The Witch's Taste

Chapter 84 The Call of Leadership

Chapter 84 The Call of Leadership

In a daze of consciousness, it seems to have returned to a certain midsummer in memory.

Coming out of the residential house at the scene of the murder, Chen Ziang and Yue Gong Ling Nai were walking on the streets of the community, and saw a mobile ice cream truck in front of them.

"Senior, do you want ice cream?"


"What flavor?"

"Milk and mango."

Tsukimiya Suzuna ran to the stall owner and said with a smile:

"Milk, vanilla, mango, pineapple, one for each of the four balls, is that okay?"

"Okay." The stall owner quickly dug out the ice cream balls, put them in a cardboard box and handed them to her.

"Why don't you want an extra box?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown.

"Save a little, protect the environment!" Tsukimiya Suzuna said plausibly, scooped up a scoop of milk ice cream and fed it to his mouth.

Chen Ziang didn't open his mouth, just took the spoon in her hand, took a bite, and said to the stall owner:

"Give me another box and a spoon."

"Okay." The stall owner was a little surprised before realizing that the two were not a couple, and handed him a plastic spoon again.

Chen Ziang divided the ice cream, handed the box to Suzuna Tsukimiya, and then walked forward.

Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly followed behind him, scooped up ice cream balls vigorously, and said:

"Senior, don't be too self-aware, interpret the kindness of your junior and colleague as something else, and then reject it on your own."

Chen Ziang was stunned for a moment, and said:

"Feel sorry."

"No need to say I'm sorry." Tsukimiya Suzuna said calmly, "Senior doesn't owe me anything."

There was a snap, but it was the small plastic spoon in her hand, which broke due to excessive force.

"I don't want to eat it." Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment, then threw the ice cream into the trash can next to her, and said, "Senior."

"what happened?"

...I didn't lose, I just came too late.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was thinking like this, but she couldn't say it out, she just looked up at the clear sky at noon, and couldn't help but stretch out her hands to block her eyes, letting the sun pour down from between her fingers:

"It's so dazzling..."

This summer, it's disgusting.


She woke up suddenly from the bed.

Through the glass door of the balcony, the near-noon sun shines on the bed, waking me up from my sleep.

The body covered in the quilt also sweated slightly, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

Yuegong Suzuna lifted the quilt, looked at Chen Xiaozhu who was sleeping next to her, and then looked at herself.

Really, since you know how to take off my coat, why can't you help me put on my pajamas by the way?

Senior idiot!Not caring at all!
Tsukimiya Suzuna sat on the edge of the bed blankly, her jet-black hair was scattered over her shoulders and chest, shining brightly in the midday sun, looking fragile, delicate and beautiful.

...But, I still like it.

It's been so long, there's nothing I can do.

She picked up the cell phone next to her pillow, clicked on the top chat friend, and saw Chen Ziang sent herself a message at around 6:[-] in the morning:

"I have something to do, I have to go to work first. The alarm clock has been set for you. Before going to work, remember to ask Uncle Weimen to help take Xiaozhu home."

Alarm clock?Tsukimiya Suzuna sighed, I must be hungover, I didn't hear any alarm clock at all.

"I overslept/crying, what are you doing senior?" she asked typing.

The message from Chen Ziang came back very quickly:

"Being scolded."

Tsukimiya Suzuna:?
She asked Emmon Goro again, and the housekeeper uncle had already driven back to his home in Gunma District, picked up duty equipment for Chen Ziang, and was on his way to the Jibei City Public Security Department at this time.

In other words, I can only send my sister sauce back by myself.

Sending a short message to the class leader, Takahashi Junsuke asking for a half-day leave, Tsukimiya Suzuna looked at Chen Xiaozhu beside her, and couldn't help showing a gentle smile again.

Small bamboo.

It's great to be able to go back to the present and meet the seniors and you again.


Go back in time 4 hours.

At about 6 o'clock in the morning, a phone rang suddenly in the room.

Chen Ziang, who was woken up, reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table next to him, and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello." He suppressed a little drowsiness and asked.

"Chen Ziang?" A female voice sounded from the opposite side.

"It's me." Chen Ziang quickly regained consciousness, "You are?"

"Yuki Izumo." The other party replied, "Did Song Mingyuan inform you in advance that I am about to take over as the director of the Jibei City Public Security Department, and I need your cooperation?"

"Oh, yes." Chen Ziang said cautiously, "He told me, but he didn't say your name, only that someone will contact me this week..."

"Before 9:[-] in the morning, come to the Jiefang Road Light Rail Station in Guangyuan District." The opposite said, "Call this number when you are almost there."

After the communication was hung up, Chen Ziang was stunned for a long time, then reached out and rubbed his face vigorously.

From here to Guangyuan District, it is almost half the distance of Jibei City, even if you take the light rail, it will take at least an hour.

He had no choice but to wash up quickly, left a message for Suzuna Tsukimiya, and then went out to leave the hotel.

Arriving at the cruise ship terminal, the military blockade order has been lifted, just in time for this cruise ship to dock.

Sitting on the cruise ship, Chen Ziang looked at the misty hot lake outside, wondering if the military had caught Xichuan Meihui.

The huge sickle made of black mist is undoubtedly some kind of power that focuses on attacking, and its lethality is astonishing.

Coupled with the opponent's habit of killing at every turn, it can be seen that he has completely got rid of the constraints of law and morality, and is a time bomb buried under the extreme north city.

Emotionally speaking, Chen Ziang hopes that she will be brought to justice as soon as possible.

But from a rational point of view, I really can't think of any good way to deal with the witch... Even if I drive a tank over, whether it can hold up the scythe of Nishikawa Meihui is still an uncertain question.

After all, most of the military vehicles and individual armor in Jibei City are basic bulletproof and explosion-proof styles, mainly used to deal with physical damage.

But the attack method on the mysterious side, even the mechanism can't be figured out, how to prevent it?
Chen Ziang had a secret and unreasonable intuition that maybe the only one who could stop or even kill Xichuan Meihui in the future was himself who could also exchange powers from the abyss plane...

Leaving Hot Lake and taking the light rail, it is now around 7:[-] in the morning, which is the first wave of the morning rush hour for work.

Although the compartment was not too crowded, there was no room left.

Chen Ziang was standing by the car door, when suddenly his cell phone rang again, and it was still the caller from Yuki Izumo:

"not yet?"

"On the light rail."

"From Gunma District to here, it should be almost there."

"I spent the night at Qiandao in Jinchuan District last night. I rushed here from the hotel in the morning, and it will take about an hour."

"Qiandao?" The person on the other side seemed to be talking to someone next to him, but the call was quickly hung up.

Chen Ziang:?

Hanging up the phone without saying anything, this leader feels very rude.

Forget it, Countermeasures Section [-] will be independent from the Public Security Department, and she will not be my future leader.

Um, wait?

Suddenly remembered, what Song Mingyuan told me last time was that "my direct leader" will come to see me next week, not the new Chief of Public Security!
(End of this chapter)

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