The Witch's Taste

Chapter 58 Xia Zili, Can You Do It?

Chapter 58 Xia Zili, Can You Do It?
In the staff corridor, before Yue Gong Ling Nai could take a few steps, Xia Zili grabbed her arm from behind.

"Wait a minute!" she said out of breath, "Can you speak clearly?"

"What?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked pretending to be stupid.

"Those things I didn't think of." Xia Zili said seriously, "I, you, and Chen Ziang..."

"What is the relationship between the three of us?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment, then suddenly said in a frivolous tone:
"I don't know."

"Please!" Xia Zili bowed deeply towards her, "This is very important to me!"

However, Tsukimiya Suzuna walked briskly, sideways avoiding her salute.

"I said I don't know, but I just don't know." She said lightly in a playful tone, but secretly there was a hidden coldness, "It's useless to ask me~"

"Then I'll ask him." Xia Zili said firmly.

She was about to rush in the direction Chen Ziang left, but Yue Gong Ling Nai stopped her with her hand.

"I said..." Tsukimiya Suzuna was still smiling, but the warmth in the smile was gone, "Don't you still have a concert going on?"

"No." Xia Zili did not hesitate.

"What about Hoshino Norika?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked coldly, "What about the brokerage company behind you? There are tens of thousands of fans who paid for you and bought tickets for you. What about the fans who want to listen to your singing?" manage?"

Xia Zili was speechless.

"Don't let them down, Xia Zili." Yuegong Lingnai said contemptuously, then turned around and chased after Chen Ziang.

Yes, Xia Zili, this is the difference between me and you.

If it were me... don't say I'm just a fan of tens of thousands of people, even if it puts all human beings on the balance.

...and I don't care.

Xia Zili stood there blankly, looking at the back of Yue Gong Ling Nai who left without hesitation, she suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart.

She didn't know what she had lost, but she felt as if she had lost something.

"Maki, Maki!" Hoshino Norika chased out from behind, "Are you okay?"

Xia Zili didn't respond.

Hoshino Jixiang hurriedly turned her body around, only to realize that she was in a daze, and completely lost her original spirit on the stage.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?" Hoshino Norika turned pale with shock,
"Sister Ji Xiang." Xia Zili shook her head in a daze, "I...I'm fine, I'll just go back and take a rest."

Chen Ziang returned to the martial arts hall, and took out his mobile phone to check the work group again.

The efficiency of the staff is still very high. They searched for people according to the seats given on the list, and found 8 people in a short while.

These 8 people are also very cooperative...or they cooperated too much. Some people even said that after they left Lingyi Town, they got in touch with everyone they knew around them, and asked if they wanted to bring their close contacts with them.

Chen Ziang thought for a moment, then told the staff in the group to quickly get them to gather at the west gate of the Budokan, and ignore those close contacts for the time being.

The top priority is to gather people together as soon as possible, and they cannot be allowed to contact other fans in the Budokan.

"Senior!" Tsukimiya Suzuna rushed over from behind, "How's it going?"

"I've already searched for a third." Chen Ziang frowned suddenly, "Something went wrong, let's solve it."

A staff member in the group said that there was a person in the East District who was unwilling to cooperate, saying that he had to listen to the concert before leaving.

Chen Ziang and Yuegong Suzuna arrived quickly, only to find that the ones who were arguing with the staff happened to be the four houses that were in front of the entrance.

"So, I've said it all!" Dashi Jun, who secretly brought flowers and was beaten violently by his companions, was grabbing the staff by the collar at this time, and spitting, "Even if I die, I die of illness. I fell to the ground and convulsed and died, but I also want to listen to Maki-chan sing in the last second of my life!"

"Hey, Dashi!" The man with glasses shouted angrily from behind, "It's too much to say that! If you die here, what will you do if you die here, alarming the public security department and affecting Maki-chan's concert? Don't cause trouble for others Alright! Go outside and die obediently!"

"Don't talk so righteously!" Dashi Jun said with a sneer, "I just want to push me out to deal with the matter, and you can wait until the concert is over to ask Maki-chan for an autograph and a group photo, right?"

After speaking, he grabbed the staff again and shouted:

"I want to report, it's not just me, the three of them have also been to Lingyi Town!"

"Iron! You want to die, don't you!" The four quickly scuffled together, and the staff beside them were at a loss, dumbfounding.

Chen Zi'ang stepped forward quickly, and separated the four people who were still wrestling—their strength was actually quite strong, as if they were really fighting.

"Enough!" He said sternly, "What time is it, and you still want to go to the concert? Don't take the epidemic prevention requirements of the Public Security Department seriously?"

"How could you possibly understand!" the man with glasses said angrily, "You can go to the hospital anytime, but Maki-chan's concert... If you miss this time, there will be no next time!"

"You can watch the recording of the TV station." Tsukimiya Suzuna complained from the side.

"Recording?" The man with glasses sneered and turned his head, "How can that be compared to watching live..."

The moment his eyes fell on Tsukimiya Suzuna's face, he turned his head back as if he was electrocuted, and stammered:
"In short, in short, we also bought tickets, so it's not good to drive us out like this."

"We understand your feelings." It is not suitable to use force at this time, Chen Ziang can only persuade patiently, "But as you said, if the epidemic really spreads, how will the media report it afterwards?" Kiritani Maki's concert has caused a large-scale infection', and it has also affected Kiritani Maki himself, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, the four of them obviously hesitated.

These people are all college students, and when they are young and energetic, it is useless to use authority to suppress them, but after mentioning Maki Kiritani's name, they really began to waver.

"But, we don't feel anything." Mr. Dashi was still arguing, "Although we have indeed been to Lingyi Town, we haven't heard of any epidemic area there..."

As he spoke, he probably felt a little itchy on his neck, so he stretched out his hand and scratched it hard.

Four bloody wounds were scratched out.

staff member:? ? ?
The other three companions: ! ! !
Chen Ziang's face changed, and he said immediately:

"He is infected, send him out quickly!"

But where did the staff dare to touch him, they backed up a few steps with hands and feet together, and dared not approach him no matter what.

On the contrary, the three companions who beat him up before, looked at each other for a while, then suddenly took off their clothes, wrapped the exposed skin of their hands, and then pushed Mr. Dashi out without any explanation.

"Where are we going to send him?" the man with glasses shouted.

"The west gate of the Budokan!" Chen Ziang said hastily.

"Okay, everyone carry him out and bury him!" The three yelled in unison, grabbed Mr. Dashi's left and right arms, half pushed and half carried him, and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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