Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 211 You Can Save Me

Chapter 211 You Can Save Me

The charitable donation at the celebration reception last night was published in the big news.

The newspaper reporters present at that time were only Big News, and Qiao Ge did not invite the others.

It was originally a relatively private celebration, but something happened when the three of Jena and the others arrived.

"Mr. Sitharaman, that kid even put your name first." Pierre said to Jena while holding the newspaper.

Jena took the newspaper and looked at the report, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It specifically mentioned that he is second only to Qiao Ge in the amount of donations, and 2000 million is also specially bolded.

Seeing this figure gave him a fit of angina.

"This kid has sinister intentions. This is forcing you to donate money." Pierre said again, "What should I do?"

When the three of them came back last night, they discussed that they would not make any donations.

And now the reports of the big news newspapers obviously want to put pressure on themselves.

"Hmph." Jena threw the newspaper aside casually, and snorted coldly, "Leave them alone, I won't donate the money anyway, 2000 million, should it be 2? That bastard Qiao Ge thinks Can newspapers blackmail me into donating money? It's so naive, it's never over."

"Yes, no donation." Pierre immediately agreed.

It stands to reason that he would have to donate 100 million. Now that Jena took the lead not to donate, he felt at ease.

I and Udi only have 100 million yuan, if anything happens, it will be up to Jena.

"Go." Jena stood up.

"Where are you going?" Pierre asked puzzled.

"Find Wim."

The two soon arrived at Wim Ambani's luxurious villa.

"Brother Wim, you can't let that kid go on like this." Jena said, "Jogo's clothing has already had a huge impact on Wim's clothing, can you remain indifferent?"

"Wait, brother." Wim raised his hand and said, "Wim's clothes have nothing to do with me, it's just that my uncle used my name back then, that's all."

As for Jena's intention to come, he understood what was going on as soon as he heard this.

It has to be said that that kid Jogo has been in the limelight recently.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Jena thought for a while, there is no benefit for Wim, this guy will definitely not make a move, "Brother Wim, there are some good deals, I wonder if you are interested. "

"I don't know what you mean?" Wim was a little interested.

Just as Jena was about to speak, Udi Gerd hurried in, led by the butler.

"Mr. Ambani, please save me." Udi wailed loudly from afar.

However, when he saw that there were still Jena and Pierre here, he restrained himself a little and did not continue.

Wim frowned, he was getting annoyed with Udi now.

Recently, Udi has come to his side every now and then to call for help, but what can he do about those things in his company?
Qiao Ge's organic farming is too powerful, and he directly hit Udi and the others seven inches above him, making him unable to fight back at all.

Last time he lent Udi 5 million, to see if he should ask Udi to repay the loan earlier, otherwise if the other party goes bankrupt, he doesn't know how much he can get back his 5 million.

"If it's about your company, I can't do anything about it," Wim said.

If it weren't for the fact that Udi had worked so hard for him in the past, he really wanted to reject him.

Udi said bitterly: "Mr. Ambani, you really have to save me. If this goes on, I really can't bear it anymore."

As he spoke, Udi even began to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Wim, what I'm going to say just now has something to do with Udi." Seeing this scene, Jena felt a chill in his heart, how old he is, and he's still a man.

But he came here for business and didn't bother to care about it.

These words made Udi look at Jena suddenly: "Mr. Sitharaman, you can save me!"

Jena was speechless for a while, and wondered to himself, is that all you have to say?
"Jenna, you don't mean organic farming, do you?" Wim asked after a little thought.

"That's right, brother Wim, so you've thought of it a long time ago." Jena smiled, "That kid Jogo can do it, why can't we do it? With his family now, we can join in quickly, with our relationship And contacts, how can we snatch his big market by then? And this market is huge, we can’t say that it’s his, it’s our blank market.”

Pierre secretly applauded from the side.

He must only listen to such things, as long as Jogo is unlucky, he will be happy.

The combination of Jena and Wim will have no worse influence than that of Jogo, and even stronger.

At that time, it will definitely be able to compete for a large part of Jogo's share.

After all, now everyone has no other choice to order from Qiao Ge. Next, if there is a second organic farm product company, if the price is lower, will they still not be able to find customers?
And he might be able to get a little bit of light, such as buying shares, even a small share, will benefit inexhaustibly in the future.

Although everyone doesn't have a specific figure on how profitable Jogo's organic agricultural products are, it's terrifying just to speculate.

On the other hand, Udi is still a little anxious on his face. He is at odds with organic agriculture now. If Jena and Wim are doing this, wouldn’t he have no way out?
He wanted to speak out, but seeing Wim and Jena talking, he interrupted rashly for fear of annoying them, so he could only suppress his anxiety first, and wait for the two to finish talking before he mentioned it.

"Your idea is good." Wim sighed, "I have thought about it too, but the sudden establishment of this aspect, is it sure? Moreover, organic agricultural products have to be certified by some international organization. Now there are The certification center is Jogo’s certification center, right? Can he give us certification?”

Jena couldn't help but despise Wim severely in his heart. If it weren't for the Ambani family behind this guy, he would have lost all his wealth with his business acumen.

He still thinks that he is great, purely relying on the aura of the Reliance Group.

In his heart, he has a little disdain for Wim's personal ability. He basically relies on off-the-shelf food and has no courage to develop.

However, no matter how much you look down on him, you can't ignore the resources that the other party can mobilize. If you really want to fight Qiao Ge, you really can't do without him.

He had to admit that it was difficult for him personally to deal with Jogo.

"How could it be formed suddenly?" Jena laughed, "We have Udi here, isn't he just engaged in agriculture? With him here, don't we know the way?"

"He is a traditional farmer, and because of the problem of pesticide residues in agricultural products, his company's reputation has been completely stink." Wim sighed.

The samples submitted for inspection in the big news report last time were agricultural products under Udi’s name. Although they did not name them directly, but with Nius’s sharp writing, everyone can know the mystery hidden in the text as long as they read the report, and they know that it is Udi’s agricultural company. .

Therefore, Udi was the most impacted, which is why he later crusaded Jogo in many newspapers.

"I'm not talking about his company, but his people and team. They are very familiar with agriculture. With this team of people, they can completely change their appearance and re-establish an agricultural company that is completely separated from the previous company." Jie Na explained.

"Yes, there is no problem on my side." Udi was ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't help saying loudly, "I have both artificial and technical personnel here. Isn't it just that we don't need pesticides and chemical fertilizers? We can do it too, the big deal I also went to the university to invite some relevant experts and professors to come over, those professors will not be invited away by Qiao Ge, right?"

Udi felt that he was saved, and if everyone was optimistic, he could completely change direction.

I have an agricultural foundation, so I believe it will be no problem to change the direction.

"That's it." Jena said, "As for the certification of organic agriculture, that kid will definitely not give us certification or set up various obstacles, so we can directly find international organizations, isn't that what that kid does? We You can also set up a certification center, there is no reason why that kid can do it, but we can't. The Indian market is so big, how can one certification agency be enough?"

"Okay." Wim's eyes lit up. He just had such a thought before, but he didn't think about it specifically.

The industries he is involved in are often profitable industries that anyone with a discerning eye can see.

Listening to Jena's analysis now, he felt that it was very operable, and he was moved.

"To be honest, I actually had this idea a long time ago. I originally wanted to discuss it with you, brother Jena, in two days, but I didn't expect you to come first. We are on the same mind." Wim laughed again road.

Jena felt even more contemptuous.

He really puts gold on his face.

I may have thought about it, but I just didn't have the courage to put it into action.

With Udi, a subordinate who was born in agriculture, if he was himself, he would have started doing it a long time ago, how can he wait until now?
"The people on Udi's side can use it, but the planting base can't be used," Jena said.

"Ah, that's right, your planting bases are all polluted by pesticides and chemical fertilizers. According to that standard, it may take three years to grow organic agricultural products." Wim said immediately, "This~~ Brother Jena, then Aren't we going to buy land next?"

"Then what about my planting base?" Udi was anxious.

Only then did he realize that organic agriculture has very strict requirements on land, and even his own planting bases cannot meet the conditions.

"According to what I mean, you are now selling all the planting bases under your name, and returning the funds to invest in organic agriculture." Jena gave his opinion.

"That won't work. I invested so much just now, how much will I lose?" Udi immediately objected.

"If that's the case, then just keep going. I think we'll find other traditional agricultural companies to cooperate with, and I believe there will always be someone who will agree." Jena said lightly.

He was a bit disdainful of Udi's reaction in his heart, and he really couldn't see the situation clearly. With his traditional agricultural model, the more he dragged on, the greater the loss, especially since his scale is so large, and he aimed at high-end people. In front of Jogo, he would be dead. .

Udi's face was ugly, and he knew his situation best.

I'm losing money every day now.

Not to mention labor costs, the main thing is that almost all the vegetables rotted in the ground.

The prices of their own products have begun to be reduced on a large scale, but there are still very few that can be sold.

The coverage of the big news papers had too much influence.

Unless he lowered the price so that ordinary people and even the poor could buy it, how could he be willing to do that.

That is, they would rather rot in the ground than do this kind of thing.

Capitalists are the same no matter which country they are in, just like milk, even if it is poured, it will not be cheap for the poor.

(End of this chapter)

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