Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 273 Refund 15 billion

Chapter 273 Refund 15 billion

Wim, Jena and others have been laughing so hard lately.

It has been almost exactly one month since organic vegetables were launched in the middle of last month, and the profit has exceeded 5 million.

High-end mineral water started shipping at the end of last month, and it has made more than 2000 million yuan in profit in half a month.

Of course, this is retail, and a large part of it is the annual supply contract, which was worth more than one billion yuan in one go.

With their relationship, they have naturally won many large procurement contracts from wealthy families and local governments.

Most of this year's contracts are in the hands of Jogo, so what they signed is for next year.

This was equivalent to stealing Qiao Ge's customers, which made Wim extremely proud.

In order to prevent Qiaogo from prying back these customers, the price of liquidated damages for both parties in the contract was set very high.

Since both parties cooperated sincerely and would not go back on their word, everyone had no objections.

The output of Wim's two products will become larger and larger in the future. He believes that the monthly profit from organic farming will soon reach more than [-] million, and the high-end mineral water will not be less than this. .

It can be said that in the future, the monthly profit can be guaranteed to be 2 million, which is 24 billion a year.

Their total investment here is less than 20 billion, and they can recover all the costs in one year.

Thinking of this, he felt so happy.

Maybe we can also set up our own transportation company like Qiao Ge, and those retail stores should be spread across the country.

Nowadays, the transportation and retail of their products mainly rely on the Sitharaman family's edible oil channels. For example, the oil stores sell organic agricultural products and mineral water.

Since it is a store owned by the Sitharaman family, even with Jena coordinating it, there are only a few stores in major cities across the country that allow them to supply goods.

Therefore, for long-term considerations, we definitely need to have our own transportation and sales channels.

However, this investment is huge, and Wim has already started it, so it is unlikely to be rolled out all at once.

Wim found that Qiaogo was still very cute sometimes.

That is, as long as he follows Qiao Ge in time, he can also eat with his mouth full.

He decided that whatever Qiao Ge did in the future, he would follow up as quickly as possible.

To be honest, he still admires Qiao Ge. These profitable industries were created by Qiao Ge, otherwise how could they have imagined it?
Even if some people think of it, they don’t have the guts to do it.

afraid of failure.

Now that Qiaogo has succeeded, all the early risks have been borne by Qiaogo, so they can just continue to do whatever they want.

He really hoped that Qiao Ge could come up with more projects.

In fact, he really wanted to follow the Gupta Square project.

It's just that the scale of the investment is too large, and there are too many relationships involved. It's a bit too much for him to handle alone, even with Jena.

That's why he thought of causing trouble for Qiao Ge, which was to bring together several high-end shopping malls in New Delhi to quickly attract high-end brands, so that after Qiao Ge's shopping mall was completed, there would be no high-end brands to settle in.

Then you can watch Qiao Ge’s jokes.

"Everyone, keep up the good work, and I believe our sales can reach another level." Wim raised his glass.

The three of them raised their glasses, and then drank the red wine in one gulp, with smiles on their faces.

"Alas, there are suddenly more competitors, otherwise our profits could be higher." Jena sighed.

When Wim heard this, a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

This was of course his masterpiece. Udi convinced him, and after taking the money, he gave those companies organic certification.

"Ahem, brother Jena, you can't blame me for this. Even if I don't give it, those guys will definitely spend a lot of money to rectify it, and finally pass Qiao Ge. It's a matter of time. It's better to sell it now. Those guys are good, so we can join forces with them to deal with Jogo." Wim explained.

Only two companies have passed the organic certification from Qiaogo, and the other companies have passed the organic certification from his side, so there is no way to hide it from Jena.

"I don't blame Brother Wim. I'm still afraid that those guys will cause us trouble. After all, they didn't meet the standards." Jena sighed.

What's the point of selling one of those guys? It's just that the other party gave Wim money.

How could he not know about this kind of thing, but now that it's like this, it's useless to say more, so just treat it as ignorance.

"I don't think they are stupid enough to tell these things, right?" Wim said.

"That's true," Jena said.

"Brother Jena, don't think too much, just think about how we can increase sales in the future." Wim said solemnly, "Although we have a lot of profits, this shows that Qiao Ge The amount of money that kid earns in a month is simply terrifying. Organic farming alone can probably make him a billion dollars a month, right?"

These words silenced everyone. Just now they were immersed in joy, but when they thought of Qiao Ge making money, their mood was not so beautiful.

Before, they only knew that Qiao Ge was very profitable, but they didn't have much idea of ​​how much he earned. It was just an estimate, not very accurate.

Now that I have my own income for comparison, my estimate this time is much more accurate.

This kind of money-making speed is really terrifying.

"Brother Wim, we should think from another angle." Jena took a deep breath and said, "Now that we have not earned one more point, that means Qiaogo has earned one less point. We should not be depressed, but should be happier. .”

"That's right, we should have robbed Qiao Ge of his money. Qiao Ge should be the one who is depressed, haha~~"

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Wim's butler came over. He glanced at the laughing Oudi, walked to Wim's side, and then whispered a few words in Wim's ear.Wim, who was still smiling at first, suddenly became gloomy.

"Brother Wim, what happened?" Jena asked hurriedly.

Wim did not answer Jena's words, but looked at Udi: "Udi, should you give me an explanation?"

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, looking confused.

But his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the matter had been exposed?
It shouldn't be, I handled it very cleanly.

Jena and Pierre looked at the two of them in confusion.

Wim realized that it was not good to do this in front of Jena.

"Brother Jena, I have something else to discuss with Udi alone." After Wim finished speaking, he shouted at Udi, "Follow me."

Udi could only follow Wim to the study. After the door was closed, Wim grabbed the ashtray from the desk, turned around and threw it at Udi's head.

There was a scream. Wu Di didn't expect this at all. He couldn't avoid it and was hit directly. He covered his head and couldn't stop wailing. Blood seeped out from his hands.

Wim threw the bloody glass ashtray on the ground and said coldly: "Udi, I really underestimate you, do you think I'm a fool?"

"Mr. Ambani, I don't know what you are talking about, ah~~" Before Udi could finish his words, Wim flew up and kicked him in the abdomen, knocking Udi to the ground.

"How much did you charge for organic certification?" Wim's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Udi knew it was over, and the matter was really exposed.

How did it get exposed?
No, Wim definitely didn’t know everything. One or two people probably let it slip.

"Mr. Ambani, I am confused, I~~I collected more than 1 million~~"

But what he said in return was a punch and kick from Wim.

"One hundred million? If I really want 7 million, will I find you?" Wim roared, "I only received [-] million, and you received more than one billion. Are you the boss or am I the boss?"

Wu Di collapsed on the ground, it was really over.

How come Wim knows everything?
Who leaked it?
Wim was really furious. Udi was making a fool of himself.

No one in this world dares to do this to him.

"I~~Mr. Ambani, I will return all these to you." Udi shouted hurriedly.

He was scared now. With Wim's temper, it was possible for him to be killed directly.

He was dazzled by the money before, and then he went further and further on the road of collecting benefit fees.

It was so exciting, it was like carrying money in a sack, and I couldn't stop.

"Okay, 15 billion, return all 15 billion, and I will no longer pursue this matter."

"Ah? But I only received 11.3 billion." Udi exclaimed, but he soon realized that Wim was blackmailing him.

How cruel, 15 billion, nearly 4 million more. This means that all his wealth will be emptied.

The last time he sold the company to Qiao Ge, he lost a lot. Later, he invested in organic farming and high-end mineral water. After deducting various loans, his net worth is only about [-] to [-] million yuan.

Where can he find the remaining [-] million now?

"Mr. Ambani, I can't make up the remaining [-] million." Udy burst into tears and regretted it.

"Then you will use your shares in the organic farming company and the high-end mineral water company to pay for the price of 2 million. You should be able to make up the rest, right? Udi, don't say that I didn't give you a chance. If you don't give it, , I will send you to jail. That jail, hehe, you should know Gao Ha, right?" Wim lowered his voice.

Udi was shocked. Gohaga died in prison. He was said to have committed suicide. But how could he not know the truth?

With Wim's power and this incident, it would be easy to land himself in jail.

Once inside, he would have no control over his life and death, and he didn't want to die.

Wu Di's face was full of horror, and he shook his head hastily: "I know, I know, I will pay 2 million, and I will send the rest to you even if I sell my property. I hope you give me a few days."

How could my own shares be worth only 5 million? The investment at that time was more than [-] million. Now these are two companies that make a lot of money. The real value is higher. But facing the threat of Wim, do I have any other options? ?

He didn't dare. He was afraid that he would have to explain it here today.

To be honest, Wim really had this idea. After learning that he had been deceived, his first thought was to kill Oudi, but he also knew that even if he killed Oudi, he couldn't do it in his own residence.

Moreover, Wu Di still has a lot of assets. As long as he gets his assets, his life will be at risk. Then he can just knead them by himself?
"Three days, you only have three days." Wim said coldly.

"Yes, yes," Wu Di said hurriedly.

"Go away." Wim shouted.

Udi opened the door tremblingly and walked out.

"Udi, what's wrong with you?" Pierre was startled when he saw Udi's head covered with blood.

Udi didn't say anything and left directly.

Jena didn't ask any more questions. It was obvious that there was a conflict between Udi and Wim, and he hoped it had nothing to do with his investment.

He didn't bother to care about other things, even if Oudi was beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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