Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 237 Investing [-] million yuan to recruit people

Chapter 237 Tens of billions of investment to attract people into the occupation (seeking a monthly ticket)

To invest in a company, you must have a valuation of the company.

Companies with good earnings will definitely have high valuations.

As Huaida is now, it is in a period of rapid career growth, and it is definitely a high-quality company. It stands to reason that the valuation will be very high.

For example, Huaida's current net assets are about 60 billion, so the Pandit family's valuation of 100 billion is actually too low.

However, Huaida's idea is correct, because he is now in charge of the Pandit family. Although he is not the patriarch of the family, he is exercising the power of the patriarch. It is just a name, which is of great benefit to him.

It's almost a compromise between the two sides, a win-win situation.

"Then should I invest 10 billion or 20 billion?" Huai Da stared at Jogo expectantly.

"Brother, if it was someone else, I really wouldn't let anyone buy shares." Qiao Ge said.

"Understood, thank you brother."

Huai Da knows in his heart that if he can make money and take you with him, then this friend really has nothing to say.

"Listen to me and give you a general overview of the next plan. If you agree, it's not too late to invest." Jogo said, "The investment here in New Delhi is similar to what you said, 10 billion should be enough. Other funds are not Invest in New Delhi to buy land, but invest in other cities, such as Mumbai, Calcutta, etc., and these places must first ensure that there is at least one Gupta Square. So I think there is an investment of tens of billions. But whether to start construction at the same time, just at the same time We have to think about how many companies to start. But with my brother joining, I think it shouldn’t be a big problem to start three or four companies at the same time.”

"Can't we work together more? Is there any trouble?" Huai Da asked.

He knew that Qiao Ge had his own construction company here, but if there were not enough manpower, he could find other construction companies to join.

Now Qiao Ge just said that three or four companies will be working at the same time, so there must be something to consider.

"Actually, the biggest trouble is the relationship with the local government." Jogo said in a low voice, "My principle is to live in the suburbs of the city, and of course it can't be too suburban. In short, find a place with a slightly cheaper land price to enclose a large piece of land, and then Build Gupta Square and increase the value of the surrounding land through Gupta Square. At that time, whether it is building a residential area for sale or other hotels, commercial buildings can get extremely high profits. But before that, the project in New Delhi is very critical. There is only success and no failure.”

Huai Da's eyes lit up, this can be regarded as increasing the added value of the land.

He really wanted to ask Jogo, would this Gupta Square really succeed?

If it fails, how does the land increase in value?
The example of Ben Famo's failure still has a great influence.

But he didn't ask, because since he chose to believe that Jogo's project could make money, wouldn't it be contradictory to ask such a question?

"Brother, I know that you have also found a lot of government contacts recently. Believe me, I can provide some. My Pandit family still has some influence in the political arena," Huai Da said.

He immediately understood what Jogo was thinking.

Qiao Ge's ability to promise himself a shareholding is definitely not because of his 20 billion funds.

With Qiao Ge's current net worth, even if he doesn't have enough cash, it is not difficult to mortgage those properties and get a 100 billion bank loan.

Even if the fixed assets are not enough, the bank is still willing to lend based on the best-selling products and the huge contracts signed.

Qiao Ge let himself become a shareholder, so how could he just sit back and enjoy the benefits?
You also have to do your best.

"Brother, then I believe this problem will not be a big problem, and it should be more successful than I expected." Jogo laughed.

It's easy to talk to a smart person, and you know what you mean as soon as you say this.

"Brother, your project is really too big. With an investment of tens of billions, even if you add me to the government's side, I think it's not enough. Of course, if you really want to do it, you can definitely win it, but I'm afraid there will still be some troubles." Huaida pondered for a while and said, "I think we can bring in some more people."

In fact, Qiao Ge also thought about Doral, but he couldn't find a suitable person for a while.

He had thought about letting Hebicha and the others become shareholders, but unfortunately their private property was too little.

As for getting their family to take a stake, there is no possibility.

Because the three of them don't have that much say in the family.

Moreover, the Gupta Square project has just started, and some ideas cannot be revealed too early.

In case of being imitated by others, if you get up first, wouldn't you be making a wedding dress for others?

Therefore, I have to establish the brand of Gupta Plaza in a short period of time, and sign exclusive agreements with some high-end brands, such as only entering in my own shopping malls.

At that time, even if someone imitates, I will have the confidence on my side.

"Brother, I have thought about it, but you know, I don't know many people, and too many people is not necessarily a good thing." Qiao Ge was a little worried.

"What do you think of the Sharma family?" Whyda said.

Jogo didn't answer right away.

With the Sharma family on board, government relations and even branding are almost fine.

But this family is still too powerful for him. If he introduces the other party, will he overwhelm the host?

Huaida immediately understood some worries in Jogo's heart.

"Brother, don't worry too much. The Sharma family is still very principled among these families. They actually have shares in many companies, and most of them don't interfere with the company's operations. And what needs the company, Sharma If the family can do half of it, it will help." Huai Da said, "And the combined shares of the Sharma family and I will not exceed 30%, oh, I may have to share a little bit of the Pandit family. ,how do you feel?"

Huaida's proposal is still very reasonable, and Jogo has nothing to dissatisfy.

To be honest, asking him to make tens of billions at once would almost kill him.

However, these investments are not spent all at once, mainly government land funds.

After the payment is completed, it can be mortgaged and then operated.

It is said that it is an investment of tens of billions, but in fact it will not take that much.

Especially with the addition of the Huaida and Sharma families, the company's borrowing leverage can be higher.

You can borrow from the bank, and isn't Hender in the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India?
It shouldn't be a big problem to borrow some money, right?

Then the company's investment of about 30 billion is almost enough, and a little more of 50 billion is definitely enough, which will definitely allow more than a dozen Gupta Squares to start construction at the same time.

To do it, we must do our best and be the fastest, so that some imitators can't react at all.

If he was alone, Qiao Ge would not dare to start so many projects at once.

Of course, these are his good ideas now, and it is definitely not easy to talk about the details here, and the three parties have to sit down and discuss it before they can confirm it.

"Brother, I will leave this matter to you. I hope we can cooperate happily, and then we will make an appointment to talk in detail." Qiao Ge laughed.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take care of this matter." Huai Da's face was flushed.

He will be the protagonist tonight, but in his opinion, the biggest benefit is the preliminary agreement with Jogo, which may bring him huge benefits in the future.

After the party started, the head of the Sharma family immediately introduced Huaida to everyone.

In fact, the people here are all well-known figures, and they all know about some changes in the Pandit family.

It is a foregone conclusion that Wyda will be in charge of the Pandit family.

It's just that he didn't expect that even the Sharma family would come forward to help him build momentum, which made many people envious.

Envious of the closeness of the Pandit family and the Sharma family.

As for charitable donations, they are incidental and secondary.

Qiao Ge meant to donate 50 rupees. After all, it was into other people's pockets. He is not stupid.

Almost all the people present donated this amount, starting from 100, and the most was about [-] million. Qiao Ge can be regarded as an average.

Besides, it's not good for him as a teenager to compete with these elders, so it's almost enough.

Whyda certainly cannot donate such a small amount. He donated 1 million, of course on behalf of the Pandit family, and today these donations will go to a charitable foundation company under the name of the Sharma family.

So his money is regarded as a benefit fee for the Sharma family.

Even if the relationship between the two families is close, it can't really be nothing. The Sharma family can do this, it is really nostalgic.

The Sharma family doesn't necessarily care about the [-] million, but Huaida must have this attitude, otherwise wouldn't it seem ignorant?
As someone who has made such a career in Mumbai, there will be no problems in these aspects.

Qiao Geben thought that after the donation was over, it might be time to leave.

Unexpectedly, there was another show, that is, Benny came on stage to dance for everyone.

One of the four major classical traditional dances in India, the Bharat dance, is a dance that can only be danced by women of the high caste.

Mukesh's wife, Nita, is a Bharatana dancer. She performed at a reception and was spotted by Drubhai, and then she was able to marry into a wealthy family.

Jogo did not expect that Beni could also dance the Bharatana dance, which was highly skilled and difficult.

Bharat dance moves vigorously, with many changes and fast speed.

It requires the strict coordination of the head, hands, body, waist, and legs, and pays attention to the instantaneous changes in facial expressions. The facial expressions must be combined with the movements to achieve perfect coordination.

The Bharatana dance is generally performed by an actress who conveys the meaning of the dance through body movements and facial expressions without making a sound.

Looking at Benny on the stage, she thought to herself, no wonder she is wearing such a classic and traditional dress today, it turned out to be for the Bharatana dance.

Dancing is naturally barefoot, with bells on the ankles, which makes it more spiritual.

Benny dances fast and slow to the rhythm of traditional percussion instruments.

The waist is slender, and the little feet are a bit dazzling.

Foot control?
However, Qiao Ge found that Benny's lower body was really stable. He squatted halfway, got up, and got up in one go, with strong waist strength.

Qiao Ge's mind suddenly thought of where he was a little tired when he was playing with Tapfuli a few days ago, and where they were lying, the two of them took the initiative to come in and out.

That foot, that waist strength, doesn't seem to be as strong as Benny's.

It's really unbelievable, and the sea can't be measured.

Benny is not very old, and her accomplishments in the Bharatana dance are really not easy. She should have practiced since she was a child.

There are still quite a few Brahmin women who practice this dance, but not many can dance well.

After all, this dance is too difficult.

The Bharatana dance can last for as little as two or three hours, and as many as five or six hours. It is also a great test of physical strength.

Looking at Benny's slender figure, Jogo wondered if she could dance for that long.

After all, it was not a real performance. Benny stepped off the stage after dancing for about half an hour, and everyone applauded and praised.

This is a sincere compliment, and Bernie dances really well.

(End of this chapter)

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