The Witch's Taste

Chapter 74 Cold Reading

Chapter 74 Cold Reading

The two went into the restaurant, while Tsukimiya Suzuna was sitting outside, playing with her mobile phone and browsing the messages in the work group.

The new official took office three fires, and everyone guessed that after the reform of the horse farm Yongjian, he would definitely find someone to do the surgery.

After all, outsourcing the business will harm the interests of all the operators of the sixth class, and naturally there will be complaints in the class, which will shake the prestige of the racecourse Yongjian.

There are two ways to deal with complaints: big sticks and sweet dates.

With Machang's character, Tianzao doesn't need to think about it, the big stick probably needs to be swung up to smash a person to the ground, the so-called killing a chicken for a monkey to let everyone know who is in charge of the Public Security Department.

So, who is this person?
It's hard to guess, who is the most hated by the racecourse, I don't know, hahahaha...

Tsukimiya Suzuna closed the group, smiled coldly, and put the phone on the table.

Grasshoppers after autumn, let’s jump as much as you want while you still have the strength.

Just as she was thinking like this, Yuegong Lingnai suddenly saw Chen Ziang and Song Xi walking back side by side with dinner plates, talking and laughing.


Mimijiang, you don't... want to die, do you?

There was a little sense of crisis in her heart, but it was quickly dispelled by reason.

The girl Song Xi was raised so well since she was a child, she stretched out her hands to eat and opened her mouth, and she could get whatever she wanted immediately, so that she basically had no desires or desires in her life.

Originally, based on Song Mingyuan's love for her, as long as she said "I don't want to get married", today's marriage would not happen.

But she still agreed, because she had an extremely indifferent attitude towards her love and marriage from the beginning to the end.

How could such a fool suddenly become enlightened?

Besides, if you don't get along with him for a long time, you can't discover the shining things in the senior.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yuegong Lingna showed a bright smirk, and looked at Song Xi.

Song Xi shuddered for no reason, and immediately guessed what it was, and quickly explained:

"Hey, I'm just interested in the matter of Senior and Sister Suzuna."

Blink blink.

Yuegong Suzuna received her gaze and knew that she was assisting her, so she silently restrained the killing intent in her eyes.

"Sit down first, I'll give these meals to Xiaozhu and Uncle Weimen." Chen Ziang picked up the plate and said, then walked outside.

As soon as he left, Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately put away her smile and asked lightly:

"What did you say?"

"I've already settled it." Song Xi gave a thumbs up and said, "Senior is willing to start as friends with Sister Suzuna, and let the follow-up develop naturally!"

Tsukimiya Suzuna had no choice but to help, so your assist is to reconfirm the feasibility of my ongoing plan, right?
Thinking about it carefully, I really shouldn't believe her.

First of all, no one knows the senior better than himself, and of course Song Xi can't do it; secondly, this child has never even been in a relationship, so what can I expect her to do?

"Let's talk." Song Xi asked with a smile, "How did Sister Ling Nai know Senior?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna pondered for a moment.

The real acquaintance process between the two is too mysterious to explain, so it is impossible to tell the truth.

But if it is understated, with Song Xi's gossip ability, there is likely to be a more fantasy version, which is widely circulated in the circle.

Of course, Yuegong Suzuna also had to admit that when she asked Song Xi to assist, she also had the intention of asking her to help spread the word.

As long as everyone knows that I have someone I like, I won’t receive so many messages every night, and I have to carefully distinguish what is really chatting, and what is just in the name of a friend, wanting... Uh, Just like my attempt to my predecessors.

To be honest, I really want to block all these people, so that every time I hear the notification tone, I have to check to see if it is a message from a senior, and then I will be disappointed in most cases.

"Actually, it's nothing." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied, "I met Senior when he was on duty. He helped me solve some... small troubles."

"What's the trouble?" Song Xi began to gossip subconsciously.

"You want to know?" Yue Gong Suzuna's expression darkened.

"I don't want to." Song Xi said honestly, and then regained her spirits, "So, Miss Suzuna fell in love?"

"How could it be so fast." Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled faintly, "It's just that there was an opportunity to get along with each other, and then slowly fell in love with each other in the process of getting along."

"But it's too strange to say that." Song Xi was quite puzzled, "For example, if a security officer helped me, of course I would say thank you, but I wouldn't keep in touch with him for a long time, would I? Unless I was attracted by him from the very beginning, and deliberately found a topic to talk to him."

Tsukimiya Suzuna didn't answer, because she was really not interested in Senior at first.

In the long and distant memory, after nearly 20 years of living as a wealthy but boring young lady, she suddenly witnessed the dangerous and magnificent corner of the mysterious world. He pesters Chen Ziang, hoping to master supernatural powers like in the movie, and become a chic and handsome superhero.

At last she has power...but, as is so often the case with tragedy in plays, she would rather not have it.

"Let's not talk about this." Yue Gong Suzuna quickly ended the topic, "You are going to hold a wedding this afternoon, and you are still gossiping with me here?"

Song Xi immediately collapsed on the table: Sister!Who do you think I am here for?

"It's okay." She said nonchalantly, "My dad hasn't come over yet, so I can fish for a while."

"Not good." Yue Gong Suzuna reminded, "I think even if Uncle Song is working, he must have some means to find out what you are doing."

Song Xi shuddered suddenly, then laughed and said:

"It's okay, don't talk about my dad like a spy chief...Well, I should go to make up, you and senior will come this afternoon, right?"

"Otherwise, we are already here." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile.

After she said goodbye to Song Xi, Shi Shiran stood up and walked in the direction she came from.

In the fish exhibition hall of the aquarium, Chen Xiaozhu was still playing with the fish model, looking very excited, even ignoring the tofu fish soup next to him.

She didn't eat, so Emmon Goro naturally didn't know how to move his chopsticks, he just waited for her to get bored and handed her a new fish toy in time.

Chen Ziang was standing in front of the dessert self-service machine, and seemed to be studying how to use this machine.

"Insert the coin first." Tsukimiya Suzuna put in the coin, then quickly put a paper box under the cream spout, and dazzledly operated the buttons with the other hand, "This way, this way...Okay, Qiang Qiang Clang! My guest, your watermelon, strawberry, milk and mango balls."

"So that's the case." Chen Ziang nodded, "Lingnai."

"What's the matter, senior?"

"Xiao Zhu likes watermelon and strawberries. You said I told you last time, so what about my taste?"

"Well." Tsukimiya Suzuna pressed her slender index finger to her lips, and said with a sweet smile, "It's a girl's secret~"

"Your so-called 'girl's secret' means you know all my secrets, right?" Chen Ziang took the ice cream box from her, and walked back while complaining.

"Actually, it's not that mysterious." Tsukimiya Suzuna briskly followed behind him, "Actually, it's just a little cold reading."

"Do you still know how to do cold reading?"

"It will be a little bit, not very strong."

"Then analyze what I'm thinking right now."

"Senior was thinking, 'Wow, Suzuna-chan can do cold reading, how cute is it'."

"What I'm thinking is, you must be fooling me."

(End of this chapter)

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