The Witch's Taste

Chapter 53 Ninjaemon Goro

Chapter 53 Ninja Emmon Goro

Chen Zi'ang looked that he was not far from the entrance of the Budokan, but the line was full of twists and turns, and it took nearly half an hour to get to the ticket gate.

Not only that, but along the way, there were a large number of fans who hadn't bought tickets, holding up signs saying "Tickets at a high price". The prices ranged from [-] to [-].

Budokan is the largest gymnasium in Jibei City.In the old days when the plateau planet was still occupied by interstellar pirates, it had a bloodier name: Colosseum.

It is said that the pirates would put slaves and wolves here, and then watch them fight each other to make bets.

After the imperial governor Shi Zhiqing led the fleet to recover Gao Tianyuan, the Colosseum was once abandoned for many years.Later, it was converted into a martial arts gym by Jibei City, which was used to hold two traditional sports of the empire: shooting and racing.

It's okay to shoot, but the venue required for racing is not small, which shows the size of the Budokan.

Chen Ziang pushed his younger sister's wheelchair and walked into the venue together with Tsukimiya Suzuna. They saw rows of dense auditoriums, crowds of people in the aisle, and a huge stage in the distance.

Due to the large area, it is difficult for the auditorium in the middle and back rows to see the stage.Therefore, the Budokan also has a holographic projector with super technology, which can magnify the stars on the stage into a clear holographic projection, showing the wonderful demeanor of the stars to the audience.

Therefore, every time an event is held at Budokan, the cost is astronomical.

If you want to hold any event in the Budokan, the price alone can stump most of the brokerage firms, and then the officials of Jibei City will also review the applicants. It needs to reach a certain level of popularity, and the tone of the event is positive. Educational value and positive meaning...

In short, being able to hold a concert at Budokan is an achievement worth bragging for a lifetime for artists in the entertainment industry.

But for superstar Kiritani Maki, this is just a milestone in her singing career.

Tickets went on sale half a month in advance, but it is said that within 3 minutes after the sale, more than 99% of the tickets have been sold.

Chen Ziang looked around again, the scene was almost full, and there were even a lot of fanatical fans who got in without a ticket, because they didn't have a seat, they walked around the aisle, pretending to go to the seat or the toilet on the way.

After placing her sister on the seat, Yuegong Lingna also pushed the folded wheelchair in and sat on the other side of Chen Ziang.

"Want a drink?" She asked with a smile, "I'll buy it."

"No need." Chen Ziang said hesitantly, "There are so many people crowded outside, it will take too much effort to go out and come back, and I brought water."

"Oh, let me explain." Tsukimiya Suzuna said lightly, "I didn't go out to buy it, but I asked Uncle Weimon to buy it and send it over."

Chen Ziang: ……………

What is Missy?Really long experience.

Seeing that he had no objection, Tsukimiya Suzuna made a phone call:
"Hi, Uncle Emmon."

"We're at No. 35, Row 127, East District. Bring us something to drink... What do you want, senior? Beer, juice, or marble soda?"

There is no fat house happy water in this world, but there are many brands of invigorating carbonated drinks.In the early years, because the sealing technology was unqualified, marbles were added to the bottle, and the internal air pressure was used to seal the marbles to ensure that they would not escape. Now, although the marbles have been eliminated, the name has continued. In fact, it refers to carbonic acid. drinks.

"Or juice." Chen Ziang said, "I drink the same as Xiaozhu."

"Sister-chan can drink fruit juice, but senior can drink beer with me?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile.

"Okay." Chen Ziang couldn't be picky anymore, after all, it was Ling Nai's treat.

"Uncle Weimon, one bottle of watermelon juice, two bottles of Kinwheat draft beer." Tsukimiya Suzuna ordered.

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking:
"Suzuna, how do you know that Xiaozhu's favorite fruit is watermelon?"

"Sister-chan told me last time." Tsukimiya Suzuna casually said.

When was the last time... Chen Ziang was puzzled, but he wasn't the kind of person who likes to get to the bottom of things. In addition, the surrounding lights suddenly went out, so he simply focused his attention on the distant stage.

The three tickets that Xia Zili gave were in pretty good positions. You could see the stage up close, and you could see the holographic projection clearly if you looked up a little bit—if it was too close or too far away, you could only choose one of the two.

The lights around the stage began to flash alternately and chaotically, which should be the final adjustment before the performance by the technicians behind the scenes.

"Miss." Goro Emmon came out of the crowded aisle with a plastic bag in his hand, and squeezed to the side of Chen Ziang and Suzuna Tsukimiya, showing a respectful smile, "Here is the beer and watermelon juice you want. In order to prevent you from getting hungry later, I also brought some snacks that you usually like to eat..."

"Snacks are not needed for now." Tsukimiya Suzuna said, "Just give me beer and watermelon juice."

She took the drink from Emmon Goro, who nodded and said:

"Okay, then I'll take my leave. If you need something, please call me anytime, and I'll be nearby."

"Won't Uncle Weimon sit down?" Chen Ziang said hastily, "There are still some empty seats around here."

"No need." Emon Goro said calmly, "These seats are already occupied, rashly occupying them will damage the reputation of the Tsukimiya family."

"Where are you going then?"

"Young master, don't worry, I won't be caught." Emmon Goro smiled calmly, his expression changed suddenly, he quickly turned around and squeezed into the crowd, and disappeared.

Chen Ziang looked outside again, it was because there were too many unticketed fans in the aisle, blocking the way of ticketed fans, so the staff of Budokan had received complaints and came to clear the venue and arrest people.

Many fans without tickets were caught by the staff and had to plead hard while being pushed and shoved away from the venue by the staff.

The public opinion habit of the island society emphasizes "reasonable first", because these fans entered the venue without a ticket, and they made mistakes first, so even if the staff used violence to drive away and subsequently exposed it on the Internet, they would not get much public attention Sympathy - you have made a mistake, and you are guilty, so you can bully you as much as you want.

The Lu society pays attention to "butt convergence". No matter how unreasonable the writing of small online essays is, as long as someone's butt sits on the same side as the author, these people will thinklessly stand as the author—putting aside the facts, I think so anyway, don't reason with me, I won't listen.

Because of this, as long as they are caught by the staff, they basically have no choice but to be kicked out.

Chen Ziang raised his neck and looked, and saw that the slow-running fans were blocked by the fast-running ones in front. personnel, had to drink their hatred and catch them without a fight.

However, Weimon Goro is one of the alternative.

He went out a little late because he was talking in the auditorium earlier.But I don't know what kind of strange movement he used, he just squeezed slightly sideways, and skillfully squeezed into the crowded crowd, and disappeared after three or two strokes.

This uncle housekeeper, why is he like a ninja?
(End of this chapter)

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