Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 274: Slaughter the pig when it’s fat

Chapter 274: Slaughter the pig when it’s fat

Wim came out, and the anger in his heart calmed down.

Although he was extremely angry at being deceived by Udi, this time he directly obtained Udi's shares in the two companies, and he made a lot of money.

Speaking of which, Udi has invested more in the two companies than Jena.

Not to mention that Udi’s previous investment amount was 5.4 million. Just because the company is so profitable now, if the 5.4 million is doubled several times, someone will take it over. It is no problem to say that the value of these 30 million is [-] to [-] billion.

But he only allowed him to pay 2 million. How dare Wu Di object?
Looking for death?
Moreover, there is still 11 billion that was embezzled by Udi. Thinking about it, this money will be returned to his hands soon. Calculating it this way, he will get nearly 40 billion in benefits from Udi in one fell swoop. His own assets It skyrocketed and I felt very good instantly.

It's time to replace these younger brothers. Oudi's value is gone, and his value has been harvested.

The little brother is just used to do dirty work and take the blame. Sometimes he can be fattened and slaughtered.

However, after all these years, Udi is obviously the fattest pig, which makes Wim so happy.

"Udi, this guy, has blurry eyes. He accidentally hit his head while walking. Let's not talk about him. Brother Jena, what are we going to do next, against Qiao Ge?" Wim asked.

He still trusts Jena very much and values ​​his strategies very much, which is equivalent to his own think tank.

"Right now, we should do our best in organic farming and high-end mineral water, stabilize the current market, and try to win as much share as possible from Qiao Ge. It is not easy to use some secret means now, so we will Use the price to grab Qiao Ge's share openly." Jena smiled.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wim also smiled.

If the company continues to follow this trend, it will definitely get better and better.

It’s so satisfying to think about making more and more money in the future.

But Udi must not be allowed to be in charge of the organic agriculture company anymore, and he knows a lot. After the money is in place, he will send him to see Gao Hakar.

Dead people don't tell secrets.

On the way back in the car, Wu Di became more and more angry as he thought about it. However, when his anger slowly calmed down, he became more and more frightened.

I was scared by Wim just now and thought I should return the money quickly to make amends.

Now calm down and think about it, it can't be solved by refunding and compensating money.

After all this trouble, I almost lost all my family property, and then I would be in trouble.

Wim wants to kill himself, isn't it just a matter of words?

Thinking of some of the people Wim had asked him to deal with in the past, and thinking of Wim's viciousness, he was afraid that he would follow in their footsteps.

Thinking of this, a fierce look flashed in Wu Di's eyes.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Udi's face covered in blood, his family members were shocked when they saw it.

"What's the trumpet, the mourning? I'm not dead yet." Wu Di didn't care about the injury on his head and roared at his wife, "Quick, pack your things, we'll leave right away."

"Go? Where to go?" Udi's wife asked in confusion.

"Take care of it as you are told, and contact her as soon as possible..." Wu Di asked her to immediately contact her children outside.

We can’t stay in Mumbai anymore, we can’t stay in India anymore, we have to flee abroad as soon as possible.

Fortunately, I have transferred a large amount of money abroad over the years, and my life abroad will not be too bad, and I am still rich.

As for some of the property in the country, I am afraid that Wim will swallow it up.

However, he still has a lot of assets. For example, he earned 11 billion from buying and selling organic certification as a middleman. He put this money in other accounts.

When you get abroad, you can slowly think of ways to transfer out.

The other fixed assets are only a few hundred million, nothing to give to Wim.

Moreover, I still owed Wim [-] million before, so I will not repay these naturally. Think about it, I can still make money.

The only thing that worries him is his shares in organic farming companies and high-end mineral water. Now these two companies have just begun to make efforts, and their future prospects are unlimited. It is a pity.

But he couldn't care about this anymore. If he didn't leave, he would die and his family would be ruined.

Wim didn't send anyone to keep an eye on Udi. He didn't expect that Udi would move so quickly and fly abroad with his whole family overnight.

Udi is a well-known rich man in Mumbai. Of course he has his own connections here, so he got a ticket to go abroad that night.

Wim learned that it was the morning of the third day that Udi went abroad.

He originally thought that he would see Udi transfer more than a billion rupees into his account tomorrow, but he did not expect that the housekeeper brought him the news that Udi was taking his family abroad.

He was confused. He still didn't understand that Wu Di had escaped with the money.

This is because I don’t want to give myself the billions of rupees.

How could this be true? He was tricked by Wu Di again.

He wanted to kill Wu Di, but now Wu Di has gone abroad. Who knows where?

I can't kill even if I want to.

I am too careless.

The cup in the house suffered another disaster. This time Qiao Ge didn't take the blame. It really had nothing to do with him.

After venting for a while, Wim sat down with some exhaustion.

More than a billion rupees, just gone.

But there was no way he could let the money go down the drain.

Wu Di ran away, but he still had a lot of assets in his name.With one's own power, it is easy to receive these properties.

After all, Wu Di still owes him a lot of money, so he should use these assets to pay it off.

There are also shares in organic agriculture companies and mineral water companies, which I will definitely take away.

This is the point.

Thinking of this, Wim felt slightly better. After all, these were completely worth his losses.

But there is a worry in his heart, that is, Oudi knows a lot about him, such as the inside story of the organic farming company, and even some dirty work he asked him to do in the past. There is no guarantee that the guy will have some evidence in his hands.

"I hope that guy will go abroad as soon as he goes abroad and stop causing trouble for me, otherwise~~" Wim was furious in his heart.

But it was just being cruel. If Oudi really wanted to do this, there was nothing he could do against Oudi.

So he didn't think too much about it.

Anyway, no matter what Wu Di said, he just didn't admit it.

At this time, the housekeeper said that Jena was here.

Wim took a deep breath, not wanting his emotions to be seen by Jena.

"Ah, brother Jenna, what's the good news?" Wim asked with a smile.

There have been good things going on in the company lately, and it's his idea that Jena's coming over is probably going to be something good.

But Jena came over quickly, slammed a newspaper in front of Wim and said coldly: "How do you explain this?"

Wim's face darkened. Did Jena take the wrong medicine?

Dare to play tricks with yourself?

I am happy to call Jenna my brother, but if I am really unhappy, what does Jenna mean to me?
He is just an exiled son of the Sitharaman family, how dare he show off in front of him?
But Wim held back his voice and picked up the newspaper and took a look.

At this sight, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Nonsense, rumors, who reported it, which reporter, I will kill him." Wim roared.

Jena didn't say anything, just stared at Wim, watching his performance.

Jena was really furious.

Why did I end up with such a guy? He was simply a piece of trash that couldn't hold up the wall.

Apart from this identity, what else does he have left?
Just a straw bag.

For the sake of a little profit in front of him, he actually did such a stupid thing.

No, the benefits of billions are not considered small profits.

However, even if there are many benefits, it is still a one-time deal, and it will have huge sequelae, which will have a very bad impact on both of my companies.

What was originally a very good start may turn out to be a big change.

If this is the case, the loss cannot be made up by one billion.

"Brother Jena, okay, let me tell the truth. Yes, I took their money and gave them the organic certification." Wim realized that Jena wouldn't believe what he just said, so he admitted it. "But this should be nothing, right? Isn't there something wrong with my certification agency? Just find a few people to take the blame. Moreover, our organic agriculture companies are all built in accordance with standards. The problem is those who spend money to buy certification. company of."

"This is a big news report. Do you think Qiao Ge will just forget about it?" Jena sighed.

I have to say that this matter is still an issue with Wim’s organic certification agency. It is true that the fraud was exposed by the companies that paid for the certification.

But this news was broken by a major news report, which shows that Qiao Ge is behind it.

The emergence of organic companies such as his own has seized a lot of Qiao Ge's share. Jena has long expected some of his counterattacks, so it is not surprising.

It's just that Wim is involved, which is a bit bad.

However, there is still good news, that is, judging from the current situation, Qiao Ge's counterattack is not aimed at his own company alone, but against all these counterfeit companies.

The construction standards of his company are still up to standard, he is sure of this.

Therefore, their company will not bear the brunt of Qiao Ge's counterattack this time. It will have some impact, but it will not have a big impact.

The main problem was the organic certification agency. He didn't want Wim to continue to act like this.

Maybe next time Qiao Ge will catch something, and then the trouble will be big.

"What should we do?" Wim asked with a tight heart.

Now that Qiao Ge's power is getting stronger, he feels a little guilty.

Especially since I was really caught by the other party this time, and the purchase and sale of organic certification is a real thing.

Since Qiao Ge reported these, there is obviously evidence.

Damn it, Wim was scolding Udi again.

Wu Di said that this matter is foolproof. Is this called foolproof?
How long did it take before Qiao Ge got the news?

He was shocked. Could it be that Udi had passed this news to Qiaogo, and was this to take revenge on himself?

No, just targeting the organic certification body will not have much impact on you.

The more exciting news about organic farming has not been revealed, such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which shows that it is not Udi's fault.

(End of this chapter)

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