Chapter 290
Following Anil's high-profile announcement to enter the new high-end shopping mall industry, many powerful families and companies successively issued statements, with the same meaning, that they would also invest in this industry.

Qiao Ge was not surprised by this, as what was supposed to come would come sooner or later.

The profitable industry can be seen by everyone and cannot be hidden.

Probably because of Anil's side, these guys came faster and more ferociously.

Large investments like Anil invest tens of billions in major cities across the country.

The less common ones are to focus on a few big cities, but the investment is still in the billions, and ordinary families and companies really can't bear such financial pressure.

Since this project is an asset-heavy industry and is closely related to the government, all aspects need to be taken care of. Even if one company has enough funds, it will recruit others to partner, so that network resources can be shared and risks can be shared.

However, what surprised Qiao Ge was that the three families of Hebizha also announced their investment in high-end shopping malls. The three of them jointly established a company with an investment of 100 billion.

When the news came out, Hebicha and the other three people immediately came to find Qiaogo.

They wanted to find Qiao Ge to explain that they had no knowledge of the family's decision on this matter, not even their father.

In their opinion, by doing this, the family is competing with Qiao Ge for business and market. They don't want to make Qiao Ge feel uncomfortable because of this.

He also didn’t want Qiao Ge to misunderstand that it was these brothers who were stabbing him in the back.

Of course Qiao Ge knew in his heart that Hebicha and the others had been kicked out of the center of power by their respective families, and they would no longer be allowed to participate in such things.

Don't say that they don't know. Even if they know, they can't change the decisions of the three major families.

Qiao Ge said it didn't matter. Even if the three major families didn't join, there were already many investors, including the three of them.

This incident will not affect the friendship between myself and the three of them.

"It is true that the investment is 100 billion, my Dutta family is 34 billion, and they are 33 billion respectively." Hebicha said.

Qiao Ge just asked the three companies how much they really invested, but he didn't expect to get this answer.

In this way, compared to the various exaggerated investment amounts such as myself and Anil, the three of them are really very honest, and they are honest, as much as they say.

"Has your family recovered? Invest 100 billion at once?" Qiao Ge asked.

The last time we tried to raise 300 billion, we were very anxious. It hasn’t been that long.

"There is no relief. This means that everything that can be mortgaged has been mortgaged, and the debt has increased." Harpal said with a wry smile.

"I don't know where they got the courage to make such a big decision all of a sudden." Noma also said.

Seeing that Qiaogo still looked a little confused, Hebicha couldn't help but said: "They are jealous. They see that your Gupta Square project is so prosperous, so they want to make money with it. Brother Qiaogo, the main thing is that you entered The industry is really too profitable and successful. Everyone sees organic farming and high-end mineral water. Although Wim and others collapsed, it was their own fault. If we follow organic standards, the remaining companies are not as good as You make money, and compared to other industries, you make a lot of money.”

"Yes, that's what they have in mind." Hapal sighed, "They want a piece of the pie. But they don't think about it. If there is any accident, the capital chain may be broken."

"Isn't that true?" Qiao Ge asked.

"To tell you the truth, we know the situation of the three of us. What we see from the outside is pretty good. In fact, many investments have been made in losses in recent years, and our foundation has become much weaker. In addition, the investment in the petrochemical industry is too high. Big, this time it is another tens of billions of investments. Such a large-scale investment in a short period of time is really overwhelming." Noma said.

"After all, it's not just those three companies that want to show off. They are really dissatisfied. There are obviously petrochemical projects." Hebicha snorted coldly.

Qiao Ge immediately understood that it was the heirs of the three patriarchs who were responsible.

Probably because he wants to continue to expand his influence.

Everyone knows that the petrochemical industry makes money, so even if it is successful, they are afraid that it will still be difficult to convince the public, and it is inevitable that some people will make irresponsible remarks in secret.

Therefore, if a similar project in Gupta Square succeeds, it will prove their capabilities.

In fact, it is because they are now recognized as the successors that the three major families will be so supportive.

Of course, Qiao Ge even felt that this was because they wanted to gain benefits.

With such a large investment, the three parties can pocket countless benefits no matter what they do.

Again, the family's assets and your own assets are two different things.

"Everything has been sorted out over there, and I want to start another big project, and I'm not afraid of pushing them to death," Noma said.

"Is it not going well at the petrochemical plant?" Qiao Ge heard the meaning of Noma's words.

Qiaogo didn't pay much attention to these petrochemical plants later because he was not yet able to get involved in this area.

"There are big problems and disputes over land acquisition." Hapal sighed. "It was originally acquired by force. A lot of shady methods were used, and many people died. Now it's taken over by that side. Newspapers broke the news and public opinion was huge. Factory construction was temporarily stopped."

Qiao Ge didn’t know what to say.

This kind of forced land acquisition is still very common here in India.

That is, the government or some large companies find some ruffians or local gangs to threaten land owners and make them sell their land.If you refuse, then there are various means, including intimidation, threats, etc.

Most of these practices are naturally illegal, but who cares?
However, since this matter has been reported by newspapers, it can be seen that their relationship is not well managed.

Otherwise, who will speak up for the common people below?

"Going there, you are not familiar with the place, you have all kinds of troubles to find people to do things, just to benefit my aunt's family, and now the project is not up to par." Hebicha sighed, "Actually, it's still... Her natal family was too ruthless and dark-hearted. They took someone's land and gave them less than one-tenth of the market price. They were really a bunch of people who had never seen money. Who were they? This was equivalent to an open robbery. If it were me, I would fight them hard."

Qiao Ge was speechless. It was probably because Aunt Herbizza's family went too far. When they saw this opportunity to make money, they made a fortune without giving anyone a way to survive.

This is considered a pig teammate.

"Then quickly pay some money and suppress this matter." Qiao Ge said.

Now that this kind of thing has come out, you should pay for it as soon as possible, otherwise the longer you delay, the more trouble you will have.

Take the construction period as an example, if it is delayed for one day, the loss will be huge.

"Here's the problem, none of them want to spend money." Hebicha sneered, "It's really penniless. When it comes to the money in his pocket, he doesn't want to take out another rupee. Let me see, if we continue to spend If we go down, there will be big problems.”

"Let's not worry about it. It's a thankless task," Harpal said.

"Yeah, what does it have to do with us?" Noma said helplessly.

Qiao Ge knew that the three of them were really disappointed with the family members. The construction of a good petrochemical plant had been messed up, and now the big square project had fallen to those three families.

I don’t know why the powerful old men from their three families took a fancy to those three people.

Whether a family declines or thrives, the person at the helm is really important.

"Three brothers, I will not be merciful during the competition in high-end shopping malls in the future." Qiao Ge said.

"Of course, we are here to explain that this matter has nothing to do with us. You can deal with them how you want to deal with them, and don't worry about us at all." Hebicha said hurriedly.

They no longer have any interests in the family, but they have a greater interest in Qiao Ge. Isn't it clear which side they prefer?

The Hebiza family is now separated, and they will definitely have to think more about their own little family in the future.

It is basically impossible for the family to get any more benefits.

Because that is the benefit of the family heirs, how could they separate it for their brothers?

Therefore, those who become side branches will have to find another way to make a living, and everyone in the family cannot be relied on.

On Qiao Ge's side, they will naturally hug him tightly.

Look, not to mention organic farming and high-end mineral water, even the creation of Gupta Square, which everyone was not optimistic about before, has now changed the attitude of countless people 180 degrees, and then invested crazily.

The three of them can be considered as investors in the square project. Although their shares are not large, they want to invest in Qiaogo's Gupta project, but for people like them, others who want to invest have not yet had a chance.

Then there is the palm oil industry, and Jogo is really interested in them.

So what kind of family, go to hell.

Qiao Ge is not afraid of competition. The more people join this battlefield, the more chaotic it will be. Then the uneven quality will highlight his high-end.

Just like organic farming, I am already the most advanced in organic farming, ensuring my own profits.

There are too many things involved in the square project, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

For example, on his own side, Qiao Ge believes that it will take at most three years from getting the land to opening the business. As for others, it's hard to say.

It definitely won't be possible in three years. As for whether it can be done in five years, it depends on whether they have this awareness.

Therefore, Qiao Ge is a little pressured by their competition, but not too much.

On this day, Rahagan Passi, general manager of Gupta Film and Television Company, came to Qiaogo.

"Didn't her contract expire? Can't it be renewed?" Qiao Ge frowned after hearing what he said.

"Miss Xili Daiyu's contract has expired, but they tampered with the contract and added a clause that is not easy to detect, which is to automatically renew the contract for another three years. So~~ they are unwilling to let her go." Ha Gang explained.

"What does Xili Daiyu's agent do for a living? Did you sign such a contract?" Qiao Ge said with a serious look on his face.

Xili Daiyu's contract has supposedly expired, and he is planning to let her come to his company.

He made Laha Gang personally responsible for this matter, showing that he attached great importance to the matter. He thought that the contract would be terminated smoothly, and then he would sign a contract with Xili Daiyu, but he did not expect such a result.

(End of this chapter)

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