Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 212 20 Billion Big Project

Chapter 212 20 Billion Big Project
"How about I sell some of it?" Udi was still a little bit reluctant in his heart.

How much will he lose if they sell all of them.

Most of them are newly invested, brand new planting bases.

If it is for sale, it will definitely be discounted, and he can't imagine this discount.

It must be very low, otherwise who would buy it?
Jena smiled and said, "It's up to you, as long as you have enough funds for investment."

In his heart, he looked down on Udi, he hesitated in doing things, and now the situation is so clear that he is not decisive, what big things can he accomplish?
"Udi, you have to know that the organic agriculture company I invested in was originally planned to be managed by you. If you have a planting base on your own side, I don't think you are suitable. How can a person's energy be limited at the same time? Manage two companies. And what is the reputation of your company now, don’t you know? If you are still struggling with these, you don’t have to participate in the investment of organic agriculture companies, so as not to damage the reputation of the new company.” Wim said coldly said.

"I~~ I'm willing to sell all of them." Hearing Wim's cold words, Udi's heart trembled, and he said hastily.

I still owe Vim 5 million. If the other party asks me to repay the loan, I will end up selling the planting base at that time.

Then it's better to follow their wishes.

He was mentally prepared for losing money this time.

After all, Jogo's organic farming had a great impact on him.

And what Wim said is also reasonable, the reputation of his company is really bad now.

If it weren't for the fact that almost all the farm products on the market were like this, maybe he would have followed in Haga's footsteps and been torn to pieces by these rich and powerful people.

Gao Haga's rubbish gold is disgusting, but the vegetables and pesticides on my side are too high, which is really poisonous.

However, the only difference between my side and Gaohaga is that everyone does this, and the high-end products on my side have less residue than the low-end ones.

In other words, it is still worth the money.

So those rich people did not put themselves to death, the law does not blame the public.

"This is a wise move." Jena said, "Look further ahead. Jogo's organic farming is making more money. How many times is the profit compared to your previous one? It won't take a few years to make back the loss." .”

"Yes, Mr. Sitharaman, you are right, I was confused just now." Udi shook his head again and again.

This is a fact, Jogo has earned hundreds of millions in just one month, no, it should be calculated in units of billions.

If I can succeed here, not to mention earning so much, even if I only earn half of it, I can quickly turn my losses into profits.

Organic farming companies would be fools if they couldn't take responsibility themselves.

Thinking about it this way, if I sell all the planting bases earlier, it's better to get out of the way, and I will lose a little bit.

Maybe if you sell it early, you can save less money.

"The kid said last night that he has increased the investment of the agricultural company, with a total investment of [-] million, so our side can't be less than his." Jena said.

Qiao Ge naturally revealed some of his company's situation to the people present at the reception. In fact, this is also to show his power to the outside world and show off his muscles.

"That's right, let's round it up, 10 billion, right?" Wim said, "I'll offer 5.1 million."

Jena secretly sighed in his heart, this guy is abominable, he obviously wants to have control over the company.

There is no way, his funds are far inferior to Wim, and he cannot compete with Wim.

And this matter can be done, many places need to rely on Wim's power, there is no way for him to control the company.

Udi was also unconvinced in his heart, but he also knew that he could not compete at all, not to mention Wim, there is also Jena.

"Brother Jena, how much do you pay?" Wim looked at Jena and asked.

"My net worth is not as rich as yours, brother, so I will pay 2 million." Jena laughed.

"Then the rest will be mine." Udi said hastily.

"And me." Pierre couldn't bear it, how could such a good thing happen to him.

"Brother Pierre, how much are you going to vote?" Udi frowned.

Everyone knows that organic farming is very exciting, and if one more person joins, his share will be less.

But Pierre was here, and he belonged to Jena, so he definitely couldn't refuse, and Wim wouldn't refuse either.

"Pierre, you can just invest 4000 million." Jena said, "Should you get it?"

Pierre's face trembled. In fact, there were only more than 1000 million in his account.

After all, he didn't say much about his original funds. In order to buy back the three edible oil brands, he was blackmailed by Qiao Ge for 3000 million yuan. In addition to some edible oil companies he had acquired before, almost all of them were invested.

"No problem." Pierre gritted his teeth.

The big deal is to borrow usury loans by yourself. I believe that the profits from organic farming are enough to cover those interest.

Besides, my edible oil company is now on the right track and will be able to pay off the loan soon. Even if the interest is not too much, it is completely affordable.

And if you miss it here, you really missed it.

Udi secretly sighed in his heart, he wanted to invest a little more, even if he lost a little on his one billion investment, his net worth is still far higher than Pierre, and it is still okay to take out three to five billion.

"The remaining 2.5 million, I will pay." Udi said.

"That's it." Wim laughed loudly.

He was in a very good mood, this is a big money making business.

"Actually, we can also intervene in high-end mineral water." Jena said again.

"Huh?" Wim was startled, "This~~the source of the Ganges River can't be helped. I've inquired about it, and that kid took it down in advance."

How could he not pay attention to such lucrative industries as Jogo?

So many things are still known.

"Didn't that kid, Qiao Ge, use the name of the Holy Land?" Jena sneered, "There are so many Holy Lands in the world, why can't we find another Holy Land with a water source?"

These words brightened the eyes of the others.

"Mr. Sitharaman, it's just that the water sources of those holy places are not as good as the source of the Ganges River." Udi said.

"It doesn't matter." Jena smiled confidently, "Even if the Holy Land is not as good as Jogo's kid, ours is a high-end product, and I believe we can also seize a lot of high-end market share. You also know how profitable that kid is, We just need a piece of the pie, which is stacks of rupees."

"That's right." Wim said loudly, "We also make mineral water, Brother Jena, you must have a plan, tell me, how much will you invest?"

"That kid seems to be a little carried away. Apart from building a factory at the source of the Ganges, he doesn't seem to continue to expand. So we take advantage of the water sources that meet the conditions as much as possible before he can react. .Maybe we can overtake that kid.” Jena said.

"This?" Wim hesitated for a moment, "Brother Jena, the masters and elders of the holy land are not so easy to deal with. When that kid Jogo was there, didn't he get stopped by the masters of the temple? It was only after paying a small price that I agreed.”

"As long as the benefits given to the temple are enough, I'm not afraid they won't agree." Jena said confidently, "We can earn back these costs ten times and a hundred times after we build the water plant. And we are nothing in the temple world It doesn't matter, it doesn't make sense to be inferior to that kid, right?"

Wim thinks about it too, let alone himself, Jena is a Brahmin himself, and has inextricable relationships with those masters and elders.

"The mineral water investment of Jogo's boy is less than 3 million? Then [-] million is enough for us?" Wim asked.

"No, my idea is to build at least three water plants, that is, to find three holy places." Jena said, "Maybe someone has already started to act now. If those holy places are taken first, we will fall behind. We have to Hurry up."

"Okay, let's not talk about three, the more the better." Wim said hastily, "Well, let's invest 10 billion first, and then increase it according to the situation. I will also contribute 5.1 million."

Jena was no stranger to Wim wanting control of the company.

This time I also seek some kind of control right, only seeking money.

To be honest, he still admires that kid Qiao Ge. He didn't expect that he would make two such profitable industries. How could no one succeed before?

In short, Qiao Ge has helped them open up this market now. As long as they keep up in time, they will still have a lot of meat to eat, and it is not impossible to overtake that kid Qiao Ge in the future.

"It's the same as me, [-] million." Jena said.

"Brother, are you a little short?" Wim asked with a smile.

"Brother Wim, how can I compare with you? You are worth billions, but I am only a few hundred million. To tell you the truth, this is because I took out all my belongings, and I have to find someone to borrow." Jie Na said.

His words are not deceiving. His total net worth is about 3 million, and the most he can use is 2 million, and this will almost sell a lot of assets.

So the other [-] million had to be borrowed.

However, he is optimistic about these two investments, even if he pays some interest and favors, it is a good deal.

Udi looked at Pierre, who smiled bitterly and said, "I won't vote."

His current responsibility is high enough, and it is very good to have a share in a company.

Udi sneered in his heart, he looked down on Pierre.

If it wasn't for Jena's face, with Pierre's wealth, he wouldn't bother to have anything to do with Pierre.

"Then I'll take 2.9 million." Udi laughed.

Adding up these two, he invested 5 million. Although the company is not under his control, he is still satisfied.

He didn't know who was in charge of the mineral water factory, anyway, it wasn't him, and Wim would definitely make arrangements for it.

But this organic farming company is entrusted to me.

So he is generally satisfied with the result.

"We are happy to cooperate with the two big projects of 20 billion." Wim got up and said, "Don't leave today, everyone, let's celebrate first."

The three of Jena have no objections, and they can continue to talk about some specific things in the eating and drinking room.

"Brother Jena, I heard that you were cheated out of 2000 million by that kid last night?" Wim suddenly changed the topic and asked.

Jena cursed secretly in her heart, is this disgusting herself?
"He wants me to pay for it, dream it."

"This is a fraudulent donation."

"So what? What can he do to me?"

"I'm wondering, that kid will definitely not just let it go, you have to be careful."

"I see what else he can do."

Jena definitely won't donate the 2000 million. Do you think you are a fool?

Just give the money to the enemy for nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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