Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 511, Imperial Alliance Act?

Chapter 511, Imperial Alliance Act?
When Gu Hang asked if there was no precedent for doing this, Gallardo didn't know what to say.


That's still there.

The empire is so big and full of wonders, what hasn’t happened before?

Moreover, if we really want to set a precedent, isn't Gallardo's loyalty to the Sun Lord Thorakam the biggest example?
Even except for Sorakem, in many military operations of the empire, the commander-in-chief who presides over the operations will do this more or less. War is so cruel. How can we win without fully deploying the forces of all parties?
Among them, especially the Space Marine Chapter and the Inquisition, like to do this.

They, and the few others who do so, do so, for the most part, on an ad hoc basis;

After holding power for a period of time, when the war is over, this right will also end.

Some of them don't care, such as the war groups and inquisitors, who really only grab power to do things. When you're done and it's time to leave, you will naturally let go of everything you should let go of.

Some people care, but they can’t take it.

Some were moved and later killed.

"However, even so, you still have to go through the hurdles of the Astra Militarum and the Navy Headquarters, as well as the legion commanders and fleet commanders of specific units, the local government, whether it is the space government or the star domain. The government won’t let you go so’s very difficult! I can only say that I will try my best to allocate them to you and ensure their logistical supplies.”

However, he also gave Gu Hang a clear explanation:
"This matter must be done step by step. Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Theater Command, it must be yours, and I can still make the decision. In addition, I can also try to get more benefits for you, and you can spend your money with confidence and boldness. The alliance's local taxes are used for the construction of the Raging Bear Legion, as well as the Pegasus Fleet and Yunluo Fleet currently controlled by Yelicia. If the alliance's taxes alone are not enough, I can also use the Eastern Space Domain to finance the construction of the Pegasus Fleet and the Yunluo Fleet. The taxes paid to the central government of the empire, as well as the budget originally planned for the construction of the local Astra Militarum and navy, will be increased and given to you."

After hearing this, Gu Hang probably understood that this was indeed the limit of what Gallardo could do.

It is not just a requirement to deal with this war, but also a real requirement for the fruits of victory after the war.

"This matter is not only difficult, but the opposition is too strong. Not only is it difficult to succeed by force, but it is also very easy to create enemies. It is absolutely impossible for the Prime Minister of the Administration Department to agree to it if it is separated from the Administration Department and the management system of the upper and lower levels of the government. The Prime Minister also I won’t agree. Moreover, not only is the work in Holy Terra difficult, even our own people, Zuo Zhaofeng and Chairman Zuo, will not agree because it is infringing on his rights.”

Speaking of which, Gallardo did not object to benefiting from Gu Hang.

"As long as you understand my difficulty." After sighing, Gallardo began to talk about the third aspect of Gu Hang's request:

"The most I can do is say hello to Zuo Zhaofeng, and let the entire universe's manpower and material resources be mobilized for you as much as possible. But there is no guarantee that it will be all, let alone that you will have all the permissions."

"The power you want to appoint personnel and impose arbitrary punishments without reason is something I can't decide, but I can talk to the Astra Militarum and the Navy. If the troops are sent to your command, I will give you complete management rights. No Question. But if it involves war groups, tribunals, and skitarii, that won't work. There is no way. Unless I make a strong announcement on your behalf, if you don't want to be under your control, don't go to the south. War zone. But if you do this, the external support you may have received will be reduced, and you have to be aware of it. "

Moreover, these things are indeed within the authority of Gallador, and he, the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, can make the decision.

Of course, there are also those who have taken it and continued it.

All kinds of situations exist, and examples can be found.

Gu Hang said: "It's good to have reached this point, and I don't expect more help."

"Okay, then I'll do as you say." After first responding, Gallardo began to sigh again and expressed his bitterness: "At most, I can only use the instructions of the Ministry of Military Affairs to let the Astral Militia Army in the Eastern Space Territory and the navy, assemble as much as possible and obey your command."

"As for the administrative power over the local government, if you want the administrative power over the entire Eastern Universe, that is impossible. Even if the war does require the entire Universe to provide you with logistical support, the administrative management will be left to you. That’s an exaggeration.”

He thought for a moment and replied: "Then let's do it. I would rather not have people who are not sure whether they will come or not, and when they come, they are not necessarily helping or causing trouble. I also want to ensure that I have complete control." "

It can't be that all the benefits are taken by you gentlemen on Holy Terra. I, a person who works hard with my head in my belt, can't get anything, can I?

Even if the alliance's productivity is not enough, isn't there a Mechanicus force like the Mingyang Sect in the Dragon Eagle Star Territory? Jindising’s production capacity is still very strong. If you have money, you can place an order with them.

So who does Gu Hang want to be?
Gallardo thought he knew Gu Hang quite well. Needless to say, what Gu Hang was pursuing was to always hold on to this power.

He understood that this was Gu Hang making a request.

These are real benefits and serious money.

At this point, Gu Hang was a little dissatisfied.

But then Gallardo made another promise that turned his anger into joy.

"However, as compensation, I can think of some other ways. For example, during the war, those worlds that are originally under the control of the empire cannot be given to you; but those worlds 'liberated' by the Alliance can be Leave it to the Alliance for management. As for the reason, it already exists. After all, the Alliance is the liberator, and there were no original owners in those places. The Alliance temporarily helps the empire and is responsible for the security of the recovered areas and the management of the military and civil affairs of the recovered areas. , as it should be. As for the people on these planets in the future, feeling grateful that the Alliance saved them, returning to the embrace of the Empire, and actively requesting to join the Alliance, that is also acceptable. "

"The planets in the areas liberated during the war can be classified into the wartime political system of the theater. The commander-in-chief of the theater will have complete wartime management powers. I will help you work hard to achieve this."

If this step is taken, it would indeed be quite satisfying.

Anyway, Gu Hang had no intention of really getting the entire Eastern Universe just by talking. That was impossible. The Iron Armor Chapter wants a space domain as a reward, but they haven't gotten it yet after raising the flag to rebel.

Just asking for a lot of money.

And Gallardo's counteroffer was indeed pretty good.

No matter how many high-sounding embellishments there are, the meaning is that the territory you conquer is yours. This statement still interests Gu Hang.

However, so far, this is just Gallardo’s unilateral statement.

Whatever he said verbally was not so accurate. Gu Hang needed a definite document and explanation.

This is the most important thing that allows the league to expand legitimately.

Moreover, it is best that this statement and document cannot be issued by Gallardo or Ou Cure. Even if it comes from Mr. Qi Bodu, the current Prime Minister of the empire, it won't work.

It shouldn't be someone who said it.

The legitimacy of the existence of the 'Alliance' has always been controversial and challenged over the years. The most important reason is that when the Alliance was first established, there were golden words from the 'War Apostles'. If it were an alliance of several planets, naturally no one would care about you; now, the alliance has expanded to its current size, and even if Gallardo's own status has increased, it is not legal enough. In the future, if the Alliance really does what Gallardo said and all the territory it conquers belongs to the Alliance, then in the next war, if the Alliance loses, then everything will stop and there will be no need to talk about anything; but If the alliance wins, and indeed seizes a large area of ​​land during the war, the scale of the entire alliance will further expand, spanning multiple star fields, and its size may not be larger than that of the Iron Fury Stone before the rebellion. The power is even greater.

At that time, no matter whether it is a certain person or a certain group of people, the documents and orders issued individually in their own name may not be enough.

What Gu Hang needs is an 'Imperial Alliance' that is clearly approved and confirms the legitimacy of the alliance in the collective name of the 'Human Empire, Central Government of Holy Terra' after deliberation by the 'Parliament of Supreme Lords', the empire's highest authority. bill'.

In this way, Gu Hang's alliance no longer has any worries.

At least, no one can attack him on whether the alliance is legal or not.

Of course, this still cannot replace the importance of whether one's own strength is strong. If the alliance is weak by then, it will be regarded as a lamb to be slaughtered even if its legitimacy is full, and powerful powers from all walks of life will come to take their share.

But at least, if the alliance is strong enough and has such a layer of 'loyal' and 'legal' protection, it will be really safe.

When it comes to debating scriptures, you can’t argue; when it comes to fists, the alliance is bigger than you.

This is the safest.

In the following conversation, Gu Hang agreed in principle to the conditions proposed by Gallardo, but he also emphasized his request: a clear bill to confirm everything.

At the same time, Gu Hang also analyzed the importance of this 'bill' to Gallardo and the role it could play in the future - from the perspective of thinking about Gallardo. If the Alliance is strong and legitimate in the future, then the Alliance will become Gallardo's most important fulcrum outside of Holy Terra.

In the future, whether it is to support Gallardo to restore the supreme parliamentary seat that should have belonged to him as the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, or to go further and allow Gallardo to aim at a higher position, the alliance will be his Strong support.

Gallardo understands and acts.

But he also made it clear that this matter was very difficult to handle.

It can't be talked about with empty words.

He needs the alliance to take some practical actions and cooperate with some 'timing' to get this matter done.

What are the actual actions?

That was of course the Alliance's move to send troops north.

That alone is not enough.

If we are fighting a smooth battle, how can we show the importance of the alliance? How to reflect the value of such a large price to the alliance?

All other directions must be beaten to pieces, but the scenery in the south is unique, creating a sense of contrast, and making the gentlemen on Holy Terra feel that the alliance in the south is the only life-saving straw they can grasp.

If the alliance is too dissatisfied, stops where it is, and even reaches some terrible agreement with Iron Fury Stone in private, then the sky may really fall...

At this time, the 'selling price' can go up.

Gu Hang understood this.

Moreover, he felt that this situation was not difficult to occur at all.

It is true that he has almost no way to influence the Iron Armor Chapter's movements on the northern and western fronts.

But I can't stand it. The empire's current performance in these two directions is indeed too low-key; the performance of the entire rebel group led by Humphrey Paul is indeed too fierce.

Judging from the current situation, things are indeed developing in this direction.


In the second month after the conversation between Gu Hang and Gallardo, the alliance prepared a previous fleet and entered the Meng River Universe Region located in the northern part of the Dragon Eagle Star Region. With the support of the alliance's intelligence agencies who took the lead, they expelled and imprisoned the government observers left by the Wrathful Flames on several planets, and punished many planetary governors and governors who transported strategic materials to the "Iron Wrath Stone" for trade. Small caravan.

This was Gu Hang's clear gesture: I started working.

However, Gallardo sent bad news to the alliance.

There were no big problems with Gu Hang's other demands, but the clear 'Union Act' he wanted was not passed. At that time, only the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Justice will issue a joint document to support this.

To put it bluntly, it was Gallardo and Oculen who came to support him.

Gu Hang stopped immediately.

The advance troops that had just entered the Menghe Star Territory also stopped.

Then, in the third month, Iron Fury Stone once again made great progress.

On the western front, they captured the planet, the capital of the Spider Web Domain. They did encounter stiff resistance there, but at least four thousand space warriors, after carrying out ferocious orbital airdrops, disintegrated the defense of the capital planet in eighteen days.

On the northern front, they penetrated the entire Spider Web Space Territory, and their troops had already entered the Star Swallowing Space Territory. A loyal war group accepted the call of the Galactus Space Territory government and launched an ambush operation. It slightly frustrated the Iron Fury Stone's attack, but nine days later, it suffered a powerful retaliation. Over six thousand Space Marines, aboard a massive fleet, raided the Chapter's homeworld and destroyed the Chapter's monastery.

And when the loyal regiment furiously returned for reinforcements, an ambush was completed halfway.

That battle group was almost completely wiped out.

At this point, the empire was really panicking.

(End of this chapter)

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