The Witch's Taste

Chapter 374 Bickering and Competition

Chapter 374 Bickering and Competition

The amusement park activity ended prematurely due to someone's excessive muscle soreness.

After a short rest, Chen Ziang quickly returned to work.

In fact, if one follows the normal path of career struggle, the person who eventually reaches this position should be quite obsessed with the power he gets, and be happy with it.

But Chen Ziang felt that he didn't have much nostalgia, and even the heavy sense of responsibility of protecting the starship humans brought him much more pressure than the satisfaction of his position of power.

On the one hand, it is because the enemy is too terrifying, but on the other hand, after seeing the power of the witch, secular power has lost its charm to some extent.

In one week's time, it will be the Spring Festival in traditional human customs.

The humans of Aegelaos have long forgotten their traditions, but the humans of Gaotian Plains have finally taken over. Therefore, every household has begun to prepare New Year's goods in advance, and factories and companies have begun to take holidays one after another.

People can celebrate the festival, but high-level officials cannot.This time is also the time for year-end work reporting, and Song Mingyuan's civil servant team has already compiled the report - what they are best at is this kind of outlining paperwork, and they are especially good at finding gold from a lot of shit and then polishing it. The brilliance is displayed.

In the factory area of ​​Forever, Chen Ziang and others inspected the production environment here and gave valuable guidance... Of course, it was useless because Chen Ziang knew nothing about industrial technology, but he could also learn from the explanations of the factory manager and Song Mingyuan. In the supplement, you can roughly understand the current situation.

Today's starship humans still cannot manufacture many industrial products, but this is also something that can't be helped, because the Gaotian Yuan originally obtained was very weak, and many equipment needed to be imported from the federal interstellar trade - and today's starship humans , it is basically impossible to trade with the Federation.

If everyone had pretended that nothing had happened when they arrived in Aegelaos, and had assumed that Takamagahara had exploded on his own, and then had made a fuss about his status as a refugee in the federal public opinion, showing weakness, maybe he could have inherited Takamagahara. With the qualification status of Star Trade, you can get some benefits and subsidies from the federation.

But it is easy to be a dog, but it is difficult to stand up later.Apart from anything else, what should we do if there are people who cannot stay on the ship and want to get off the ship?

If you dare to stop it, the federal government will cut off aid, and people's living standards will drop, and everyone will become resentful and even rebel. Therefore, this kind of hidden economic control is candy wrapped in poison and must not be eaten.

After inspecting the industrial area, the next step is the recent focus - the military.

The current starship human military is basically the original team of Gao Tianyuan's military. Various military skills, tactical drills, etc. are all inherited from Shi Zhiqing's imperial fleet. The theory itself is still excellent.

It is a pity that the second-generation Governor Shi Jintang, in order to join the Federation's Star Trade Alliance, fully shifted the national policy to "peaceful development". After the military ships were decommissioned, they were dismantled and sold. Therefore, although the overall military theory is complete, the practical experience cannot be To say that it is not enough, I can only say that it is not at all.

The top priority now is to let everyone learn to fly warships and aircraft as soon as possible, and to regain the tactical experience left behind by the Imperial Fleet.

Practical experience is enough. As for practical experience, it is not that urgent. After all, there are several witches stationed there. It is not too late to learn to crawl first and then practice walking.

The results of the inspection are quite satisfactory. Although Chen Ziang does not know much about military affairs, according to Yuki Izumo's report, it is expected that preliminary combat capabilities will be formed within three months - this is also thanks to the imperial military expert compiled by Mr. Jiang. The operating system greatly reduces the threshold for shipboard personnel to learn and operate.

While watching the fleet conduct tactical exercises, emergency news suddenly came from the Kalapasia Intelligence Station:
The Federal Congress has passed a vote to designate Starship Humanity as an "evil organization." The news has reached the Garcia sector through interstellar communication links, and the city council is expected to make the decision public soon.

This is also expected. After all, as soon as the starship humans arrived in the Garcia sector, they were surrounded by the federal sector defense fleet at the edge of the galaxy and were not allowed to dock for supplies... If you don't resist, you will be at the mercy of others; If you resist, that will be an excuse for federal punishment.

In the end, Tsukimiya Suzuna wiped out the entire Federation fleet with a few big moves... So the war between the two sides was already destined, but it just came sooner than expected.

"So soon..." Chen Ziang pondered, "Will there be any impact?"

"No." Suzuna Tsukimiya has a wealth of experience in this area. "Declaring that we are an evil organization is just a legal excuse to attack. Since we are an evil force, we can launch military wars without restraint." The ground was struck with destruction.”

"But the time we estimated this would be when we left Garcia." Chen Ziang sighed.

"Then it's not too late to leave now." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

Leave now?Chen Ziang pondered.

The journey of starship humans is a stop-over.The more time you spend at one stop, the less time you have to prepare for the next stop.In other words, continuing to stay now can save more people, but it will also increase huge and unpredictable risks for subsequent journeys - the Federation's declaration of you as "evil" is not just rhetoric, it will become hostile to human beings internally. After reaching a consensus, we will start preparing to beat you.

"What do you think?" Chen Ziang asked the two sisters for their opinions.

"If it were me in the previous life," Xia Zili whispered, "I might want to save more people. But if you want to learn something from this second life, then I hope you do what you can. , don’t increase your own risks just to save others.”

Although the two wives usually don't deal with each other, they are surprisingly consistent in this regard - they hope to restart the journey as soon as possible.

Compared with "saving more people", Chen Ziang's safety is more important.

He thought for a moment again and asked Xia Qingyu:
"What do Qingyu think?"

"Can't you think independently?" Xia Qingyu said coldly, "If you decide to stay, you don't have to ask others to convince yourself."

Chen Ziang was very moved, because if this sentence were expressed in another way, it would be "Please don't hesitate anymore. If you have decided to stay, I will definitely be on your side."

All we can say is that Xia Qingyu is worthy of being Xia Qingyu.When the other two people made it clear that they "wanted to leave", she was the only one who was still concerned about my thoughts - and even this kind of behavior that could increase my goodwill could be said in a disgusting tone that used up my goodwill. As expected of you, Qingyu!
Forget it, venomous tongue is also part of the character, you just need to see through the true meaning.

Chen Ziang thought about Zhou Ding and said:
"If we want to stop, how many days can we stay at most?"

"Five days." Xia Qingyu replied.

Song Mingyuan was silent beside him.In fact, experts from the International Strategic Think Tank estimated the time to be about 14-20 days based on the Federation's past war-starting procedures.

If we leave the Garcia sector within two weeks, then the overall risk estimate is still controllable.

But since His Highness said it was "five days", let's not worry about how she calculated it. It only meant that the actual situation was much worse than expected.

"Then five days." Chen Zi'ang sighed and said, "Try to transport as many people as possible in these five days. We will set off immediately after five days."

…………There is no day and night change on the starship, but considering the human biological clock, a 24-hour clock is still implemented.

Around 11 o'clock in the evening, Chen Ziang was sitting at his desk checking a report when he suddenly felt someone hugging him from behind.

This touch should be purple glass.

"You're anxious." Xia Zili gently rubbed his temples.

"Yes." Chen Ziang replied, "You see, every extra day we stay, we can save more humans."

"Based on your sister's suggestion, I decided to evacuate after five days. If it were changed to six days, someone might have been saved from death. Then you tell me...are these people who could have survived considered as being killed by me? Killed?"

"There seems to be a similar argument in philosophy." Xia Zili did not answer directly, but gave an example, "Because you did not act bravely to save someone and caused the other person to die, is it considered murder?"

"If you think about it carefully, if this logic holds true, then the world will become very strange. For example, if a poor person cannot afford to eat and is about to starve to death, and you do not pay to save him, this is considered murder on your part. Then I’m afraid everyone in the universe is a murderer.”

"Zi Ang, saving people is not an obligation, it is just... a choice, a more noble and selfless choice. It is not that you are forced to move forward, but that you know the difficulties and obstacles and still step on it without hesitation. That is the reason for its survival. And selfless and noble reasons.”

"If you want to use 'rescue or kill' as a moral kidnapping, it will tarnish the splendor of the act of saving people. Anyway, at least I don't agree with this logic."

"Suddenly I discovered that you are also quite good at persuading people." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

"I learned this from you in my previous life." Xia Zili rested her chin on the top of his head, her golden hair hanging down, tickling his cheek.

"Am I more similar or different between the me in my previous life and the me now?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

"All of them." Xia Zili shook her head, "But to me, the most important thing now is you in this life."

Chen Ziang laughed dumbfounded.

Yesterday in the amusement park room, I said this to Xia Zili, but I didn't expect that she would use it for the next time so quickly.

This can be considered a two-way rush, right?

The atmosphere became more and more tender and affectionate, and Chen Ziang was also a little excited. He wanted to hug his wife backhand, but suddenly he heard Tsukimiya Suzuna's voice coming from outside the door:
"Oh, I'm exhausted. Are you done with your work, senior? Why don't we go to bed..."

As soon as she opened the study door, the energetic voice suddenly stopped.

The beloved man is held by another woman. What a hellish scene is this?If he hadn't gotten used to it after seeing so much in the past, his strength might have increased dramatically at this time.

Tsukimiya Suzuna asked with a smile:

"Eat it secretly while I'm not around, right?"

"You are filled with this kind of thing in your heart." Xia Zili said with disdain, "The mistress is indeed a mistress. She wants to steal sex with her front foot, but monopolize her with her back foot. She never knows when enough is enough."

"It's someone who doesn't know when enough is enough, right?" Tsukimiya Suzuna counterattacked, "Senior always insists on continuing even though he begs for mercy and says it's no longer possible. Such a person has no right to blame others, right?"

"Wait a minute, I didn't ask for mercy!" Chen Ziang corrected him immediately.

"Indeed." Xia Zili hugged Chen Zi'ang tighter and sneered, "If it were you, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be able to satisfy him, right? Although your intention was to accuse me, this kind of jealousy caused by The crazy expression doesn’t look like much fun.”

Tsukimiya Suzuna was so angry, what do you mean...what do you mean I can't do it?
She secretly decided to take some time to watch short movies and study hard, but she refused to admit defeat and said:
"There is no comparison with this kind of thing. The most important thing between husband and wife is to love each other."

"Haha." Xia Zili smiled expressionlessly, "If deceiving yourself like this can make you feel better, then just think so."

Tsukimiya Suzuna couldn't hold herself any longer and looked at Chen Ziang for help, meaning "Husband, why don't you tell me about her!"

Chen Zi'ang originally didn't want to get involved in the Shura field to avoid being burned by the flames of war, but he was a little soft-hearted when Suzuna took the initiative to ask for help, so he could only come out to smooth things over and said:

"Actually, there is really no need to compare in this regard..."

"Shut up." Xia Zili pressed his face into her arms, "When will you let me have all the fun you can before you say such bragging words again!"

Chen Ziang:……………………

Masculine Dignity, sunk.

He had no intention of listening to the ensuing argument.

In short, after some debate, Xia Zili finally showed mercy and allowed Suzuna Tsukimiya to compete in the game again.

Chen Ziang was unable to protest, because this time he was not a player, but a toy... By the way, we just came back from the amusement park yesterday!Are you really not going to take a break?
Machines will break down if they are run for a long time without maintenance, and the same goes for the human body.However, considering the special nature of witches, it is indeed necessary to take care of their needs in time to prevent their minds from being swallowed up by pain and finally falling into the end of perishing with the world around them.

Chen Ziang didn't want to be a savior, but he didn't want the world to be destroyed because of his decision. Therefore, although both of them insisted that "you can't refuse", he still made a choice of his own will: Then I will sacrifice again one time.

Let’s not mention things in the bedroom for now.In the small indoor garden outside, Chen Xiaozhu sat quietly on a lounge chair, with his hands intertwined on his knees, as dignified and quiet as a statue of a saint in a monastery.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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