship humans, but they dare to use the power of lower races. Isn't it true that foxes are afraid of jackals, but they use tigers to get along with them!


These elven chaebols are simply a cancer in the universe. Not to mention the destruction of Gao Tianyuan, Aegelaos will soon follow in their footsteps. How many star districts will it take for you to give up? !

"Aren't you going to take care of it?" Xia Qingyu said coldly.

Chen Ziang looked at the two people who were still arguing in the kitchen, sighed and said:
"I'm thinking about very serious business, and I don't have time to care about these trivial family matters."

"You are quite self-aware." Xia Qingyu raised her eyebrows, "Because you can't do it, you just avoid it."

"It's not about escaping." Chen Ziang replied, "I'm waiting for a critical opportunity."

"Haha..." Xia Qingyu sneered.

"Or do you have any suggestions for Qingyu?" Chen Ziang asked angrily, seeing that she was also a little annoyed.

"Get castrated." Xia Qingyu said coldly.

Chen Ziang:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Well, do you want to listen to what you just said?
"The so-called jealousy is nothing more than a boring fight for mating rights." Xia Qingyu picked up the tea cup boredly and looked out the window. "The best way to stop the fight is to make them lose the goal to fight for. As long as you lose that aspect. If you just stay with me, there will be no need for conflict."

"Wait a minute, are you kidding?" Chen Ziang stood up quickly and asked anxiously, "Hey, are you kidding?!"

"Otherwise?" A cold smile appeared on Xia Qingyu's face, and the teasing meaning was self-evident. "Do you still take it seriously? It seems that I have to re-estimate the degree of your brain atrophy."

"If someone else said this, they would definitely be joking." Chen Ziang complained, "But your thinking is unique. Who knows if you are serious about making suggestions?"

Xia Qingyu lowered her head to drink tea, too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Speaking of which," Chen Ziang said in a low voice, "Does the timeline of this life seem more dangerous than the previous one? I asked Suzuna and Zili that Aegelaos in the previous life had neither a gospel plan nor a The Plague Walkers were peaceful until the war with the Empire began."

"The significant impact on the results comes from the introduction of variables with sufficient weight." Xia Qingyu said lightly.

Chen Ziang could understand what she meant: this variable refers to the starship humans with multiple witches.

Xia Zili and Tsukinomiya Suzuna are both witches, and the trigger should be their own death in the previous life.Although Xia Qingyu didn't say it, judging from some of her past performances, she can basically tell the truth.

In addition to the three people in the Mandala Sword, there are six witches on the human starship. This is no longer an ordinary refugee armed force. No wonder that as soon as they arrived in the Aegelaos star sector, they took the Elf Plutocrats to The original steady-state balance was broken.

"Is this influence good or bad?" Chen Ziang asked again.

"What is considered good, and what is considered bad?" Xia Qingyu asked him, "Take Plague Walker as an example, do you think this is good or bad?"

"It should be..." Chen Ziang wanted to say that it was a good thing, because it directly caused the human residents of Aegelaos to no longer be able to stay here, and the starship humans could arbitrarily seize the talents among them, and they would not be as powerful as originally expected. resistance.But to say that this vicious epidemic, which has affected billions of star district residents, is a good thing...isn't it too cruel?
"I have discussed the matter of my original intention before." Chen Ziang was silent for a long time and replied, "My original intention is to let those who could have lived live as long as possible. As long as it is conducive to this, it will be good for me. Words count as good things.”

"So, what is a person who 'could' have survived?" Xia Qingyu asked leisurely, "What is the criterion for judgment?"

"If someone seeks their own death, I will not stop them." Chen Ziang replied, "Take the starship humans as an example. After experiencing the destruction of Gao Tianyuan, normal people will understand that the federation controlled by the elf chaebols cannot be trusted, right?"

"However, after arriving in the Aegelaos sector, there are still some people who cannot stand the hardships of the starship environment. They know that the Federation is a savage beast that is hostile to humans, and yet they deceive themselves and others and try to immigrate there - these people do not belong to the original People who can live', I respect their wishes to choose their own life."

"On the contrary, those who work hard on the starships, those who do their best to keep society functioning, those who know that they are enemies of a behemoth like the Federation, but still muster the courage to unite to fight against it, and those who will never give in - —They are the humans who deserve to survive in this galaxy."

Xia Qingyu was silent for a long time. It was only when Chen Ziang was not sure whether she had fallen asleep that he heard her say quietly:

"Survival is the first priority in the universe."

"Nothing is more important than survival. Not the law, not ethics, not conscience."

"However, people who stay in a safe environment for too long will gradually ignore the dangers of the outside world and lose their perception of the pressure of survival. They will be dominated by other things, such as their own interests, emotions, positions, and morals, and ultimately do Make irrational choices that are not conducive to one's own survival."

"The more such people there are in a population, the easier it is for this population to make mistakes in decision-making, and eventually move towards the abyss of destruction step by step... Imperial academia has a complex calculation formula in this regard to calculate the level of this population's desire for survival. , let’s call it ‘collective desire for survival’.”

"On a scale of 0-100, the collective desire to survive in Takamagahara before it fell into destruction was about 3-10. This value is far lower than the average level in the galaxy, indicating that the vast majority of Takamagahara people do not care about their own situation and do not have the ability to judge. The ability to benefit oneself and easily be manipulated by the outside world to self-destruct is also the main reason why the empire finally determined that Gao Tianyuan was not worth rescuing."

"After the destruction of Gaotianyuan, the collective desire for survival of the starship humans directly rose to over 90. And this is reflected in the various qualities of people who, in your opinion, 'should live more'. "

"What do you mean?" Chen Ziang asked tentatively, "The empire has changed its view of us..."

"It's not enough." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Today's collective desire for survival is short-lived and unstable. It is obtained at the cost of the death of the vast majority of our compatriots. Just like the baby boomer after the war, it only affects all the people. Just a traumatic stress reaction.”

"What you have to do is to transform this sense of instability after trauma into cultural ideas that can be deeply imprinted on the collective."

Chen Ziang fell silent.

He vaguely understood what Xia Qingyu meant.The sense of instability after being traumatized is like a certain regime in the history of the earth that was oppressed by foreign powers. Every time it suffered a major defeat, it began to reform, but these reforms would soon encounter various resistances... Waiting for the major defeat to After the impact has passed, the humiliating instability has subsided, and the motivation to continue reform has also disappeared.

As one of the leaders of the starship humanity, what he has to do is to make all starship humanity realize "who our enemies are", "what dangers we face", and most importantly "what should our future be like" "Self-help", we must make these three issues deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Then what exactly should we do..." Chen Ziang said, his eyes suddenly lit up, "I know!"

Isn’t the “Plaguewalker Disaster” currently facing Aegelaos the best textbook?

Seeing that Chen Ziang could quickly understand what he meant, Xia Qingyu was also very satisfied. She picked up the portable camera from the sofa next to her and her smile couldn't help but become gentle:
"Now that you've figured it out, then... you can try to shoot some material and edit a film..."

Tsukimiya Suzuna, who was still quarreling with Xia Zili in the living room, inadvertently looked towards the living room and took in Xia Qingyu's gentle smile. Suddenly her heart skipped a beat and she roared:

"Xia Qingyu, what do you want, you bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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