The Witch's Taste

Chapter 369 Can't Think of a Name

Chapter 369 Can't Think of a Name

The new disease that appeared in Galapasia was quickly noticed by major companies.

The plague of the living dead involves vomiting, coma, and then transformation, but this new condition involves high fever, coma, and long sleep—exactly the same as the patients in Aegelaos.

Many comatose people were taken back by the company for research, and the pathogen was successfully isolated, proving that it was indeed a mutant encephalitis virus.

The Barr Group naturally bore the brunt of suspicion, but many chaebols responded in completely different ways.

The two nobles Klublief and Bakht immediately united to launch an attack, claiming to the city council that the Baal Group and the Starship humans had joined forces to conduct illegal biochemical experiments in Galapasia, which violated more than 140 federal laws and should be punished. Severe sanctions were immediately imposed.

This is also expected by other companies, because among the eight giants of the federation, excluding the aristocratic camp and the financial capitalist camp that compete with each other, the Barr Group is the strongest.

Once the Barr Group wants to "go further", it will have to choose two camps to stand in. The noble camp itself is naturally exclusive. If you don't have noble blood, you are nothing... So it is natural for the nobles to want to weaken the Barr Group.

In contrast, financiers naturally wanted to protect the companies that the nobles wanted to weaken. Soon major media outlets were writing articles claiming that the culprit behind the scenes was Starship Humanity (thereby taking out the Barr Group).

Unlike traditional TV stations and news programs, Internet social media is almost entirely in the hands of information technology companies, so their voices are uniform, almost as clear as saying "human beings are the culprit of our suffering."

This kind of propaganda, which is clearly inciting racial hatred, has undoubtedly hit the back of the left-wing people's "anti-racial discrimination". Therefore, regardless of the current plague outside, everyone took to the streets to start demonstrations.

In the traditional federal society environment, demonstrations are an important way to participate in politics, allowing the masses to get a false sense of accomplishment that "my opinions are also useful."

However, this time it was decided unanimously by the plutocrats. Naturally, it was not the turn of the untouchables who had made little contribution to society to comment. Now that there are many conflicts within Galapasia, foreign enemies like starship humans are needed to divert the pressure. You still care about concepts such as racial equality. You are really ignorant of current affairs!

So the city council quickly introduced the person who took the blame: the speaker announced a ban on street demonstrations in support of humanity, citing "the need for national defense and security."

With such a tough attitude from above, the people below were immediately divided: some chose to cease their activities, while others chose to fight against the tyranny... But these are not important. What is important is that the city government and the chaebol have expressed an extremely tough attitude on this matter. This is a very sensitive political signal.

The ones with the sharpest sense of smell are naturally the wealthy human businessmen and corporate executives. This group of people has the closest relationship with the upper-level politicians. They also noticed that the elves seemed to have the idea of ​​"please sacrifice the general if the country is not prosperous", and immediately started to run away. .

Some chose to leave the Garcia sector and go to other sectors for temporary refuge. Others set their sights on starship humans and began to use various connections to try to seek qualifications for starship immigration.

Investment immigration is the most popular type in most countries in the galaxy, but starship humans are an exception.After all, the assets of these "upper class people" are all within the federal territory, and the federation will definitely not let these rich people leave with their money. Rounding it off means there is no value.

And the minds of these rich people are indeed flexible.They discovered that starship humans did not like investment immigration, but were more inclined to accept skilled immigrants, so they quickly used their own financial resources to hire qualified experts in various fields to get married, and then applied for skilled immigrants in the name of their spouses.

For technical talents, a fake marriage can make a huge fortune, and then they can get divorced after immigrating. Why not?

Starfleet's human executives soon discovered that these rich people were exploiting loopholes in the skilled immigration system.So at the next standing council meeting, Tenjoin Kazuhana, who handled internal affairs on behalf of Tsukimiya Suzuna, brought this matter up.

"Should we fill this loophole?" the little girl analyzed matter-of-factly. "For example, how long can it be designed to prevent couples from getting divorced after immigrating? In this way, skilled immigrants are willing to fake marriages. Will it become less?"

Chen Ziang was also speechless and reminded her:

"Have you ever learned the allusion to Qian Jinshi's horse bones?"

"Well, I learned about it in elementary school textbooks." Tianshangyuan and Hua were a little embarrassed.There are so many things to deal with that I almost forget that I am actually only a high school student at my age.

"These rich people want to come to the starship for shelter. We can accept it or not." Chen Ziang said calmly, "It doesn't matter. What we really care about are technical experts and outstanding talents in various professional fields. Do you understand?"

"As long as we show such an attitude, rich people who want to immigrate will naturally find ways to recruit technical experts for us, which will be beneficial to us."

"That's it." Tianshangyuan and Hua Xinyu were convinced, "By the way, there is one more thing."

"Some of the people on the ship have spontaneously organized associations. Do we want to regulate them?"

"What does the association do?" Xia Zili asked curiously, "Do they discuss political topics?"

"It's not a political topic." Tenjoin Waka replied, "It's mainly about forming cliques. Those from Takamagahara are mixed together, and those from Egilaos are mixed together, just like the students in the school class, forming a One small group after another.”

"There is no need to deal with this kind of thing originally, but someone recently reported that some societies have reached nearly a thousand people, and the scale is not small. So is it necessary to take some measures?"

Chen Ziang pondered and looked at the others.Xia Qingyu closed her eyes and said nothing, Xia Zili was deep in thought, and Yuegong Suzuna... had a blank look on her face.

By the way, weren't you the leader of the starship humans in the previous life?Why are you so confused!Tell me how you handled it at that time!

Then he suddenly came back to his senses. From the current situation, it can be seen that Suzuna Tsukimiya was probably a hands-off shopkeeper in her previous life, leaving all political affairs to Tenjoin and Hana's helper, so she is now dealing with Know nothing about this.

But the problem is that only you are reborn!Your subordinates don’t have memories of past lives, can you please make them more reliable for me?
Seeing that no one had any ideas, Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly clapped her hands and said:

"Okay, then Hehua, just go and draw up a plan and show it to us then."

Chen Zi'ang secretly collapsed, while Tianshangyuan and Hua wanted to cry without tears.

Is it really okay to leave such an important thing to me?And at first glance, it seems to be a very complicated task that requires a lot of time and energy to handle!

I really don’t want to work overtime!

"Speaking of this." Song Mingyuan said suddenly, "I believe there should be a ready-made plan for reference."

Xia Qingyu opened her eyes, seemingly signaling him to continue speaking.

"As we all know, Gao Tianyuan faced various existential crises during the reign of the first-generation governor Shi Zhiqing." Song Mingyuan continued, "Therefore, the government adopted a military control and centralized model to deal with a series of problems and dilemmas - in the international environment Isolated and helpless, lacking capital for economic development, and full of hidden dangers in internal affairs, it is actually very similar to today's starship humans."

"Governor Shi Zhiqing listened to the opinions of the staff group and finally adopted a temporary system to ensure stability until Shi Jintang is completely reformed."

"It's called the Integrated Consultative Conference."

(End of this chapter)

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