The Witch's Taste

Chapter 373 Take a break

Chapter 373 Take a break
Tsukimiya Suzuna gasped.

If she didn't use her power and relied solely on physical fitness, she would be no match for Xia Zili.

But Xia Zili thought her plan was secret, but she had already heard it.

I won’t admit defeat, let’s see what you do!
Xia Zili was naturally very irritable. She thought that Suzuna Tsukinomiya had no patience, and since there was no bet in the water gun game this time, she should have given up playing it long ago.

Why are you holding on so uncharacteristically this time?
"What, are you going to admit defeat?" She decided to test him.

"Humph." Tsukimiya Suzuna knew it well, but she said, "Playing games is all about winning, otherwise what's the point?"

"This is just a game." Xia Zili pretended to be disapproving and said teasingly, "But you are still so childish, which is in line with my understanding of you."

Tsukimiya Suzuna became angry and knew that if she didn't know the truth, she would definitely turn around and leave at this time.


"Ah, right, right," she said cheerfully, "I am just a child, shouldn't you, an adult, let me go?"

Xia Zili: ……………

Not right.

Although this mistress is indeed childish in her thoughts, she has no self-awareness and should be unwilling to admit it.

Could it be that……

Did she already know?

The more Xia Zili thought about it, the more suspicious she became, and she even directly pointed her suspicion at Chen Ziang.

Could it be that my husband said the same thing to his mistress?Something like "As long as you can beat Zi Li, I'll let you do whatever you want tonight" to incite us to fight among ourselves?

Thinking of this, an unknown fire arose in my heart.

Although there is no evidence, looking at Tsukimiya Suzuna's complete refusal to admit defeat, you can tell that something is wrong no matter how you look at it.

Where is my husband?
She quietly released her reconnaissance power, and countless insects that were difficult to detect with the naked eye quickly spread and flew around.

Suzuna Tsukimiya was aware of her method, and without thinking, she also used her reconnaissance power, and a large number of squirming dim eyeballs quietly appeared in the shadows of the surrounding buildings.

The two of them searched the surroundings together, and sure enough, they saw Chen Ziang on the deck chair on the second floor terrace of the nearby store, and the half-eaten ice cream next to him.

Rather than being jointly besieged, it is naturally more fun to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers. Chen Ziang was watching them shoot each other from above. He was as serious as a real CS. He was enjoying watching it. Suddenly he saw the two of them stopping in tacit agreement, and he couldn't help but feel excited. Startled.

What's wrong?The outcome was still undecided, so why was there halftime?

The next second, two water jets shot from below, turning him into a drowned rat.

Chen Ziang wiped his face expressionlessly, and saw Tsukinomiya Suzuna giggling below, while Xia Zili glared at him angrily.


The city of Galapasia is getting more and more chaotic.

The media are still blaming humanity, but citizens are tired of propaganda routines. A large number of people came out to march on the streets, shouting "Don't trace the source, take measures" and marched everywhere on the city's main streets.

Various gossips and conspiracy theories are also spreading like wildfire. After all, there is a tradition in elf society that the more the government tries to say something, the lower its true credibility... Many people speculate that a corporate war has actually broken out, and the emergence of The living dead, rebel swarms, etc. are all caused by the fighting between gods and gods among various plutocrats.

Anyway, when it comes to chaebols, everyone is not afraid to speculate on the worst malice.

Living corpses are still appearing sporadically today. Although the transmission routes between people have been cut off, the source has not been completely eliminated.Since the municipal water supply has been cut off, and the main drinking water supply is bottled water provided by the Baal Group, coupled with the plague in Aegelaos, many citizens naturally target the Baal Group.

Since this speculation was well-founded and too reasonable, the aristocratic faction took the lead in the attack on the battlefield of public opinion, and many right-wing traditional TV stations followed suit.

Although the financiers have mastered social media, seeing that the method of confusing right and wrong seems to be ineffective, they quickly use alternative plans to hide the truth and increase their efforts to criticize the starship humans to divert public attention.

When it comes to racial discrimination, the nobles no longer speak out to argue.Although the left-wing mouthpieces have strong opinions on this, compared with the possible corporate war, using the human race as a common enemy target to maintain peace among the plutocrats has obvious consequences and lower costs.

Therefore, the voice against discrimination this time is obviously much smaller than last time. Many political video anchors even bluntly said, "I know discrimination is wrong, but this incident is obviously caused by the cooperation between Starship humans and the Barr Group." If the federation humans don't take the initiative to draw a clear line with the starship humans, there will be no way they will be affected."

This may sound reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, it makes no sense.How can the Federation humans "speak collectively" and "declare the break with the Starfleet humans"?Who can represent Federation humanity?No!So it is just a reason to legalize persecution.

Facing the increasingly dangerous public opinion environment, humans in the Federation naturally cannot sit still and wait for death. Many big Vs who play in self-media began to call on the Internet that we humans should also march, demonstrate, and shout slogans!Go and defend the rights of your own ethnic group!
The number of online registrations soon exceeded 5000, and the organizers were gearing up, eager to make a big show and let Galapasia know that we humans are not easy to bully... And then there were only more than [-] people participating in the parade that day, and there were also There were less than two thousand or so who were not even humans, but orcs, dwarves and elves who fought against racial discrimination.

What's even more outrageous is that there is actually a traitor among the organizers.The reason was that a certain human immigrant was dragged by her husband to join the organizer, and then, whether out of fear or something else, he privately reported the march time, slogans, route, and member list to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, saying that someone was " Illegal gathering of people to cause trouble."

During this sensitive time period when there were demonstrations everywhere, the Public Security Bureau naturally did not hesitate to obstruct 1 people and quickly selected nearly a hundred "violating the law" places from the plan, and then sent an official letter to all organizers, ordering them to They immediately stopped the "illegal march".

Now everyone was immediately in a state of panic.Someone called the Public Security Bureau to question "the reliability of the source of the accusation." The Public Security Bureau replied that "the evidence was provided by someone within your organization, so we have every reason to recognize its authenticity," and did not even consider keeping the reporter confidential. .

So the traitor family was quickly kicked out, but the trust between the organizers was also gone. Who knows if there will be a second or third traitor?
The parade, which was originally scheduled to last for three days, ended in a hurry after only one day.Someone wrote a long post about the origin of the incident and posted it online, which attracted a lot of criticism. However, after the scolding, everyone calmed down and gradually felt a sense of sadness and powerlessness in their hearts.

It is obvious that the Federation humans are far lower than other ethnic groups in the galaxy in terms of organization, centripetal force, and sensitivity to their own rights and interests.The reasons may be multifaceted, but the empire is definitely inseparable... It's all due to the empire's long-term authoritarian culture, which makes everyone uncomfortable without authoritative leadership.

It's all the Empire's fault!
In short, there was no hope of self-rescue, so smart people began to try to contact the starship humans.After all, it is said that someone has already run away and arrived at the starship stationed in outer space.

Since there is no diplomatic relationship between the starship humans and the Garcia sector, there is no open immigration channel. Everyone can only sneak in a few illegally, and then these few bring their families and friends, and slowly Then bring the people around you with you.

The merchant ship disguised by Gloria is also very busy, constantly traveling back and forth between the planet and the star port. Many times, there are even more passengers hidden in the secret room than there are sailors on the ship - and the supply is still in short supply, and many people have already been queued up. The fifth and sixth rounds.

The news is fed back to the starship humans. This matter is actually not a small matter. If more disguised cargo ships are sent out, the transportation capacity can indeed be increased, but the price is that the risk of exposure will also increase rapidly, so it is impossible to expand the transportation capacity as much as Gao Tianyuan did. , Yuuki Izumo went to Xia Qingyu to make a decision.

"In that case, let's allocate more transportation capacity." Xia Qingyu thought for a moment and replied, "Use the name of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay." Yuuki Izumo was surprised.

The people transported this time were basically ordinary citizens, and their quality was much worse than the first and second batches of immigrants, which were dominated by technical experts and wealthy people.Judging from the empire's perspective, there is actually not much rescue value.Was it from Chen Ziang's perspective that His Highness chose to rescue him?
"Do you have any questions?" Xia Qingyu asked calmly.

"No." Yuuki Izumo was silent for a moment and then said, "Don't you care that they go to the amusement park?"

"Why should I care?" Xia Qingyu asked her.

Yuuki Izumo sighed and said:
"Your Highness, given your personality, if it were not the case, you would definitely deny it outright."

"Izumo," Xia Qingyu said leisurely, "It is okay for a retainer to be loyal, but not to be foolishly loyal. Don't ask any more questions about my affairs."

"I understand." Yuki Izumo lowered his head and said.

...You still didn’t deny it, so you really care about it, right?
His Highness's order is absolute, so even if I have some speculation in my mind, I can't mention it again.

However, I'm going to ask about the situation at the amusement park. That should be fine, right?

Yuuki Izumo returned to the office and dialed a number.

The investor of the amusement park is actually the same capital company as the investor of Gaotianyuan Star Harbor Park in the past. She also knows the boss. Her family is quite wealthy, but for some reason she has a soft spot for building amusement parks... Do more Isn’t it a bad business to make money?

"How's the game going over there?" Yuki Izumo asked on the phone.

"I asked the staff below not to interfere, so I don't know the specific situation." The other party quickly replied, "They played on the high-altitude water slide and water cannon. Now they should go back to the room to rest. I need to send someone to ask. Do you want to ask about the situation?”

"No need." Yuki Izumo said immediately, "Don't disturb them."



In the center of the amusement park is a beautiful and gorgeous mansion, where tourists who want to visit for multiple days can rest and stay overnight.

But the starship is only so big, and there are no tourists from thousands of miles away, so the accommodation rate of the mansion is quite impressive - but from the accommodation environment alone, it is quite good. The bathtub is very comfortable, and the bed is soft and spacious. It would have been a satisfying leisure activity if two women hadn't been brought along at the same time.

But now, Chen Ziang just wants to say: So tired.

During the water gun activity, he tried to drive away tigers and devour wolves, but was unfortunately discovered.The naive man paid a heavy price for this, and now he can't even lift his hands while lying on the bed.

"Huh, that's it." Tsukimiya Suzuna looked at his useless look, secretly laughing in her heart, and picked out a new swimsuit for herself.

Xia Zili was lying on the long soft chair by the window, secretly wondering: she always felt that her husband was much better in this regard than in his previous life...

Forget it, this is a good thing, no need to delve into it.

The witch, who was tortured by pain, had to endure extremely terrifying torture while her strength continued to increase.Being intimate with your husband is not only a means of relieving stress, but also a necessary measure to relieve pain.

Otherwise you will go crazy sooner or later.

However, thinking about it this way, Xia Qingyu, her sister, had not shown any abnormality so far, which made Xia Zili couldn't help but start to doubt her original judgment.

Did I really make a mistake?

That's not right, the way she looked in her previous life didn't seem like she was deliberately being fake...

But if she had really endured it until now, then the pain in her heart and the power she possessed might have accumulated to an extremely terrifying level.

Xia Zili thought silently and heard Yuegong Suzuna rushing to the bedside, holding Chen Ziang's arm and asking coquettishly:
"Have you rested yet, senior?"

"No." Chen Ziang said expressionlessly, "I don't have any energy, you can go and play by yourselves."

"Hehe." Tsukimiya Suzuna also realized that she had played too crazy just now. The senior must have been tortured to the point of losing strength... But she didn't want to travel with Xia Zili, so she could only sigh and said:

"Okay, I'll go for a walk outside."

She put on her swimsuit and left. Chen Ziang was closing his eyes to rest when he suddenly heard Xia Zili ask:
"Chen Zi'ang, what do you think of your sister?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Chen Ziang asked in confusion, "Didn't we discuss it last time?"

"It's nothing." Xia Zili sighed, "I'm just thinking about my past life recently."

"What happened in the past life?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

"...Nothing." Xia Zili shook her head.

Tsukimiya Suzuna has already made her irritated enough, and of course it is impossible to try to gain favor with her sister.But as long as it doesn't involve this, she is still more concerned about her sister's mental health.

"I don't know what happened in my previous life." Chen Ziang stood up and sat down next to her, "Besides, it doesn't matter even if something happened."

"Because I only care about you in this life."

Xia Zili was silent for a moment and said with a smile:

"It would be better if the word 'men' is removed."

Chen Ziang smiled bitterly.

The blond half-elf nestled her head on his chest, thinking that it was great that the mistress was not here.


"what happened?"

"I...want to play games again."

(End of this chapter)

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