Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 510, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Theater Command

Chapter 510, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Theater Command

When he heard Gu Hang say that no matter what, he would send some troops and do some things, Gallardo basically had no objection.

Preserve your strength and show your attitude. Is there anything wrong with that?

Even if the gentlemen on Holy Terra want to scold them, they have to see what others are like.

All the other local forces in the empire are in a mess, and they are being stabbed to pieces everywhere. Finally, there is a direction without major problems, so just be content. If you have to force others to die, that is bullying me, Gallardo, the new leader. Can’t the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs lift the knife?
Even at this time, his thinking began to change a little:
"You still have to pay attention to the risks, right? What if you lose..."

"Don't worry." Gu Hang said, "On the one hand, I will not advance rashly; on the other hand, the troops going north will not be the main force. For the time being, my troops cannot enter the spider web domain. The first goal is to the north In the Meng River Star Territory, we will prevent the influence of the Iron Fury Stone from spreading in the Meng River Star Territory until their influence is completely eliminated to avoid the situation that happened in the Meng River Star Territory in the Spider Web Universe."

"In the next step, we will strive to defend the Copper Ping Star Zone, which is the northeastern gate of the Eastern Universe. Under the current situation, we must first do a good job in defense and prevent the Iron Armor Chapter from going south. This is also a great achievement. "

"I believe that all parties in the empire will understand. On every other front, the empire is retreating. We are the only ones who have held on to the southern part of the spider web domain. As a result, we are guilty. This is unreasonable. ”

"If everything goes well, our vanguard force will try to explore the spider web domain and launch some attacks on the area actually controlled by Iron Fury Stone from the southeast corner."

At this point, Gu Hang also felt that the time was ripe.

"I will win you a general command position in the southern war zone. Although there is no such war zone yet, once you start a war with the Iron Armor Chapter in the southeast of the spider web space, I will fully promote this war zone. Establishment, and you will be the general person in charge here.”

Gallardo's voice came: "I understand, and setting up a commander-in-chief above you will not be conducive to establishing your position."

He said: "I also need your help here."

"I won't be polite to you." Gu Hang said with a smile, and then his tone became serious again, "Frankly speaking, the performance of the Spider Web Universe in this disaster was too bad. In fact, In total, Melandri's fleet and the Astra Militarum on it, as well as multiple battle groups to cooperate with the Inquisition and Battle Sisters, plus a large number of Home Defense Forces, and thousands of worlds as backing , it shouldn’t be like this.”

"The problem is that this force has many parties, and each force is very independent. When facing the powerful force led by the Iron Armor Chapter, which now has six war groups gathered together, the scattered If the power cannot be kneaded into a ball, it will inevitably lead to the current situation of being broken down one by one and eliminated one by one. "

"Furthermore, I don't trust other imperial generals at all. I will not leave the alliance's precious power to others to command. This is something that cannot be discussed."

Well, it’s not conducive to taking credit afterwards.

Gallador said quickly: "You said, if you can help, I will definitely help!"

This is exactly what Gu Hang wants.

But not enough.

Gu Hang said: "Gallardo, my brother, just being the commander-in-chief is not enough. Let's take what happened in the past year or so as an example. Don't the forces gathered in the spider web universe have a unified Commanding? No, for example, on Tianyuan VI, the Grand Inquisitor of the Heretic Tribunal is taking the lead. But this kind of leadership is too weak. It is more like an overall planning alliance. At most, it is the commander-in-chief of the battle. But being able to mobilize the forces of all parties..." Gallardo looked a little confused and asked, "Isn't this enough?"

"It's not enough." Gu Hang said, "It's not enough at all. How can I ensure that my orders as the commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the theater can be fully implemented? This requires everyone to sit down and discuss before we can make a decision. It was decided that an organization whose commander-in-chief's orders could be discounted or dismissed would not be able to fight a war. What I want is to truly integrate all the forces into a unified force, no matter what. No matter where you come from or what your identity is, you can resolutely carry out my orders after receiving them.”

"This requires me to have more powerful means in addition to being a commander-in-chief. I require absolute control over any troops assigned to my command. Not only must they obey my orders in military operations, I also need to have personnel rights over the appointment of officers in this force; I also need to have the power to punish and even execute any personnel in the force.”

Hearing what Gu Hang said, Gallardo felt a little troubled.


Gu Hang hasn't finished speaking yet.

"It's not just the army. The army you know is only a part of the war. Under such a large-scale all-out war, we must fully mobilize all our forces and implement the overall war strategy. This requires that if the southern theater is divided, then at least The entire Eastern Universe should make all preparations for this war. These preparations include everything from beginning to end. The power of the entire Universe should be used by me, and I should also control the administration within the Universe. Power, with direct control authority.”

At this point, Gu Hang was almost convinced.


Gallardo continued to hesitate.

The commander-in-chief of the front army is a place he can control.

But what happened later was a bit imaginary. When it comes to the appointment and punishment of military personnel, for example, if Gu Hang wants to remove or even execute an Astra Militarum general, it stands to reason that he cannot do it as the commander-in-chief.

The Ministry of Military Affairs could not give Gu Hang this power. This power is within the system of the Astra Militarum or the Navy.

Not to mention, it is possible to dispatch some other forces, such as a force from the Inquisition. Can the Ministry of Military Affairs authorize Gu Hang to remove and execute the Inquisitor? What about the Space Marine Chapters?

Impossible, the Ministry of Military Affairs itself does not have this authority!

This is even more true if it involves local government matters, which are the work of the Administration Department.

Gu Hang asked doubtfully: "Shouldn't it be right? Is there no such precedent in the empire?"

(End of this chapter)

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