The Witch's Taste

Chapter 368 Your sister is not sick

Chapter 368 Your sister is not sick

What is the difference between gods and mortals?
According to Chen Ziang's accumulation of knowledge, the two can almost be said to be "incomparable". The former not only exceeds the latter's understanding, but even exceeds the imagination.

Just like humans in the Middle Ages, they could understand how fire was produced and could imagine the great power of lightning, but black holes were completely beyond the boundaries of thought.

This is what gods are.They are not life and therefore cannot die.Since most of the thinking patterns of intelligent life come from "self-preservation" and "reproduction", and gods do not have these two needs, their thinking patterns are completely different from those of intelligent life.

According to a few speculations in Takamagahara's large intelligence library, it is currently only known that the thinking of gods is usually simple, pure and unchanging from a human perspective.

For example, the Plague Walker's goal is to spread his own plague in life, so he will do this forever, for hundreds of thousands of years... Of course, the god's view of time is completely different from that of intelligent life. Hundreds and thousands of years may seem like just a moment to them.

Neither humans nor witches can compete with the gods, just like ants cannot try to erode the sun.

Chen Ziang thought for a moment and did not ask Nico about the gods. He just went to the Chaos Altar to confirm the amount of fire.

The last time I helped Nishikawa Mihui repair her injuries, all the fire had been used up, but later on, she manufactured a large number of living dead in the underground arsenal, and got another batch of meritorious service, which is now about [-] points.

It's a pity that this little fire can't be exchanged for power.

"Speaking of which," Chen Zi'ang asked Nico, "Why is there no change in the list of powers here?"

"The power that can be learned is related to many factors." Nicole replied calmly, "The most important thing depends on which gods are willing to provide power."

"Most gods don't care about any lower-level races worshiping them, let alone granting them power."

"Secondly, your own race, body and mind will also limit the powers you can use. For example, the great Lord of the Deep Sea pays special attention to intelligent life with rich emotions, so both nightmares and humans can learn the power he bestows. power."

"The above two points can filter out the vast majority. Coupled with your spiritual vision and military rank restrictions, what is left in the end is a list that you can see."

"Well." Chen Ziang pondered, "Then if I want to learn powers with specific effects..."

"Then you have to contact a specific lower-level race, and it's hard to say whether it will succeed." Nicole asked softly, "What kind of power do you want to learn?"

"The power to cure blindness and mental closure." Chen Ziang replied.

"Pure healing powers are actually not uncommon, but..." Nicole paused subtly and said, "Blindness and stupidity have a very unique direction in mysticism. Why don't you ask the person involved? Does she really want you to find a so-called 'cure'?"

"What else?" Chen Ziang disagreed, "According to what you said, he is already 'stupid', so how can he still have the ability to decide whether he 'want to be cured'? Of course, this is the decision of the guardian."

"In this case, I'm sorry that I can't do anything." Nicole said meaningfully.

Chen Ziang felt vaguely irritated, but since the other party was unwilling to provide help, he could only understand that different races still had their own positions after all, and it was impossible to cooperate without reservation.

After leaving the dream world, he turned back to the Lightless Shura to ask a question that he had wanted to find out for a long time.

The witch Mizuhara Saori once used a power that allowed her to shuttle back and forth between metal crystal clusters, ignoring spatial restrictions - but after inheriting her ability, she did not obtain a similar power.

Nowadays, he has many offensive powers and many defensive powers. The only thing he lacks is the ability to move at high speed, such as Suzuna Tsukimiya's jumping, Xia Qingyu's opening the door, and Xia Zili's high-speed movement... Basically, they have been verified in actual combat. An indispensable part of the combat power complement.

"You can't use that power." Quartz's tone of voice was still harsh and harsh. "Humble flesh and blood life cannot understand the unique connection between metal atoms, let alone use it."

"But Suiyuan Shazhi can use it." Chen Ziang asked patiently.

"Because of her connection with our Lord, she has some metallic features inside her body." Quartz said in a hoarse voice, "Didn't you notice that there is no blood on her body surface, and there is no warmth to the touch?"

"No, I haven't touched it." Chen Ziang said quickly.

"The solution is actually very simple." Quartz ignored his self-defense and continued, "I will give you a fragment, and you insert it into your body. Using your time measurement unit, it can be initially realized in half a year. The semi-metallic body can not only use more of the power given by our Lord, but also make the body harder, colder and less afraid of harm."

"Semi-metallic..." In Chen Ziang's mind, an image of a robot with a whole body of machinery and a naked lower body quickly appeared. "Will it lose the sense of touch of the body?"

"What's the use of that thing?" Shi Ying said contemptuously.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore." Chen Ziang sighed.

Although it is easy to get exhausted now, it is painful and happy after all. It would be too boring to become an unconscious cornered man.

"It's up to you." Quartz gave a harsh sneer, "That's how flesh and blood life is. On the one hand, it suffers from its own fragility, and on the other hand, it is nostalgic for this false 'beauty'. When your life is approaching, you will I regret it, hahahaha..." Chen Ziang's face darkened, this guy's sarcastic attitude reminded him of a woman inexplicably.

After leaving Lightless Shura, Chen Ziang went to Drowning Hailin and saw Han Na, the bloated and drowned priest.

"Ah, our distinguished guest is back." Han Na obviously wanted to sound more enthusiastic, but her appearance was too scary and scary, and she had no affinity at all. "You have provided very important support for the growth of our living dead clan. Contribution. Our clan will always remember your contribution."

"Ahem." Chen Ziang said in his heart that if these things were made public, it would be a serious crime!As expected, the thinking of lower-level races is completely different from that of humans.

"Is there any power that can cure blindness or stupidity?" He tried again without giving up.

"Yes, as long as you transform into the living dead, all illnesses will disappear..." Han Na said without thinking at first, then suddenly her body shook in shock, and she asked cautiously, "Do you mean blind, stupid, or both? All of them?"

"Both." Chen Ziang replied.

"That can't be transformed randomly." Han Na quickly changed her words and said, "From your human perspective, it seems that the body and mind are imperfect, but this kind of just right imperfection may not be perfection in a higher dimension. You We should change our perspective and look at this matter again.”

"How do we change the angle?" Chen Ziang was confused. "Forget it, let's not mention this for now. Recently, there are gods who want to come to the world. Have you heard similar rumors?"

"Of course." Han Na was indeed not ignorant of this, and sighed, "The arrival of the gods, even judging from the nearly infinite life of our people, is extremely rare. If everyone is full, There should also be an increase in the number of individuals who are suffering from the pain of the plague and are willing to throw themselves into the immortal arms of our clan."

How long has it been since then and you are still thinking about growing your tribe?Chen Ziang was also speechless.

But since Han Na was optimistic about the generals of the Plague Walkers, she would not give "suggestions on how to deal with it". Even if she asked, she would just say "I suggest you transform into the living dead", so he gave up decisively. No further questions were asked.

After leaving Drowning Hailin, Chen Ziang finally went to Zubasa, the dying realm, and met the priest Salahek.

"You have been in the limelight recently." Salahek said when they met, "You have created a lot of living dead in the surface world, and the news has spread to the dying realm."

"Ahem, I encountered a lot of trouble in the surface world." Chen Ziang also knew that the ghouls and the living dead were not from the same camp, so he immediately defended himself and said, "I can only use all means to save myself."

"In that case, why don't you use our secret ritual of the Corpse Cult?" Salahek said, half dissatisfied and half eager, as if to sell it, "Nishikawa Mie should have demonstrated it to you before, right? The Corpse Cult The secret ritual can also infect people on a large scale, and the transformed ghouls are not slow-moving waste like the living dead."

"But at least the living dead will not die." Chen Ziang tried to explain, "You know the power of thermal weapons, right? Can ghouls withstand the bombing of high-explosive machine guns?"

"The living dead can't handle it," Salahek said disdainfully. "We ghouls can still hide in the sewers and wait for opportunities. Can high-explosive machine guns plow the sewers? The living dead can only be beaten. Break it into pieces and drag it away for experiments.”

Chen Ziang was speechless. Salahek struck while the iron was hot and took out a thick leather book:
"This contains the various rituals of the Ghoul Cult's secret rituals. You're welcome. Take it, learn it well, and use it to your heart's content. If you want to create a plague or massacre in the surface world, we, the Ghoul family, will always provide you with the greatest degree of help.”

The cover of the book was smooth and cool, and it looked like the skin of an unknown creature... Chen Ziang endured his nausea and took it, and said politely:
"Okay, I will consider it if necessary."

Although he expected to get the same answer, he asked again just to be on the safe side:

"Does it have the power to cure blindness and stupidity? Let's not talk about whether this is a 'disease' or not. Anyway, I hope that she can regain her sight and then be able to speak."

"No." Salahek replied simply, "I dare not."

Chen Ziang fell silent, thinking that if the mysterious world didn't have the power to heal his sister, wouldn't my original intention have completely failed?
If you think about it carefully, it's not a complete failure.After all, it was because of my involvement in the mysterious world that I was able to get to know them in my previous life, so I can also protect myself in this life.

It’s just my sister’s situation, what should I do next?It feels like I have suddenly lost my way forward.

Returning to the real world from the abyss, Chen Ziang sat next to his sister and sighed:

"Xiaozhu, you can't see anything in the world, and your spirit is completely closed. Living like this... can anyone really bear it? If you can think, you should also hope to be cured, right?"

Chen Xiaozhu didn't answer, which made him a little frustrated.

It's just that he has become accustomed to it after so many years, and Chen Ziang quickly regained his energy.

Those lower-level races who say "there is no such power" actually only prove that they do not know it, but it does not mean that such power does not exist.

No matter what, I shouldn't give up.

Chen Ziang left the small garden, while Chen Xiaozhu slowly turned his head and looked in the direction he left, with empty eyes without any emotion.

 I originally wanted to write 4k words to make it into one, but my stomach hurts and I can’t write anymore. Maybe it’s because my aunt is here, don’t blame me~
(End of this chapter)

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