Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 202 4000 million ringgit

Chapter 202 4000 million ringgit (monthly ticket 1000, I will add more tomorrow)
Back at the residence at night, Jogo and Moeller sorted out today's harvest.

"Moeller, can the banks here provide mortgage loans?" Jogo asked.

"Of course, as long as there is collateral, there is no problem with the bank." Moeller nodded. "There are many foreign banks in Penang, such as HSBC, and the procedures are more convenient."

"Okay, that's good." Jogo smiled.

"No way?" Moeller thought of a possibility, "Boss, don't you plan to mortgage the acquired plantation before investing in it?"

"That's right." Jogo replied.

"This? It's crazy." Moeller didn't know what to say, the leverage was a little too big.

"Others are not optimistic, but I am very optimistic about the palm oil industry." Qiao Ge said with a serious face.

Moeller could feel Jhogo's firm determination, as he had said earlier.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely do well what you have explained. As for the later palm oil market, I have reservations." Moeller said.

In his view, Jogo is completely bucking the trend.

There are not no such successful examples in history. If you invest against the trend, once you succeed, the profits will of course be amazing.

But there are more failures than successes.

The risk is too great.

Now he can only attribute this time to Jogo's youth, and young people are probably so confident.

"Isn't this plantation for sale?" Qiao Ge looked at the plantation he wanted to acquire, pointing to a large piece in the middle.

The plantation Jogo is now looking at is almost surrounded by a large piece in the middle, and a part of it is even divided by the piece in the middle, making the plantation he wants look a bit scattered.

And this piece of plantation is not in the ranks of sale.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Not for sale," Moeller replied.

"Can't talk to the owner of the garden? The price can be negotiated." Qiao Ge frowned, and it is acceptable to raise the price a bit.

Moeller shook his head and said: "Boss, this is unlikely, because the other party is also a member of the investment plantation. They only acquired this place in the first half of the year, so it is very difficult for them to sell it."

"Huh? Is that so? It seems that I have met someone with the same idea. Are you as optimistic about the future market of palm oil as I am?" Jogo asked in surprise, "What company?"

"IOI Group." Moeller introduced, "their boss was mainly in the real estate development industry at first, and later acquired a listed company that manufactures industrial oxygen. Two years ago, he began to enter the oil palm plantation industry and related industries, and now he is making aggressive acquisitions. Plantations, but I don't think they expected the palm oil market to suddenly take a turn for the worse."

Moeller still insisted on his point of view, the market is not good in the later stage.

When the IOI Group entered in the first two years, the wind direction of the market had not changed, but after they entered with such a large investment in the past two years, it may be difficult to withdraw.

"IOI Group?" Qiao Ge felt that the name of this group was a bit familiar.

"Their boss is called Li Shenjing, who seems to be Chinese, no, Chinese." Moeller said again.

Jogo froze for a moment, he remembered.

In the past, he had seen some rich lists of Chinese in Southeast Asian countries, and there was this IOI Group in Malaysia.

Later, it became one of the largest listed plantation group companies in Malaysia, known as the 'palm oil king' in Malaysia.

Of course, this does not mean that he owns the largest oil palm plantation area and the largest oil production.

There are other companies that are the biggest. The IOI Group is probably among the top five. In the previous life, it owned 30 million hectares of plantations. It is no problem to be in the first group. The main reason is that it has a strong market value and is Chinese.

Li Shenjing is a legend, a child from a poor family, who worked hard from a poor boy to become a rich man.

Like the rich Chinese in most other Southeast Asian countries, almost all of them are from such poor backgrounds. The Chinese people's hard work and hardworking character have made them achieve great success.

Jogo couldn't help but sighed, if it was the plantation of the other party, it is indeed unlikely to buy it.

It's a pity that this plantation is actually Jogo's favorite. The tree is less than a year old, and the area is large enough, with more than 5000 hectares. It must be the most cost-effective if it can be won.

"Oh." Jogo tapped his fingers on the map of this plantation several times, it was really a pity.

"Boss, maybe we can talk to them." Moeller could see that Jogo valued this plantation more.

In fact, he could understand Qiao Ge's mood. If he really wanted to buy the plantation, with this one, the surrounding ones could be connected together.

"Can we talk?" Jogo was taken aback for a moment.

"I have inquired about it." Moeller said with a smile, "This plantation was given to the IOI Group at a discount of 3000 million ringgits by another company due to arrears. IOI Group is currently mainly acquiring plantations in the peak production period, and their The plantations are basically near the capital Kuala Lumpur, especially near Klang, and also to the south of West Malaysia. This is in the north, a bit far from that. If the price is right, they might sell it. "

Qiao Ge's heart moved. In this case, it is really possible.

Penang is nearly 300 kilometers away from the capital, which is not a short distance.

The main plantation of the opponent is near the capital circle and to the south, so this side is equivalent to an enclave, and it may be a bit inconvenient to manage.

Coupled with the fact that the IOI Group's main acquisition targets are plantations in the peak production period, the importance of this side is a little lower for them.

Then if you have a good talk, the chances are great.

"Boss, I also heard that the IOI Group is competing with someone for a large plantation recently. The total price is not low. Their funds must be a little tight. After all, they have been investing in acquisitions over the years." Moeller added.

"Okay, make arrangements and contact the IOI Group as soon as possible, and we can go directly to them to discuss the acquisition." Qiao Ge immediately made a decision.

As expected, Moeller's work efficiency was guaranteed. Early the next morning, he went to the plantation to find the management staff, explained his intentions, and the management staff reported the matter to the group.

It is impossible to respond immediately to such a big event, Qiao Ge can only wait for the news.

Two days later, I got the news that IOI Group asked them to go to the company headquarters to negotiate.

So Jogo and Moeller took their lawyers, bodyguards and a group of people by plane to go.

The current scale of the IOI Group is naturally not as large as in the previous life, but now it has become a climate, and it is considered a small celebrity in the local area.

Qiao Ge did not expect to meet Li Shenjing himself in the conference room. He is now 47 years old, and for such a strong man in the business world, now is the prime of life.

But he thought it was because of the Frenchman, Merre de Maupassant. If the locals wanted to buy the plantation, it was unlikely that Li Shenjing would come forward in person.

Foreigners, especially those from western developed countries, are popular.

Qiao Ge's current identity is Moeller's entourage, and he was introduced to the outside world as the son of a good friend of Moeller.

As soon as Li Shenjing opened his mouth, he said that he was not willing to sell the plantation, because Moeller was a foreigner, and if the price was right, he could transfer it.

Qiao Ge secretly sighed, the other party is not going to make a big deal.

Naturally, it was Moeller who spoke on his side, and he is now a small follower.

"I don't know why Mr. Maupassant bought the plantation? We must know that many people, especially foreign companies like you, are withdrawing from this business." Li Shenjing asked in English.

Although Moeller is French, Li Shenjing does not know French. After learning that Moeller can speak English, he communicated directly in English.

Li Shenjing knew many languages. When she was a child, she could not speak Malay very well, so she tried her best to learn it. Later, she learned English and Hindi and so on.

"Then why is Mr. Li still buying a large number of plantations?" Moeller smiled and said, "Our thinking should be the same. We are optimistic about the future market and the palm oil industry."

Li Shenjing laughed. He firmly believed in the prospects of the palm oil industry, otherwise he would not have invested so much.

"RM5000 million." Li Shenjing bid.

"It's expensive, the market price is around 3000 million." Moeller said.

Li Shenjing did not continue to quote immediately, but thought for a while and said: "I heard that Mr. Maupassant's Binlin Plantation Company is planning to acquire some plantations, then my plantation will be merged into your company's name and the shares will be given in proportion. We How about a cooperative relationship?"

Moeller froze for a moment, this was too unexpected.

When he came over, he had thought about how much the other party would offer, and what the reserve price would be.

But I never thought that the other party wanted to buy shares.

Moeller couldn't make up his mind.

According to his thinking, it is not impossible for the other party to buy shares, because the price of the other party's plantation is around 4000 million.

Because of the debt repayment, the discount must be discounted, and the price of 3000 million ringgit is credited to the IOI Group.

At that time, the value should be around 5000 million ringgit, and now the price of the plantation is falling, so it is almost 4000 million ringgit.

Qiao Ge's investment is nearly three times that of his, so his side still dominates.

The other party is a local company, and has a lot of reputation, and often can use some of the other party's reputation when doing things.

If Jogo is not there, then he can decide whether to agree.

But right now, Qiao Ge is beside him, and his boss has to decide on this matter.

He couldn't help turning his head slightly to look at Jogo.

Jogo noticed Moeller's movement and just gave him a look.

Moeller understood.

"Mr. Li, I have no plans to allow other companies to participate in the shares. Let's continue to negotiate the purchase price." Moeller laughed.

Qiao Ge definitely doesn't want to let IOI Group become a shareholder, not to mention the future success of the other party, the current strong strength lies here.

Especially when he was just starting out, if he was not good at his side, he would swallow him up.

It won't be too late to talk about cooperation after I have enough capital.

Best to keep your distance now.

Qiao Ge is not afraid that the market will not be divided enough, leading to malicious competition.

The palm oil market is huge and cannot be monopolized by one or two companies.

"Okay." Li Shenjing said with a smile after her proposal was rejected.

After more than an hour of back-and-forth bargaining, the deal was finally settled at RM4000 million, but the full payment must be made within two days.

Jogo's funds are all in place, and the payment terms are of course no problem.

Moller's initial quotation of 3000 million was based on the lowest price of RM6000 per hectare, which is obviously impossible to trade.

I have to say that Li Shenjing's plantation has a good geographical location, topography, etc., and the price of 8000 ringgit per hectare, Qiao Ge thinks it is quite appropriate.

With this piece of land, Jogo took over several surrounding plantations, and then they became one.

Of course, they are not really connected. There must be various gaps in the middle, such as hills, roads and so on. It can only be said that this large area is almost all Jogo’s plantation, and it must be much more convenient in management.

Explanation: The monthly pass is 1000 on the last day of July, which is very dangerous. According to the agreement, I will add an update tomorrow at six o'clock in the evening.Tomorrow is a new month, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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