Chapter 238

"Hey, I'm dancing, and you just focus on eating?" Benny walked to Jogo's side and said a little dissatisfied.

"Just a little hungry."

"You can't lie to me. I noticed you on stage a long time ago. Can you pay attention to your image? After all, you are worth tens of billions." Benny said.

"No, these dishes at your house are really delicious. Is there any secret recipe?" Qiao Ge was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect this little girl to have enough energy to observe the movement below while dancing.

Brother Qiao's words are true. Although they are all vegetables, they taste great. This shows the heritage of the traditional rich and powerful.

Vegetables and tofu can make you an emerald and white jade soup.

"You give me [-] million, and I'll let the chef here go with you." Benny said.

It's fine if you have a mouthful, and it's not worth it for a few chefs to spend [-] million. If it's a different partner, Qiao Ge thinks it's about the same.

"If the chef leaves, aren't you used to recruiting again?" Jogo laughed.

"I'm tired of eating, and these are not enough, they are still meat~~~" Benny hurriedly covered her mouth when she said this.

Jogo froze for a moment.

"You didn't hear anything." Bernie glared at him.

Seeing that Qiao Ge seemed a little unresponsive, she said again: "I didn't say anything."

"Ah yes, what Miss Benny said is that these dishes are really delicious." Jogo said hastily.

There are high-caste people who are cautious and vegetarian, but most of them are older people with traditional and conservative thinking.

Like the young people below, their tempers are wild. In private, what kind of wine or meat, that is often the case.

Moreover, most of the receptions of wealthy families had wine, meat and so on.

Of course, a wealthy family like the Sharma family still cares about these.

If Bernie's words just now were heard by the elders, even if she was favored again, she might have to be reprimanded.

Benny's little face was full of clouds, and she said that she didn't say anything just now, so she said what she said.

Seeing Benny's displeasure after speaking, Jogo added, "You danced really well just now. Everyone said that you danced no worse than Drubhai's daughter-in-law."

The method of changing the topic still needs to be used.

"Nita?" After hearing Jogo's words, Benny snorted coldly, "She married into a wealthy family by dancing, but I don't need it, I just like to dance."

Qiao Ge secretly sighed in his heart, this is the arrogance of the daughter of a top wealthy family.

"However, I still admire that woman, it's not easy." Benny said again.

"Yes, yes, that's the Reliance Group. It's very capable to marry into it." Qiao Ge followed Benny's words.

"I don't mean this." Benny said, "It is said that she has also been of great help to Mukesh's career, not just because she looks good and dances well."

For this Nita, Jogo had checked the information in his previous life.

It is said that Drubhai died suddenly and did not leave any will, which caused the two brothers Mukesh and Anil to fight for property and control of the company. Even the mediation of the Minister of Finance and other senior government officials was useless.

In the end, it was their mother who came forward to divide the company's business, and the two brothers were each responsible for several businesses.

What Mukesh got was traditional industries, such as petrochemicals and so on.

It can be said that he got the big head.

And all of this is obviously planned by Nita, who can be said to be a good wife.

For example, take the mother-in-law route and the like.

You must know that Nita herself was valued by Drubhai, and her status as a Brahmin gave her a high status in the family.

On the other hand, Anil's wife, Tina, was born as a Bollywood star, and there were so many old man ex-partners before marriage.

The Droubys were a hundred reluctant, but they had to compromise only under Anil's strong request.

Jogo also admired Anil's taste very much.

If it's just for fun, it's okay to be a lover or something.

Unexpectedly, he would marry him back and be his wife.

Tina was injected with an unknown number of billions by those former old men. No matter whether she was taking the front or the back, she was probably familiar with the road, full of experience, and seasoned.

Anil can still play well, Jogo can only say admiration, maybe Anil has some special hobbies, otherwise it is really hard to explain.

Therefore, it is a big plus for Nita to be in front of her in-laws.

Especially compared with Tina, the contrast is simply too great.

No matter what kind of parents-in-law they are, they must like Nita.

So what's the benefit, the first time I must have thought of Nita and Mukesh.

So Mukesh played a big role in Nita's struggle for property and control of the company.

When Mukesh spoiled his wife, many people said that it was because Nita was a Brahmin, so he doted on her.

In fact, this woman is capable, and because she helped Mukesh win such a large wealth and control of the company, Mukesh has to be pampered.

It is true that there is always a virtuous woman behind a successful man.

How could Mukesh be the richest man in India for many years in the future if he did not win the only control of the company?

However, Nita is very powerful, but in Jogo's opinion, Tina is the real bull, really powerful, and with her status, she can still marry into a wealthy family. Wouldn't it be rebellious for Anil to marry her with all his heart? sky?

Female stars in the film and television industry, even if they are of high caste, are not suitable as daughter-in-laws in the eyes of wealthy families.

After all, this circle is too messy and dirty, as a rich man, how could he not know the virtues of the female stars there.

Especially Tina's previous relationship experience is known, so it's fine, and I don't know what fascination soup she poured into Anil.

"Miss Benny will definitely be stronger than her." Jogo said.

"Hmph, maybe." Benny tilted her head, extremely arrogant.

But her little face soon collapsed.

Sensing the change in her expression, Jogo was a little puzzled: "Miss Benny, what's wrong with you?"

"I probably won't even have time to watch TV dramas in the future." Benny said with a bitter face.

Seeing that Jogo didn't quite understand, Benny couldn't help explaining: "The exam, the Indian Institute of Technology exam is about to begin, and I have to do the final sprint."

"Oh, this, I believe that Miss Benny will be fine, I will wait for you in Mumbai." Jogo laughed.

As it looks like in April, it will be the time for the recruitment of various universities in India. It will be just over two months, and it is indeed very close.

"Before, I was very confident in my grades, but recently I found that there are many knowledge points that are weak. If I can't make up for it, let alone the Mumbai campus, other ordinary campuses will have difficulty." Benny said.

"No way?" Jogo was taken aback for a moment.

"The competition is too fierce." Bernie sighed.

In fact, on her terms, studying abroad is not a problem.

But she still wants to take the Indian Institute of Technology, which is also to show her talents to outsiders.

After all, it is rare for children from wealthy families like them to be admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology on their own.

"Then find a training class." Jogo said.

"I've thought about it, but I haven't decided on which one yet." Benny said.

These words moved Qiao Ge's heart: "How about I recommend one to you? To be precise, I recommend a famous teacher."

"Oh, you don't mean Anand Kumar, do you?" Bernie asked.

"Miss Belle knows him."

"Why don't you know, he's still very famous, and hasn't he been recruited by you recently? Well, you're trying to solicit business for your own training school." Benny stared at Qiao Ge.

"Business is one aspect. I think Anand's training is really good. If Benny is willing, I believe that he will be able to improve his grades and successfully enter the Indian Institute of Technology." Jogo laughed.

"I'll think about it, if only in New Delhi." Bernie sighed.

Jogo naturally hopes that Benny can come to Anand's training class.

Benny has a noble status. If she is really admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology in the future, won't her own Gupta training company have a big name?

Look, the little Princess Beni of the Sharma family was trained here, she chose to trust Gupta Training Company, and finally succeeded in being admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology as she wished. This advertising effect should be very amazing, right?
"In the future, I will definitely start training the branch in New Delhi." Jogo said.

Benny gave Jogo a blank look: "What will you say in the future? It won't solve the current problem."

Go to Mumbai for a training class by yourself?

It is impossible for the family to agree.

After all, there are many training courses in New Delhi, which is enough to choose.

When the party was over, Huaida told Qiaogo that his Pandit family would also have a reception in two days, so that Qiaogo must come.

Huaida also told Jogo that just now he and the person in charge of the Sharma family mentioned the investment in Gupta Square a little bit, and the other party was very interested, so they agreed to meet at his reception sometime .

Jogo is still looking forward to this.

If this matter is settled, it will be countless times smoother than fighting alone.

Moreover, based on the basis of this cooperation, Jogo feels that they can join the palm oil industry in the future.

When the time comes, tie them and themselves on the same boat.

After all, if the palm oil industry wants to enter India, it must make policy changes.

This is the strength of the Sharma family, strong government connections.

The next day, Jogo visited Manmohan.

Originally, the first person he planned to visit when he came to New Delhi was Manmohan, but he was busy with affairs, so he was not free until today.

Manmohan naturally mentioned the Gupta project in New Delhi, as well as how the projects in other cities are planned and so on.

Jogo did not hide it, and gave Manmohan a surprise.

"The Sharma family and the Pandit family?" Manmohan laughed after hearing this, "If you can really bring them in, I believe there will be no problem."

"Do you also think it's okay for the Sharma family to join?" Jogo asked after a moment of thought.

Although Huaida said that the Sharma family is still very principled, he still wants to inquire from many sources, after all, he is not familiar with the Sharma family.

I believe that Manmohan's evaluation will definitely be pertinent, and I want to hear his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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