The Witch's Taste

Chapter 59 Pollution Diffusion

Chapter 59 Pollution Diffusion
With the help of the staff, the 24 people on the list were quickly located and taken away from the Budokan.

Most of the crowd were very cooperative, except for the four otaku college students who insisted on listening to the concert, the two young ladies who suspected that the staff were liars, and an old man who had poor ears and couldn't understand the explanation for a long time.

The pick-up vehicle sent by the Public Security Department has not yet arrived, and the 24 people can only wait at the west gate, and everyone seems a little impatient.

The person called "Oishi-kun" by his companions, whose real name is "Oishi Shinichiro", was at this moment with his hands tied and his mouth gagged with clothes, so he could only whimper miserably there.

It's not that his companion is too cruel, but that this guy has already started to show abnormal symptoms.

Unlike Naoya Yasui's increased eye whites and mental breakdown, Oishi Shinichiro began to sweat all over his body, and it was extremely itchy, but his skin would peel off when scratched, and he had a strong urge to eat meat.

There is no way, everyone can only tie him up, firstly to prevent him from hurting himself, and secondly to prevent him from biting people indiscriminately, or saying any scary and weird words.

The bus from the Public Security Department finally arrived and escorted the 24 people onto the bus.

Mr. Dashi was personally guarded by Chen Ziang, who never left him at every step, in case he suddenly became weird and hurt others.

Yue Gong Suzuna sat at the back, thinking secretly in her heart.

From a common sense, it is a normal and standard response method to isolate and control all personnel who have been in contact with suspected pollution sources.

But Xi Chuan Meihui would not fail to think of this.

"An extremely serious change has been caused", this is the ending that has happened in history.

From effect to cause, that is to say, Nishikawa Mie's operation probably hit the weakness of the Public Security Department, and thus caused a major accident.

Judging from the symptoms of Mr. Dashi, he should have been hit by the "Secret Ritual of Corpse Eating".

Mysteries lock on targets through special rituals that require touching a medium and triggering an action.The medium is undoubtedly the hot spring in the hot spring hotel, as long as you bathe in it, you will be contaminated.

But I don't know what the triggering action was...Senior and I didn't stay in Lingyi Town for long, and went directly to the charnel house the night after taking a bath in the hot spring, so the ceremony wasn't really triggered.

But precisely because of this, there is no way to determine which secret ritual it is.

Typical carnivorous symptoms, a common feature of all necrophagic mysteries.But the whole body is itchy, and the skin peels off after scratching to produce wounds... Moulting evolution?Insect cocoons?
Well, very grotesque in the King of Ghouls style.

Yue Gong Ling Nai slowly sorted out the ins and outs in her heart, suddenly she saw an old man walking behind, tremblingly asked Chen Ziang:
"Mr. Operator, when will I be able to arrive?"

His Lu language was not standard. Chen Ziang patiently asked him several times before he figured out what the other party's question was.

"There are still about 20 minutes." He replied patiently, "Are you feeling unwell, old man, or motion sickness? Why don't you go back and sit down first, and a doctor will pick you up when we arrive."

"Oh, it's nothing to be old, it's just that it's itchy..." The old man muttered, inserted his fingers into his neck, and then gently peeled off the skin of his entire face like peeling the skin of his feet. down.

He still didn't feel the pain at all, but the eyeballs rolled around involuntarily, and soon half protruded from the eye sockets, and the canine teeth protruded from the lips.

With a face dripping with blood, the newborn ghoul showed a creepy smile:
"It's much more refreshing this way...hey, I'm hungry, do you have any meat to eat?"

What responded to him was a bright sword light.

At the same time, the metamorphosis into weirdness means the disappearance of humanity, and no longer bound by any ethics and morality. There is no other way except beheading.

Chen Ziang slashed out with a sword, and the ghoul swiftly jumped back out of the way. The claws of his left hand had already sprung out like a sharp sword, and he grabbed the girl beside him who was still in a daze.

It was Suzuna Tsukimiya who was thinking about something.

The shadow under Tsukimiya Suzuna's feet suddenly stood up, and the black shadow blade flashed past, cutting off the ghoul's left arm shoulder to shoulder.

All this happened between the ups and downs of the rabbit, and when everyone in the car came back to their senses, the ghoul had already been sealed by Chen Ziang's sword, and was quickly sucked into a skin by the Mandala magic sword.

The danger is temporarily lifted, but chaos begins to spread.

There was almost a mess in the carriage, screams, dodges, vomiting, and even some people panicked and opened the windows, trying to jump out to escape, but the buses of the Public Security Department are all special vehicles. Can't pull it off at all.

"Go back to your seats and sit down!" Chen Ziang shouted.

Everyone quickly froze in place, not because of Chen Ziang's amazing aura, but because the long sword in his hand was still dripping blood... If he was cut off by this man's unreasonable sword, where can he complain?
"Brother, at least give me an accurate word." The man with glasses tremblingly said, "Did we get infected by the zombie virus, and we are already doomed, and you just sent us back to slice and study?"

Chen Ziang was about to speak, but saw a certain girl in the back row who was still bending over to vomit, holding her mouth with her right hand to vomit for a long time, and suddenly tore her lips off forcefully.

Showing sharp and ferocious fangs.

The girlfriend next to her was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she passed out as soon as she rolled her eyes.

The ghoul turned his head and bit his head, mercilessly biting his best friend's neck, and picked her up.The victim convulsed violently several times in excruciating pain and soon fell into a near-death state.

Chen Ziang rushed forward, stabbing the ghoul with the long sword in his hand, only to see that the other party suddenly threw the corpse in his mouth with force.He hastily stretched out his left arm to push the thrown corpse away, only to feel a sudden shaking under his feet - it was the ghoul that smashed the window hard and jumped out.

Originally, the special glass that could even withstand bullets was vulnerable to a single blow under the mighty force of the ghoul.

After getting away from this ghoul, Chen Ziang also knew that the matter would not end at all, so he could only contact the unit quickly:

"Hello? Section chief! Some targets have escaped, and the location is..."

Just when the current position was reported, two more people in the front row began to alienate, quickly turning into ferocious ghouls.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to turn back and swing his sword, and quickly beheaded one of them. The other tried to resist, but was quickly decapitated by Tsukimiya Suzuna's shadow katana.

These ghouls are mutated by human beings. Although they have gained superhuman powers, their wisdom has not been enhanced much-it is not good at fighting, and it does not mean that after becoming a ghoul, it will become a ghoul immediately. A seasoned fighter.

The inside of the car was already in chaos, and most of the people crouched under the seats with their heads covered, afraid of being killed by a monster that suddenly appeared, and even more afraid of being slashed by the security officer.

The driver is also an officer sent by the Public Security Department, but he is not from the Sixth Division of Countermeasures. At this time, he has stopped quickly, locked the car door, and then guarded the front of the car with his gun in his hand, his face full of panic that the three views have been impacted Feelings.

He is not a rookie operator who has never seen big waves. When transporting prisoners before, he also encountered carjackings, prisoners rioting, and even trying to hijack the driver... But this kind of car full of passengers turned into monsters one by one. , It was the first time he really saw a plot like a horror movie routine.

"Do you need me to do anything?" He asked with a trembling voice.

"No, drive back quickly." Chen Ziang replied, "I'll make sure they can't attack you."

He stood in the aisle with a sword in his hand, and his gaze kept scanning the interior of the carriage back and forth, exuding a fierce aura like that of Shura.

Yuegong Suzuna also drew her gun in her hand, and stood obediently beside him, sighing inwardly.

I understand.

Mie Nishikawa does not have any conspiracy, but a simple and crude brainless tactic: turn a large number of ordinary people polluted by the mysteries of necrophagy into ghouls, let them spread spiritual pollution in the city, and then gamble with the Public Security Bureau Can't catch it.

In fact, it is really impossible to catch it.

There were a total of 24 people in the car. In less than a minute, 1 people had mutated and 4 ghoul escaped. This was still under centralized custody.

However, there are not only 24 people who have been to Lingyi Town, but a total of 64 people...

Where will the remaining 40 people be at this time?How many have changed?

(End of this chapter)

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