The Witch's Taste

Chapter 54 Please Look At Me Well

Chapter 54 Please Look At Me Well

Intelligence is life.

Hokaze Rio from the Sixth Countermeasure Section silently walks through the big information base.

The so-called big information library is actually more appropriate to be called a "big library".Almost all confidential information is kept in the form of printed and bound paper documents.

The reason is also very simple: if a large amount of mysterious information is stored in the hard disk, it is easy to cause the hard disk itself to be contaminated with mysterious properties, and even "sink" from the present world to disappear, or to provoke a deeper dangerous thing—someone. To a certain extent, it is similar to human beings who need to pay attention to spiritual vision.

The use of paper, which is less efficient for information storage, is actually to store the mystery in a decentralized manner, thus ensuring security.

Yes, the most important thing about intelligence is security.

In the mysterious world, the most important thing is information, and the most dangerous thing is precisely information.

Every piece of intelligence needs to be carefully judged and screened, and classified as "reliable", "doubtful", "shaky" and "unreliable".If you are vacillating between the two levels, then to be on the safe side, you must go to the next level.

After the incident in Lingyi Town was over, Chen Ziang also told Suifeng Lixu all the speculations in detail, and now is the time to review them one by one.

First, the Lord of the Great Deep Sea and the King of Ghouls are sworn enemies.

Classified as [Reliable]: The mutual hostility between gods is extremely common in the abyss, and the provider of this information is the lower race Nightmare.No matter whether they really believe in this god or not, no inferior race dares to lie about the attitude of the god—unless they want to seek their own death.

Second, Mie Nishikawa is the witch of the King of Ghouls.

Classified as [Doubtful]: When Mie Nishikawa's identity was confirmed for the first time, she was suspected to be the witch of the Lord of the Great Deep Sea. After all, she dropped the god's relic on the Ginza in the sky.

However, it would make sense if it was the Witch of the King of Ghouls... The provider of this information was also a nightmare. Their attitude seemed credible, but there was no conclusive evidence.

Thirdly, the charnel house in Lingyi Town is the site of the séance ceremony of the King of Ghouls.

Classified as [reliable]: Judging from the information provided by Chen Ziang, the blood pool and bone totem are worth noting in the corpse.

Pools of blood are beside the stalagmites, and dripping crimson droplets from the stalactites.From the perspective of ritual, stalagmites and stalactites symbolize "piercing"; dripping water symbolizes "forced dedication"; scarlet pools symbolize "flesh that is about to rot".

The three skulls of the bone totem are left, middle and right, symbolizing "moodiness"; the open ribs at the bottom symbolize "sacrificing animals"; the palms of the hands face up, symbolizing "obtaining".

Chen Ziang's deduction is correct. If the book is placed on it and the conditions of the ceremony are met, the person who put the book will be killed immediately.

All the ritual features are highly similar to the King of Ghouls himself, coupled with the fierce war between ghouls and nightmares that finally took place on the surface, this piece of information can also be confirmed.

Fourth, Mie Nishikawa deliberately threw the book to Naoya Yasui in order to attract people to go to Lingyi Town and activate the ceremony in the charnel house.

Classified as [Shaken].

If one did not witness the ritual scene of the ossuary, the divination based on the existence of this book alone would inevitably result in "it must be returned to the ossuary to resolve the gaze of the gods on it."

But the price of returning is to sacrifice one's life, which can't be revealed by divination—a very cleverly designed trap.

But why did Mie Nishikawa do this?

Also, if it's just to deceive people to go to the cemetery, then why attract tourists to Lingyi Town?

Judging from the departure records of the Jibei City Passenger Station, a total of 64 people have recently gone to Lingyi Town, and all of them have returned to Jibei City safely, and have not encountered any danger...

Wait, return to Extreme North City? !
Thinking of this, Honokaze suddenly realized something.

She quickly left the big information library and dialed out the phone:
"Samu, the tourists brought back from Lingyi Town last time, are they still in our institute?"

"That's right." The deputy head of the class, Sagi Ken, replied, "Many of them were woken up by the weird battle in the middle of the night, so they arranged to carry out memory cleaning this afternoon. Do you have anything to investigate? ?”

"Send someone over to me." Rio Hokaze said quickly, "I want to check."


Extreme North City, Budokan.

As the opening time of the concert gradually approached, the boiling sound at the scene gradually quieted down.

For venues with tens of thousands of people, there is one and only one reason behind this unorganized collective silence: everyone is silently watching the time countdown, waiting for Kiritani Maki's concert to start.

I don't know who started it, and started shouting the countdown, and soon gathered into a big wave of voices:




The staff of the Budokan also panicked. Although the concert announced that it would start at [-] am, there was no rule that it could not be a few minutes later... Now that everyone is counting down the seconds like this, it is almost like setting the organizers on fire .

They quickly contacted Hoshino Norika and asked Kiritani Maki if she was ready, and when she was ready, she would go on stage at the normal time.

When Hoshino Jixiang heard it, the fans actually started counting down the seconds and urging her, which was also far from the big picture-is there so much waiting?

But after all, she has made sufficient preparations and considered all kinds of unexpected situations, so she waved her hand and said:

"Don't rush! When the time is up, just turn on the music first."

Everyone suddenly realized it, and then they were in admiration.

The stage audio has been adjusted in advance, and it can start playing at any time. As for whether Kiritani Maki will be on long as the music starts and the atmosphere of the scene is up, it will be fine to fool the audience!

The staff members rushed out, and Hoshino Jixiang was about to go to the dressing room to check on the situation, but Xia Zili had already walked out of the room.

The big star "Maki Kiritani", wearing an extremely gorgeous and exquisite dress, with brilliant blond hair, looks like a princess walking out of Disney...Of course, there is no Disney in this world, but Hoshino Ji The moment Xiang saw her, the first thought that popped into her mind was that this girl was simply the incarnation of the God of Beauty and Love.

"Maki!" She said excitedly, "Perfect, your look is perfect, the holographic projection will definitely occupy the front page of the news!"

"By the way, have you drank the water? Have you used the toilet? It's not time yet, you can still adjust your state, don't worry..."

It is necessary to drink water before going on stage, because thirst will affect the state of the throat.But if you drink too much and you have to urinate halfway through singing, it will also affect your state.

So to be on the safe side, of course it is best to drink a little water and empty your bladder at the same time.

"Sister Ji Xiang, why are you more nervous than me?" Xia Zili smiled lightly, "I'm in good shape and can go on stage at any time."

"Is there no problem?" Hoshino Norika confirmed again.

"No problem." Xia Zili nodded.

In fact, it is the first time I come to Budokan for a concert, no matter how confident a singer is, I will inevitably feel nervous and anxious.

However, when she thought that someone might come to the scene, her original fear of playing badly was immediately replaced by some strange emotion that was inexplicable and unexplainable.

Even though I've only seen it once...

But this is really weird, it seems that as long as he is watching from the audience, I will have endless strength and courage.

So are you here?
If you come, please take a good look at me...

(End of this chapter)

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