The Witch's Taste

Chapter 372 1 peach kills 2 soldiers

Chapter 372
The essence of a witch is pain.

Pain can make her stronger, but it can also make her mind more distorted. In the long run, the result will be madness and destruction.

However, their extremely terrifying and unlimited growth potential makes all the forces in the galaxy, while maintaining the "kill without mercy upon discovery" policy towards witches, they are also secretly studying how to make witches controllable - obviously, in the end The simple solution is to make her happy.

For example, love and marriage can effectively relieve and nourish the witch's tortured mind. Of course, this only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.The obsession that gave birth to the witch has not changed. Sooner or later, the witch will be destroyed. It is just a matter of time.

Unless the source of the witch's pain is a major disaster in love and marriage, such as the death of her lover... and then resurrecting her lover and healing her scars with the love she desires most, this is actually basically impossible to achieve. The way, maybe
But then comes another question: Is the love used to heal enough?

The further back he went, the more Chen Ziang felt that [The Name of God Pan] was the most valuable power he had ever redeemed.After all, he often suffers from physical exhaustion and his legs become numb. If he didn't have this power, the other leg would have been disabled long ago.

After coming out of the rest area, Xia Zili was refreshed, and her previous fright from the water slide had completely calmed down.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was a little languid, she didn't know what was going on, and her listless look seemed a bit familiar.

"Let's go play that." Xia Zili pointed into the distance with interest.

Chen Ziang took a closer look and saw that it was actually a water gun fight.

As the name of this amusement project suggests, you use a water gun to shoot at people around you and have fun doing it.

Generally speaking, apart from the acquaintances who came together, strange beauties are the easiest targets to target. A large group of people excitedly held water guns and shot at the beauties, as if they wanted to use the water guns to blow off each other's swimsuit shoulders. Give it a break... It can be seen from here that the amusement park is closed in the name of maintenance, but in fact it is for the sake of tourists.

Otherwise, maybe tomorrow a group of people will be thrown out of the starship airlock and go "wandering in space" for being guilty of hooliganism.

Chen Ziang is actually not interested in the water gun. After all, squirting... I can't say it's boring. I can only say it too many times and it's not interesting at all. However, in order not to spoil the fun of the two female companions, he can only pretend "I want to With the attitude of "You all cum", he laughed and said:

"Do you want to compete with me in archery skills? Then you will definitely lose."

"Really?" Tsukimiya Suzuna raised her eyebrows.

"Of course, I am a security officer..." Chen Ziang said, his voice gradually losing confidence.

Theoretically speaking, all security operators are required to have marksmanship skills, especially the operators of Countermeasures Section [-]. They deal with dangerous monsters all year round, so their shooting skills are absolutely excellent.

But because of the Mandala Sword, Chen Ziang neglected to practice his archery.If there was a true target shooting competition, even Suzuna might not be able to compete...

Oops, this is going to be embarrassing!
He could only convince himself: It is not shameful to be embarrassed in front of his wife. As a couple, they should give in.

The water gun equipment is available for self-service, and the staff thoughtfully unlocked all the equipment in advance, allowing the three of them to choose freely.

Tsukimiya Suzuna chose a small pistol with a long tube attached to the magazine, making it very convenient to draw water from the pool below.

Xia Zili chose a shoulder-mounted water cannon. It was thick, strong and mighty, very similar to the high-pressure water cannon used by security forces.But considering the safety aspect, launching water pressure should not be too exaggerated.

Chen Ziang already had a vague premonition, but he still firmly believed that this was just a game, and there shouldn't be any problems... right?
By the way, why are you all standing opposite me?

"Are you ready to beg for mercy?" Xia Zili asked with a smile.

It was originally a charming and plump swimsuit pose, but the chic pose of carrying a huge water cannon has a chic and heroic beauty.

"Wait a minute." Chen Ziang tried to understand the situation, "This is just a game..."

"Fighting game." Tsukimiya Suzuna adjusted the water gun in her hand and corrected him, "And there are no other tourists now, so we can only fight against each other."

"Then you should be vying to win over me to fight against the other side, right?" Chen Ziang asked in disbelief.

"What gives you such confidence?" Xia Zili asked in surprise, "Even in your previous life, you never let me play games."

She leveled the water cannon on her shoulder and aimed it at her husband.

Chen Ziang quickly looked at Suzuna Tsukinomiya for help, but the other party just slowly filled the water gun with water, and then said with a smile:
"Senior, things like shooting always come and go. This time it's my turn to shoot you."

What does it mean to come and go... Chen Ziang was startled at first, then understood in a second, and finally became furious.

Are they working together to take advantage of me?Do you think I will just let others slaughter me?

He quickly glanced around and saw several little yellow duck balloons and swan rubber boats floating on the water.

Very good, it can be used as a bunker when the war starts later...

Then two water jets hit his face directly.

It's not very lethal. After all, it's just for entertainment. It doesn't hurt at all when sprayed on your face, but it's extremely insulting. You don't need to look in the mirror to know that you can't open your eyes and your hair is sticky at this time. Very embarrassed.

Based on his memory, Chen Ziang quickly closed his eyes and rushed behind the bunker, finally escaping the fire from the two men.

"I will continue to suppress him, and you attack from the side." Xia Zili commanded.

"Shut up, I won't listen to you!" Yuegong Suzuna originally thought so, but Xia Zili's words immediately aroused her rebellious psychology.

"Okay then." Xia Zili saw that she had no intention of leaving, so she could only take a detour by herself.

Chen Ziang hid behind the bunker and heard clearly the conversation between the two.

Sure enough, they said they wanted to join forces to deal with them. In fact, with their dislike of each other's personalities, it was the most restrained result that they did not start an internal fight first.

Very good, then as long as they move to other bunkers and disappear from their sight, they can only attack each other!

The water in the pool was about waist deep, and it was actually a bit difficult to walk. However, Chen Ziang also had experience in this area (after all, he had drowned Hailin several times), so he leaned directly into the water and quickly started swimming.

Obviously, the amusement park had changed the water one night in advance, so that the water in the pool was not turbid at this time, which was really not conducive to hiding one's figure.

Chen Ziang swam behind another bunker, then turned around while holding his breath, and saw two pairs of thighs moving quickly in the water in the distance.

Because they are a little far apart, they can't be distinguished from their plumpness or skin color, but there is a clear difference in their movement speed.Suzuna, who likes to teleport in a flash when fighting, is obviously not used to walking in water, and her whole body is leaning forward obviously.Zili relies on physical strength to move quickly, so she also makes a sudden move in the large swimming pool. The speed at which she breaks through the water is almost the same as running on land - it reminds Chen Ziang of the times when she plays games at night. They were all such overwhelming attacks that he couldn't get up at all.

Thinking of something bad, Chen Ziang hurriedly swam quietly and slipped away far away.

Xia Zili walked around the bunker and found that there was no one behind her, and she suddenly became suspicious:
"He's not behind."

"Oh?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked curiously, "Did you use your power?"

"It's just a game, what power do you use?" Xia Zili shook her head and glanced at the remaining bunkers in the field again, "Just find the remaining ones one by one."

Chen Ziang happened to be hiding behind another bunker and surfaced to take a breath. When he heard her words, he suddenly became stunned.

No!So cruel?Suzuna is still behind you, just keep an eye on me and fight alone, right?
Although he feels that his shooting skills are not too bad, he also knows that there is no chance of winning one-on-two in the water gun game. In a head-on confrontation, he will definitely be shot until his eyes can't open.

You have to use some clever tricks.

Xia Zili checked other bunkers one by one, but naturally found nothing.Before she even thought about diving (after all, it was only waist deep), she came to the back of one of the swan-shaped hovercrafts to check if Chen Ziang had climbed in.

Suddenly someone hugged me tightly from behind.

"Don't talk, it's me." Chen Ziang whispered in her ear.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zili turned her head slightly, "Please be more serious about the game."

"One against two, how can I win?" Chen Ziang complained.

"If you think it's unfair, you can ask her to watch, and we'll be one-on-one." Xia Zili remained unmoved.

"What?" Tsukimiya Suzuna heard the voice in the distance.

Xia Zili did not respond, Chen Ziang quickly said:
"What's the point of this water gun game? Why don't we play a real game tonight, you know."

This price is enough to show sincerity. You must know that although Xia Zili can barely tolerate the existence of Tsukinomiya Suzuna, if there is an exclusive opportunity, she will certainly not let it go.

"Let me think about it." She smiled charmingly and hooked her husband's chin with her finger, "Will you stay with me all night?"

"The premise is that you can win the water gun game." Chen Ziang said quickly, "Just ask Suzuna to admit defeat."

"Then you can eat more leeks and oysters for lunch." Xia Zili said confidently.

There is no winner in the water gun game, but Tsukimiya Suzuna didn't know that her husband had given her a price.As long as I persevere with perseverance and fighting spirit, sooner or later she will stop playing and give in - so I win!
The two conspired in the shadows behind the bunker, unaware that the shadows were squirming subtly.

Tsukimiya Suzuna stood there, hearing the conversation clearly, and sneered secretly in her heart.

Okay, okay, senior made private arrangements with other women behind my back, right?

And the whole night?
I will make it impossible for you to get up tomorrow!
She felt secretly angry when she saw that Xia Zili had walked out from behind the bunker and said with a calm expression:
"No, I don't know where he went."

"Maybe he went under the water." Suzuna Tsukimiya pretended not to care, "How about you go under the water and have a look?"

"Okay." Xia Zili pretended to bend down, lowered the water cannon on her shoulders, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

The water column shot towards Tsukimiya Suzuna. Due to the large caliber of the water cannon, the power of the water column was far beyond ordinary. However, Tsukimiya Suzuna was prepared and took a sideways step behind the bunker, just in time to avoid the water column attack.

"Exactly." Xia Zili snorted, "You can hide pretty quickly."

"I knew you didn't keep your word." Tsukimiya Suzuna sneered.

"Breaking your word?" Xia Zili asked strangely, "Have I promised to join forces with you?"

"No." Tsukimiya Suzuna said coldly, "So you can die."

As soon as he finished speaking, a water column was fired from behind the bunker - but it was Tsukimiya Suzuna who stretched out her arm and shot directly without aiming, but the water column hit exactly where Xia Zili was.

No, it's not just luck, it's that she has investigative methods that don't rely on eyesight!

Xia Zili also dodged sideways, but the water column followed her direction and moved sideways until she hid behind the bunker.

While the two were confronting each other, Chen Ziang quietly climbed up from the corner of the swimming pool and slipped into the restaurant next to him under the cover of the flower bed.

After pushing the door open, he stood up straight and looked at the menu behind the counter.

The staff behind the counter, who was also a young lady, just smiled... which made Chen Ziang a little strange. Are all the staff here female?Or is it that the amusement park arranged it this way on purpose?
"Do you have any recommendations?" Chen Ziang asked her.

"There is a cultural and creative ice cream in the shape of an amusement park." The staff replied, obviously having memorized the words long ago, "Now there are free gifts, do you want to try it?"

The free gifts are undoubtedly just an excuse, in fact, the amusement park does not want to charge money.

Chen Ziang didn't argue with her about "the money must be collected". It was just a small sum, and if it didn't work, he could just arrange for someone to give it to him later.

He ordered a Wenchuang ice cream and a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, and then walked up the stairs to the second floor.

There are many sun umbrellas and deck chairs on the terrace here. Although it is a mystery what role the sun umbrellas can play in the amusement park inside the starship, Chen Ziang still chose a deck chair to sit down, and then watched the water gun battle below through the railing.

The battle is really fierce!I saw Xia Zili's fighting spirit rising like the molten fire of hell. The toy water cannon on her shoulder fired like an anti-tank missile. The water column blasted Tsukimiya Suzuna unable to leave the bunker.

But Tsukimiya Suzuna is like a calm marksman. Every time Xia Zili shoots out her ammunition and lowers her head to fill the water, she quickly reaches out of the bunker to fight back, immediately turning the situation around - Xia Zili has to hide behind the bunker as well. Avoid temporarily.

Chen Ziang watched happily from the balcony on the second floor. After all, it was a drama that was paid for at a price, so of course it had to be appreciated.


This is just a water gun game. Do you need to be so serious?
(End of this chapter)

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