Chapter 83

Chen Ziang's understanding of cooking is based entirely on his long-term practical experience in modern kitchen utensils, and he doesn't use the grill much, so he entrusts Emon Goro to do it for him, while he cleans and handles the ingredients by himself.

Emon Goro's technique is obviously much more proficient: brush the sauce neatly, turn it over from time to time to make it evenly heated, and finally sprinkle cumin, salt and pepper and chili noodles, and put it on a white porcelain plate.

Yue Gong Suzuna took the porcelain plate, carefully pulled the meat and vegetables off the iron skewers, then patiently blew them cool, and fed them into Chen Xiaozhu's mouth.

My sister eats first.

When Chen Xiaozhu was full, Chen Ziang wiped her mouth, helped her to sit on the recliner next to her, and then came back to eat with everyone.

The quality of this meal is very good, the meat is juicy and the vegetables are fresh, and the fire is just right, which can not help but whet your index finger and whet your appetite.

However, Chen Ziang did not have the habit of overeating.After all, as a security officer, it is often inconvenient to eat when he is out on duty. He can solve the problem by going to a convenience store and buying a few chow mein breads. Therefore, he only stopped eating skewers when he was almost full.

Yue Gong Suzuna was still eating, not because she ate a lot, but because she ate slowly, chewing and swallowing slowly, looking very ladylike.

"Mr. Chen." Weimon Goro took out a bottle of wine from the side, and said with a smile, "If you don't mind, I have a bottle of 'Qing Lie' here, which is best for digestion."

I saw that the wine bottle was dark green, with a sponge cork, and the word "Qing Lie" was written in calligraphy on the label, which seemed to be a famous wine with a good style.

Before Chen Ziang could speak, Yuegong Lingna called out:
"Give me a drink first!"

"Okay." Emon Goro quickly fetched two glasses and filled them with amber liquor.

Now that the wine had been poured, Chen Ziang no longer resisted, took a sip from the wine glass.

The entrance is gentle, and after falling into the throat, there is a lot of heat from the stomach, which is very warm and comfortable.

Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled slightly, and gave Emon Goro a wink calmly.

The latter understood immediately, and quickly cleaned up the grill, preparing to leave.

In fact, this is an interlocking round carefully designed by Tsukimiya Suzuna in advance.

BBQ on the balcony, you can stay in the senior's room.Drinking a little wine after dinner is also a normal invitation.

But this wine is actually a rare variety with great stamina, which can be easily drunk.

As long as senpai is drunk, Uncle Emmon leaves again, and only my sister-chan stays in the room, wouldn't senpai let me do whatever I want?

Of course, Tsukimiya Suzuna is a traditional and decent girl.Compared with the body of the senior, what I want more is his heart, so I will not take the opportunity to do strange things.

At most, it's a kiss, a hug, lying in my arms to sleep, etc...

Thinking of the sweetness, she couldn't help but secretly laugh, and began to persuade Chen Ziang to drink.

Although Chen Ziang didn't know what Yuegong Lingna was thinking, but he also knew the reason not to drink too much, and refused to drink after getting a little drunk.

But the name of this wine is indeed very deceptive. It sounds a bit like the "sake" of the island people, but in fact the alcohol content is not low.

By the time he came to his senses, his consciousness was already a little bit flustered.

"Senior." Yuegong Suzuna wanted to test whether he was drunk, so she said casually, "It's a pity that this good wedding was ruined by Nishikawa Mie."

"Yeah." Chen Ziang tried to stay awake and said, "Fortunately, only two people died."

For security officers, of course, they can be thankful that the death toll is not high, but it is difficult to say it on the surface—after all, no matter how few people die, it is a vicious accident, and no positive comments can be given.

Seniors will tell me this, although there are reasons for trusting me, but it is probably three or four points drunk.

So Yuegong Lingnai continued to persuade him to drink, but Chen Ziang refused, and the two drank another dozen glasses.

"Poor Mimichan, we won't be able to get married." Yue Gong Ling Nai tried again, "By the way, her wedding dress should not be used for the time being. Senior, how about I borrow it and wear it?"

"Okay." Chen Ziang closed his eyes and said slowly, "If it was rented, it probably hasn't had time to return it."

Senior, with her family background, how could she rent the wedding dress?It must be ordered and bought directly, okay?

It seems that he was at least five or six points drunk... Tsukimiya Suzuna chuckled.

The two drank another thirty or so cups, and she felt that the time was almost ripe, so she asked again:

"Speaking of seniors, I heard from Mimijiang that Lu women don't need to change their surnames after they marry their husbands?"

"Right." Chen Ziang nodded.

"But we island people want to change their surname." Yue Gong Ling Nai said with a smile, "If you marry an island girl, senior, should she change her surname or not?"

"It's all fine." Chen Ziang said after thinking, "According to me, if she doesn't care about it, then don't change it."

"If you care, you can have my last name."

"Really?" Tsukimiya Suzuna wondered if the senior couldn't tell, am I implying myself?

And why isn't Senior drunk yet...

She suddenly came to her senses, only to feel that her neck was extremely heavy, and her head was involuntarily drooping down.


It was only then that Tsukimiya Suzuna realized that she had forgotten one important thing:
At this point in time, it was not only the first time I went to the aquarium, but also the first time I tried alcohol with my lack of resistance.

I'm so sorry, why did you get drunk first?I still want to sleep in my senior's arms...

Her body was uncontrollable, and she slid sideways from the chair, and then Chen Ziang quickly supported her.

Really, if you don't know how to drink, don't drink so much.

He hesitated for a moment, then hugged Yuegong Lingna by the waist, turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

The girl seemed to feel the warmth of being hugged, and subconsciously curled up her body, like a kitten sleeping in the arms of its owner—she probably didn't expect that she finally got what she wanted in another way.

Putting Tsukimiya Suzuna on the bed, took off her obstructive coat, and then covered her with the quilt.

Chen Ziang went back to the balcony, carried his younger sister to the bed, and let her sleep with Yue Gong Ling Nai.

Looking back, I saw fireworks rising into the sky outside the window, and then blooming brilliant colors.

It stands to reason that after the incident with Mie Nishikawa, even if there was an arrangement for a fireworks show, it should be canceled urgently.

But as a security officer, what kind of situation has he never encountered?Immediately guessed that the fireworks site must have been set up in the morning, without manual operation, it will be released automatically when the time comes, so it was not affected by the attack in the afternoon.

It's a pity that the collective wedding has turned into a bloody wedding, and many guests have left Qiandao quickly after being verified. Who will watch such a beautiful firework show?
Maybe life is like this, you can never guess what you will encounter in the next second.

Chen Ziang leaned against the French glass door of the balcony, holding the wine bottle upside down, watching the fireworks rise into the night sky one after another, imprinting the magical and beautiful scene in his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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