Chapter 55

With the collective countdown of the fans, everyone's eyes were on the stage.

Yue Gong Ling Nai had no intention of looking ahead, but quietly looked at Chen Zi'ang from the corner of her eye.

Although the seniors said that the tickets were given by the victims of the previous cases, such a good seat in the auditorium cannot be bought by just anyone—it is impossible to grab tickets from online ticketing channels even relying on hand speed. Because they are not publicly available at all.

In fact, if my guess is correct, the tickets for these positions should be kept by the organizer for distribution to those related accounts with special identities, such as the owner of the record company, well-known music critics, familiar entertainment journalists, Make good friends with celebrities in the showbiz and so on.

Who will be the one to give tickets to the seniors?
At this moment, the stage music suddenly played, and the atmosphere in the Budokan was instantly ignited, and there were cheers and screams everywhere.

In the auditorium aisle not far ahead, Chen Ziang even saw the four nerds who lined up together earlier.

They skillfully opened the banner, then waved the fluorescent sticks vigorously, performed a cheering dance with fanaticism, and shouted:
"Tonggu! Benming!"

"Maki! Saiko!"

Logically speaking, even if no audience nearby came out to stop them, there would be staff running over quickly to drag away those guys who affected others watching the concert.

But no one paid any attention to them at this time, because with the sound of the familiar singing, everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the stage, as if a moth instinctively rushed towards the raging fire.

And rising from the center of the stage, wearing a gorgeous dress and having a beautiful face, she is the burning flame.

Kiritani Maki, or Xia Zili, although the first meeting was in private, giving Chen Ziang a gentle, weak, and well-educated typical female image, but at this time, what is shown in front of the audience is her character that is more serious. Outgoing, enthusiastic, energetic side.

"If you can't stand the night, why bother to look forward to the dawn?" Holding the microphone in her right hand, she sang with ecstasy and emotion, "If you feel afraid and helpless, please close your eyes..."

"The Power of Heartbeat", Kiritani Maki's debut song, the lyrics are just a very common inspirational style, but the first release caused quite a stir in the music world.

There is no other reason: because there are too many high-pitched parts in this song, and even many senior singers admit that it is difficult for them to sing.

Although the treble is easier to sing emotions, it also has high demands on the vocal muscles.

Most people have to use falsetto if they want to sing high notes, but it tends to sound sharp and thin, which is very uncomfortable.

However, Kiritani Maki's treble is not only loud, but also extremely powerful.In the words of a famous music critic, "It is a gorgeous treble that can shoot through the sky like a god with a bow and an arrow."

Or to quote a vocalist, "Kiritani Maki is born with a super wide range, which can be retracted freely within five octaves. Even when singing the highest note, the voice can remain clean and clear. To the extent that there will be no obscure and trembling noises."

Knowledgeable people know how outrageous this thing is. It is a perfect voice made of fine steel, and it is an area that is almost impossible for human bodies to reach.But considering that she is half-elven, it seems to make sense.

As for the fans, they basically don't know what the concept of "five octaves can be retracted freely".

But the nickname "The Magnificent Treble of the Gods" is very emotional. It turned on a kind of secondary switch in the hearts of the island people, and at the same time pushed her fame to the peak of her career from the very beginning of her debut.

" please hold on tightly, this is our unique, heartbeat power—" the last line of the lyrics ends, still unique to Kiritani Maki, gorgeous, high, full of surging emotions and vigorous strength The super high-pitched sound even overwhelmed a large number of speakers throughout the venue, and was transmitted to the ears of the audience in the last few rows of the Budokan through air vibration.

Then, she put away the microphone and bowed to the audience.There was no fatigue on the delicate face, as if she had just sung an ordinary song.

But the atmosphere of the audience has been completely detonated.Diagonally across from Chen Ziang and Yuegong Suzuna, that is, in the stands of Zhengbei District, many fans had already stood up, waving their arms and shouting wildly.

There are relatively few fanatical fans in the East District, and most of them seem to be ordinary passer-by fans, so there are only exclamations of "wow", "oh hoo", "that's amazing", "how can you sing so high" and so on.

Of course, not without gaffes.

The four nerds who were doing the cheering dance in front couldn't help but knelt down on their knees, clenched their fists and waved them excitedly, as if the fans saw the national football team win the World Cup.

In Chen Ziang's previous life, the national football team had never won the World Cup, so he just thought that Xia Zili sang really well, but he didn't have the urge to smash the floor to cheer, and couldn't empathize with these fanatical fans.

He was about to say something to Tsukimiya Suzuna, when he suddenly saw a tearful young girl, supported by two staff members, and helped her out from the auditorium in the front row.

“真希大人我的女神呜哇啊啊啊啊啊啊!”这姑娘哭得是泪雨滂沱,花容失色,还不忘抓住旁边工作人员的手,仿佛狂信徒般语无伦次地振声说道, "I've been pushing her alone since her debut! Now I can die without regret! You know, I'm fucking dead with no regrets!"

"Okay, miss, please calm down." The staff could only follow her words, "Let's go to the lounge to have some tea, and come back to listen to the next song, okay?"

Chen Zi'ang watched her being helped out by the staff, and couldn't help but sigh the power of Xia Zili's singing... No, it should be because of the degree of madness of the bewildered person alone, it was really scary to see it.

Are all your fans like this (pointing).

"Oh, you sang really well." Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled and said beside her, "Xiaozhu seems to be very happy, what do you think, senior?"

Chen Ziang turned his head and saw a faint smile on the face of his sister on the right.

Although it was just an imperceptible slight curve at the corner of his mouth, it also put Chen Ziang in a good mood, thinking that bringing his sister here was indeed the right decision.

"I think it's pretty good." He praised sincerely, "It's better than any other singer I've heard... Well, I think so based on my personal subjective taste."

"Really?" Yue Gong Suzuna rested her chin with one hand, thoughtfully.

She picked up the beer and took a sip, staring at the stage faintly, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this moment, Xia Zili, who was on the stage, looked over as if she had a heart-to-heart connection.

She didn't even see Yuegong Suzuna, but caught Chen Ziang from the crowd, and immediately reached out to wave hello to him.

You are really here...

In an instant, almost half of the auditorium in the East District, countless excited fans stood up and waved vigorously towards the stage—whether they were originally fans of passers-by or true fans, at this time, they were not hesitating to express their love for her in this way favorite.

However, in Xia Zili's line of sight, Chen Ziang, who was still sitting, was immediately blocked by the fans who stood up in the front row and couldn't see him.

Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled secretly, and passed the beer can to the right:

"Senior, cheers?"

"Oh." Chen Ziang honestly opened a can of beer, although he didn't know what she was celebrating, "Cheers."

(End of this chapter)

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