The Witch's Taste

Chapter 73 Anxiety Before Marriage

Chapter 73 Anxiety Before Marriage
Song Xi felt that her throat seemed to be blocked by something.

Because she suddenly discovered that the sister Suzuna sitting in front of her was not the all-faced princess of the Moon Palace, but just a poor girl who indulged in and struggled in a complicated and unknown love affair, and tried her best to find true love. .

The real problem, however, is that some things don't work just because you try.

The most hurtful part of unrequited love is here: if the other party really has no interest in you in the opposite sex, then the more you try your best, you will only drive the other party further away.

Miss Suzuna, why are you so pitiful...

"Well, I forgot to tell him not to put garlic in the dishes, I'll go and talk about it." Song Xi suddenly got up in a hurry and walked towards the restaurant.

Chen Ziang was looking at his phone at the menu, asking Emmon Goro and his sister what they wanted to eat, and delivering it to them later, when he suddenly felt someone pulling him from behind.

It's Song Xi.

"Senior." Song Xi pulled him to an unoccupied corner of the restaurant, and said seriously, "Although they are not in the same workplace, Miss Suzuna is called Senior Ni, and you should be older than me, so let me call you that Let me ask, how do you think of Suzuna-san?"

"Uh." Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed.

Although it is strange for a person who has just met him to ask such an intimate question, Song Xi's expression at this time is very serious, full of concern and worry...Of course, it is not about Chen Ziang, but about Yue Gong. Suzuna's.

Just like a younger sister who cares about her older sister, it makes him feel slightly touched and sympathetic.

So Chen Ziang said frankly:

"Suzuna is pretty good, with a good appearance, a kind and gentle personality, serious and capable in doing things, I won't talk about her family background, in short, she is the kind of very perfect girl - from all aspects."

"Yeah." Song Xi couldn't help nodding her head, she was relieved at last, she didn't have to worry that Sister Ling Nai's relationship would end without a problem.

"It's a pity I'm not." Chen Ziang said with a sigh.

Song Xi:?
"I'm just a grassroots security officer." Chen Ziang continued, "My family is not very good, and I have a younger sister to take care of... I didn't even graduate from Jibei University. I was only admitted to Imperial Jixian University."

"Although Imperial Jixian University is a key brand, its ranking in the circle of key universities is indeed... No, that's not the point." Song Xi said seriously, "I don't think Miss Suzuna cares about this."

"Maybe she doesn't care now." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "But maybe after we have been together for a few years, she will have a party with you again, and then find out that your husbands are all executive managers, cadre leaders, and entrepreneurs. Kind of like that, and then I thought that I was just an ordinary grassroots security officer, do you think there is no problem with this?"

"Uh." Song Xi pondered for a while, then said, "I don't want to lie on this topic, in fact, I do think that the two of you may be a bit... but it's not important, is it? After all, if it is If it is true love, it will definitely break through the barriers of family gaps."

"So how can you be sure it's true love?" Chen Ziang asked her back.

Song Xi was speechless for a moment.Although after the conversation with Yuegong Suzuna just now, she can feel that Suzuna's affection for this senior is not love at first sight under impulse, but something deeper and more permanent... But I also know that this "feeling" will definitely not convince others.

The art of politics is compromise, so she quickly settled for the next best thing and asked tentatively:
"Then at least you can't deny that it's not true love, can you?"


"If that's the case, why don't you give Miss Suzuna and yourself a chance?" Song Xi said seriously, "True love always takes time to test and prove, doesn't it?"

"It makes sense." Chen Ziang said in a deep voice.

Good job, finally convinced him!Song Xi rejoiced.

"That's why we are like this now." Chen Ziang reminded her.

"Uh..." Song Xi smiled dryly, "It's pretty good, starting with friends, it would be even better if we can get together, and if we can't, we won't drag each other down."

So it's not that the senior doesn't like Sister Suzuna, nor does it mean that he wants to hang her on purpose, he's just a little unconfident and emotionally clean, yearning for a true love that lasts forever and won't fade with time, if he can't find it, he'd rather be single... …Oh I see.

Ah, that's great.

Song Xi suddenly thought of her fiancé, Qin Song, and felt unspeakably melancholy and confused for a moment.

As for why she got engaged, this is a long story: You should know that the Song family and the Qin family are two big families. Although many clan members choose to go into politics, they are generally divided into two factions who follow the route of civil servants and those who follow the route of parliamentarians .

From the perspective of a democratic system, a system with more parties, more frequent elections, and a shorter term of parliamentarians often means that the "shadow government" composed of senior civil servants has the upper hand; Civil servants can only try to induce and influence them.

However, Extreme North City has a very special political and historical environment, which is the pinnacle and apex of the councilor line, that is, the position of the governor of the star region—basically inherited from generation to generation in the Shi family.

The first generation governor, Shi Zhiqing, led the imperial fleet to pacify the interstellar pirates, and implemented a strict military control system on this planet. At that time, there was no such thing as popular election, and everyone had only three identities: imperial, naturalized And the remnants of pirates.

The imperial people are in charge of ruling, the naturalized people are in charge of mining, and the remnants of pirates are in charge of being targeted. Everything is in order.

Shi Jintang, the second-generation governor, as Shi Zhiqing's eldest son, took over as governor after his father's death.He did not follow his father's military management system, but devoted his whole life to transforming Gaotianyuan Planet from a cold, cruel, poor and backward mining planet to a colonial planet with its own industry, population, national strength and voice district.

Against the suspicion and pressure around him, Shi Jintang defied all opinions and insisted on going his own way. He made a lot of institutional reforms, such as transitioning from military control to democratic elections, relaxing overall public opinion control, signing commercial contracts with elves, and joining the Federation Star Trade Organization. Use foreign exchange funds to support local mining chaebols and so on.

Today's star-level metropolitan area in Jibei City, all the prosperity, stability and order that you can see, was built from scratch in his hands, so it also brought great prestige to the Shi family that was almost unbreakable .

The third-generation governor, Shi Boen, is mediocre compared to his father and grandfather, but he can be successfully elected governor in every election. , the votes will obediently cast in his name.

Now it is Shi Di, the fourth-generation governor. The prestige of the Shi family among the people has declined, but there is still no sign of shaking in a short time.

Therefore, in the political environment of Jibei City, it is not the ruling faction that is fighting with other parties, nor is it the civil servants and congressmen who are fighting, but everyone and the Shi family. fight.

One radish and one hole, Governor Shi Di is in power, the Shi family naturally hopes that more members of the clan can hold power, and if they don't want to obediently abdicate, they must form a group to resist.

Song Xi's fiancé, Qin Song, and his father, Qin Senhe, are district councilors in Chiba District. In recent years, because of his advocacy of animal rights bills, his social prestige has been increasing, and he seems to be a rising star in the political arena.

Shi Di had a good opinion of him, and the Qin family was determined to provide resources to support him in the future. Seeing that this rookie district councilor's take-off was unstoppable, the Song family naturally thought of marrying Qin Senhe.

After his father Song Mingyuan made an investigation, he confirmed that his son Qin Song was a very good young man, so he asked his daughter Song Xi in private.

Song Xi didn't refuse. Not only had she never been in a relationship, she didn't have any expectations for this matter, and she knew that it was unlikely that she would never marry again, so she agreed directly.

The two parties have dated a few times, and they are still satisfied after meeting, so the next step is engagement and marriage... She knows that her marriage will most likely be like her own life, following the trajectory planned by her parents in advance, and driving smoothly , until the end.

But what is true love?
Sometimes, even though I know it’s not realistic, I still want to be like Suzuna, who has the ability to love someone from the bottom of my heart, and the courage to say no to the whole world.

Perhaps this is why, I always admire Miss Suzuna...

(End of this chapter)

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