Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 289 Jointly invest 200 billion

Chapter 289 Jointly invest 200 billion (please vote for me)
The Vasayan family targeted Vim just to disgust the Ambani family. Anil knew this very well in retaliation for his words at that time, so he had no good impression of the Vasayan family at all.

Moreover, he also looked down upon the Vasayan family very much.

Isn't it just trying to make a fool of yourself?

What happened to the upper castes?
In the end, in order to raise funds, weren't you thinking about marrying a rich man from a lower caste? What about the condescending attitude before?

It really disgraced the so-called upper caste wealthy family.

"Yes, the Vasayan family can't hold on for many years, and they will fall from the so-called top wealthy families. Only the Ambani family can be considered a real wealthy family," Inkid said.

"Hey, don't say that, the Tata family has a profound foundation." Anil said with a smile.

"The Tata family has a rich heritage, but they have a history of hundreds of years. The Ambani family is almost catching up with them now, and they are already sluggish. How can they compare with the Ambani family's vitality? It won’t be long before we surpass the Tatas,” Inkid said.

Anil's face was very proud, yes.

He also looks down on the Tata Group in his heart. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses the Tata family.

"Let's get down to business, then you should make contact with the Aiyar family first and explore their intentions." Anil said.

"Second Young Master, I am fully confident about this matter." Yinjid affirmed, "Not everyone can cooperate with you, Second Young Master. It is their honor to be able to cooperate with Reliance Group. Can they agree?" ?”

"That's right." Anil thought for a while and said, "I will ask the old man for instructions tonight to see how much funds he can approve for me. You can let the Aiyar family invest the rest. Do you want to add a few more?" A partner?"

"Second Young Master, I think it is enough to have a strong partner. After all, we are not as inexperienced as Qiao Ge. If we have too many partners, we will give away too many benefits." Inkid said.

"Okay, let's settle it then." Anil suddenly sighed, "I really don't want to see the old man."

Because Kidd understood his young master's thoughts, the young master and Tina were forced to break up not long ago due to his strong opposition.

Because of this incident, Anil naturally did not want to see Dhirubhai.

"Second Young Master, I'm not blabbering. You can definitely find another woman. Maybe she can make you feel better." Inkid said.

These words made Anil stare at Inkid fiercely. How did he feel about Tina? Inkid should know. What does it mean to mention other women now?
"Second Young Master, no matter how much you miss Miss Tina in your heart, you must show a true attitude of breaking up now, otherwise what will the master think? If the master thinks you are still in mood, for such a big investment project, he may It won't be approved. Even if it is approved, I probably won't leave it to you to take responsibility for." Inkid reminded.

These words brought Anil back to his senses. Yes, if he still had that kind of emotion, the old man would definitely not agree to such a large investment.

"Then you still want me to find a woman?" Anil asked.

"Well, isn't it normal for a man to find a woman? As long as you are just having a playful attitude, how can the master interfere?" Inkid said with a smile.

"I'll think it over."

"Actually, I do have a candidate. The second young master can consider it." Yinjid said.

Anil stared at Inkid with some suspicion. Is this guy planning to introduce a woman from his relative or friend?
"How about Xili Daiyu?" Kidd said his choice without thinking about Anil's thoughts.

"She?" Anil thought for a while and said, "She is indeed very charming. I don't know how many people are fascinated by her, but she is still much worse than my Tina."

"Second Young Master, the last time I met Young Master Wim, Young Master Wim mentioned something. I wonder if you still remember it?" Inkid asked.

"When you were visiting him in prison?" Anil thought for a moment and said, "Oh, he was very unwilling, especially to the boy Qiao Ge. By the way, he mentioned Xi Li Daiyu. He said Qiao Ge Na The boy and Xili Daiyu are very close. Hey, so Xili Daiyu is the woman of that boy Qiao Ge?"

"Second Young Master, probably not." Yinjid said with a smile, "Xili Daiyu is much older than Qiao Ge, but it is true that the relationship between the two is quite good. So, Second Young Master, if you win the West Li Daiyu, can’t we just disgust that kid Qiao Ge? Last time Qiao Ge robbed Maduri, so Master Wim was planning to change his target to get Xili Daiyu’s attention, but he hasn’t taken action yet. Just went in.”

"Then I, my cousin, will help my cousin fulfill his unfinished wish." Anil said with a grin.

Anil felt a little excited. Although Wim didn't really possess Xili Daiyu, but now that he was taking action, it felt like he had taken down the sister-in-law who had never passed through.


Thinking of his sister-in-law, he couldn't help but think of his elder brother's woman, Nita.

I thought she was just a girl from a middle-class family, that is, she was pretty and could dance well, but I didn't expect that she had extraordinary methods. She coaxed her parents around and praised her in front of outsiders.

My eldest brother has benefited from Nita a lot, and his status in the family has improved a lot.

This made him very depressed.

He approves of Tina so much, but his parents are so opposed to it. Why is there such a big difference in treatment?

Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, he wished that this cousin who had never been married could be replaced by a real sister-in-law.

"However, this woman, Xili Daiyu, is not so easy to get. I know that many people tried to attract her attention in the past, but they all failed." Anil took a deep breath and suppressed the thoughts in his heart. restlessness.

"If anyone can take advantage of it, how can it be worthy of the second young master? This is what makes the young master worthy of taking action." Yinjid smiled.

But as soon as these words came out, his heart skipped a beat.

No, no, then Tina’s past is simply too unbearable. Don’t these words of mine remind the second young master of Tina?

"That's right, it's her." Anil said with a smile.Seeing that Anil didn't think too much, Kid couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second Young Master, the agency that Xili Daiyu signed a contract with belongs to the Aiyar family." Yinjid said.

"Huh? I see, no wonder you chose the Aiyar family." Anil came back to his senses.

After all, there are so many families outside, and there are still many partners to choose from.
"Not only for these reasons, but the most important thing is that the boy Qiaogo has started to enter the rice industry. It seems that both traditional and organic ones are getting involved. The Aiyar family is a little nervous." Yinjid explained, "Especially... Jogo and Huida have a close relationship, and this move makes the Aiyar family suspect that Jogo and the Pandit family have joined forces to cause a bloody storm in the rice industry."

"It's no wonder that the Aiyar family is nervous." Anil said, "When that kid Qiaogo entered an industry, he almost subverted the original industry traditions. The Pandit family itself still has a lot of influence in the rice industry. Li, now add Qiao Ge, if it were me, I would feel guilty, he is indeed very capable of tormenting."

"So, the Aiyar family is our best partner, and we are unanimous in targeting Qiaogo. At the same time, it will be easier for Xili Daiyu to sign a contract with their company." Kidd said.

Jogo stayed in New Delhi for more than half a month. Gupta Square was very successful and he was very satisfied, so he was ready to return to Mumbai.

But at this time, a breaking news was reported in the newspaper.

That is, the Reliance Group and the Aiyar family have signed an agreement. Both parties will jointly invest 300 billion to build Ambani Plazas in major cities across the country.

Qiao Ge was really angry and laughed. He didn't want to change it at all.

In fact, Qiao Ge had already expected this kind of following.

I just didn’t expect it to come so quickly. It had only been five days since I opened my business here, and the Reliance Group had already taken action.

Still investing 300 billion?
This should be based on the 200 billion Yas mentioned at that time.

Therefore, Qiao Ge can be sure that the other party's so-called 300 billion investment will also be discounted.

Yas quickly called Qiao Ge. After seeing the news, he immediately asked someone to inquire.

The real investment from Reliance Group and the Aiyar family is about 200 billion. Each party contributes 100 billion, with half and half shares. The decision-making power of the company belongs to the Ambani family.

This is for sure. The Reliance Group is much stronger than the Aiyar family. If the investment is the same and the share ratio is the same, then the Aiyar family will definitely have to make concessions in other aspects such as management rights.

In the past, when the Reliance Group cooperated with other companies, the ratio of capital contribution and shareholding was definitely not proportional. After all, the Reliance Group was strong and its brand value far exceeded that of other companies. It also had the connections and connections it had, which were also resources.

Qiao Ge also knew that Anil was in charge of this project.

The other party has already announced that it will be the most high-end shopping mall in India, far surpassing any so-called high-end shopping malls currently.

This was aimed at him, Qiaogo knew it in his heart.

Yas was a little uneasy. If someone else followed suit, he would have nothing to think about. I believe Qiao Ge did.

But the other party is Reliance Group, so it’s not that simple.

The other party's investment is even greater than our own.

My own calculation is only 110 billion, while theirs is 200 billion.

"Don't worry, the land we bought is cheap. If they want to buy land in a similar location to us, the price will have to be at least doubled, so 90 billion more than me is nothing. Besides, it's not about who invested more money. It will work. How can it be so easy to run such a project? Let’s wait and see." Qiao Ge said confidently.

The words were so comforting, but Qiao Ge also felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

After all, it is the Reliance Group. Anyone else would be trembling in their hearts.

Of course, for Qiao Ge, this is just a bit stressful.

If you want to run the Gupta Square project well, you can't just build a shopping mall and buy some land. Operations are still very important.

Of course, the construction cycle is equally important. Time is money, and efficiency is very critical.

As for the current construction efficiency of construction companies in India, Qiao Ge cannot praise it. It can be delayed as long as possible, regardless of the cost of the construction side.

On his side, Gawali's construction company is mainly responsible. Now with the experience of Gupta Square in New Delhi, the efficiency is even higher.

Moreover, regarding construction, the company has made many changes in technology and management systems, all for the sake of efficiency. The foreign construction engineering experts hired before were not in vain.

There is also the need to build our own building materials supply chain. Although we cannot have the entire supply chain ourselves, we are at least working hard during this period.

People related to various building materials have slowly established their own companies, or established stable supply channels, all of which are temporarily under the name of Gawali's construction company.

This will ensure better coordination between material supply and construction progress.

First it was Vim Clothing, and now it was Ambani Plaza. Jogo knew that he was beginning to have real competition with Reliance Group.

Now that it's here, let's take advantage of it. Sooner or later, we will have to face it, and now I am not helpless to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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