Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 292 50 boxes of brand new banknotes

Chapter 292 50 boxes of brand new banknotes

In the past, there was no big conflict between the Qiaogo and Aiyar families.

This time the other party teamed up with the Reliance Group and made a fuss over the issue of Xili Daiyu's contract. That was targeting themselves, so there was nothing to say.

We can't just allow them to take action, and we can't fight back on our side.

Huaida had long known that Qiao Ge was planning to enter the rice industry, but he also knew that Qiao Ge's recent acquisition of paddy fields had not gone smoothly, so the progress in the rice industry was not very great.

Qiao Ge certainly welcomes his entry into the rice industry.

Now that he got Qiaogo's exact answer, he felt more at ease.

"Brother, I will also contact some other friends in the rice industry. We have to join forces to deal with the Aiyar family's behavior." Huida said.

He couldn't let Qiao Ge fight alone, and he had to join forces with some people in the rice industry who were now panicking.

I believe everyone can imagine the horrific scene once the Aiyar family joins forces with the Sitharaman family to enter the rice market.

"If anyone is scared and wants to transfer, let them come to me and I will give them a satisfactory purchase price." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Huaida sighed and agreed.

He knew that many people would definitely choose to leave the rice industry this time. After all, the Aiyar family's actions this time were too scary.

If you leave too late, you may suffer heavy losses by then.

Some people who are not confident naturally want to leave early.

"If I buy it, it will be a good thing for us. I will help you keep an eye on it." Huaida said, "No, the government needs to work harder."

Qiaogo smiled. He knew that Huida was referring to the liberalization of palm oil imports. The government had used all the means it should use, mainly Manmohan. He could only wait.

However, it is not clear how much effort Huaida and the others used to find the people here. After all, he was separated from them by a layer, so it was not easy to inquire.

This incident obviously stimulated Huaida.

"No matter how high the cost, I will let them lobby with all their strength." Huida said to Qiaogo again.

"Actually, I think there is an advantage in delaying this matter. It would be better to let them invest all their money in the cooking oil market, and then their losses will be even greater." Qiao Ge said.

If this matter spreads too early, the Aiyar family may give up investing in the edible oil market.

This is not a good thing for Qiaogo.

He hopes that the Aiyar family will invest as much as possible in the edible oil market.

The blow to them will be heavier in the future.

Because Qiao Ge is still eyeing the rice market. If the Aiyar family, the number one in rice, is too strong, it will not be so easy for him to defeat him.

So now we must weaken the opponent as much as possible.

However, Jogo feels that even if the Eyal family learns that the government is debating whether to liberalize palm oil imports, they probably won't care too much.

Because he is now teaming up with the Sitharaman family, which is the leader in the edible oil market.

The government has liberalized the import of palm oil. With the strength of the Sitharaman family and their side, they can still occupy the majority of palm oil imports.

It's a pity that they don't know that they have joined forces with the Sharma family. Huida and the others have already laid out their plans in Malay and have controlled it from the source. How to fight?
"Haha~~ Brother, what you said is so good. Anyway, it won't be wrong if I ask them to work harder." Huaida's mood improved instantly.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge originally only wanted to snipe the Sitharaman family, but he accidentally helped his Pandit family a lot.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable for the Pandit family, who may very well be eliminated from the rice industry.

"By the way, brother, I heard~~~Uh~~" Huaida said this, a little unsure whether he should continue talking.

"Is it about Xili Daiyu?" Qiao Ge immediately understood what he wanted to say when he saw Huida's face.

"One billion, brother, are you serious? Besides, that is the Aiyar family's company." Huida said.

It was a bit difficult for Huaida to talk about women just now.

He still couldn't understand why Qiao Ge spent 10 billion to redeem a woman's life.

Xili Daiyu is extraordinary, but it’s not worth the price of 10 billion, right?

With these 10 billion, what kind of woman can’t you want?

Don’t mention just one, just pick ten and it’s fine.

"Seriously, of course."

Seeing Qiao Ge's resolute look, Huaida couldn't persuade him.

He was a little strange. There was a big age difference between Qiao Ge and Xili Daiyu. Why were they so obsessed with each other?
But he also knew that among Qiaogo's current women, except for Tapu, the other women seemed to be older than Qiaogo.

Could it be that Qiao Ge just likes older women?

Everyone has their own hobbies, and Huaida couldn't say much.

Speaking of which, Qiao Ge's hobby was nothing. Thinking about Anil's taste, even he found it off-putting. He didn't know how Anil could swallow it.

The Ambani family is naturally impeccable in other areas. The only thing is that Anil chose a woman, which has become a joke among the rich circles.

But Anil just refused to look back, so there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Three days passed quickly, and the place where Chogo signed the breach of contract agreement with the other party was in the lobby of Gupta Square.

Xili Daiyu's breach of contract and compensation of 10 billion has caused a stir in the newspapers.

Many viewers and fans supported Siridea and criticized the company she signed with. Some even directly targeted the Aiyar family, saying they were too evil.

This naturally has the rhythm of big news reports, which can be used by the people.

The power of the audience, especially fans, is not small, and this is one of the amazing values ​​of Xili Daiyu.

Qiao Ge personally came to the scene and told everyone directly that he took this matter very seriously.Everyone was a little surprised when they looked at the long conference table where the contract was signed. The table was at least twenty meters long and more than three meters wide.

But think about the empty hall of a shopping mall. If the table is small, it will not reflect the momentum.

"Mr. Gupta, do you know when the transfer will take place?" the other party's representative asked.

"Immediately." Qiao Ge said calmly, "It's not too late to sign until the money arrives."

"Mr. Gupta is so grand."

Suddenly there was a sound of braking outside the hall.

Since the hall has bright and transparent glass doors, everyone can clearly see the situation outside.

Escorted by several security vehicles, a bank cash transport truck appeared outside the gate.

"Cash transport truck? Are you here to collect the sales volume of the mall? No, it's so early in the morning. Why is it coming in the afternoon or evening when the business is closed?"

"Yeah, it's a bit strange." Countless reporters gathered at the scene, and everyone looked confused.

However, the cameras in many people's hands are not idle, and various flashlights are constantly flashing.

Although I don’t know what happened, it is definitely unusual for something like this to happen on this occasion. I must have photos. This is first-hand information.

Someone from the national television station was also present, and the camera immediately focused on the door.

A dozen security personnel immediately got off the security vehicle and stood guard around the cash transport vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, three people got out of the cash transport truck. They opened the back door and took out metal suitcases.

The people here are all knowledgeable, and you can tell at a glance that it is a special box for banknotes.

Everyone entered the hall carrying two boxes, and then placed the boxes on the conference table.

Just when everyone thought there were only six boxes, the three people went to the car and brought back six more boxes.

Then they went one after another. In the eyes of everyone, the large conference table was almost filled with boxes containing money, a total of 50 boxes.

"How much money will there be here?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be empty, right?"

"Could it be cash?"

"Are you kidding? One billion cash~~ It's really possible." The man's first reaction was that he didn't believe it, but looking at so many boxes, his heart trembled, thinking it was very possible.

The people on the side were all staring at the box on the table with their eyes wide open. They all wanted to have a pair of clairvoyant eyes to see whether it was full of money.

The atmosphere was in place, but Qiao Ge didn't whet everyone's appetite anymore.

With a wave of his hand, a dozen staff members on the side immediately stepped forward and opened the box.

A box screamed, and the exclamations became louder and louder.

It's really money. Bundles of brand-new 1000 rupee notes are lying quietly in the box.

"One box costs 2000 million rupees, and here are 50 boxes," said Jogo.

The person opposite had a dull look on his face, which was too exaggerated.

"That's a billion."

"Oh my God, I used to only have the concept of a number, but today it is an eye-opener."

"Who says it's not? It's the first time I've really seen what 10 billion in cash looks like."


People around him sighed, but many of them were reporters. They immediately remembered their own jobs and took photos non-stop.

"One billion, I will pay in cash. You can count the amount, right?" Qiaogo said.

"Are you kidding Mr. Gupta? Who among you doesn't know your credibility?"

"That's right, how could this be fake?"

Someone said immediately from the side.

Although everyone believed that Qiao Ge would not commit any fraud, as transaction parties, they still did not dare to be careless and hurriedly found many people to count together.

The onlookers on the side looked at the dazzling new 1000 rupee notes and couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. They really wanted to go up and grab a handful.

There are many wealthy people who come to shop upstairs. They are also lying on the railing upstairs watching the scene in the hall below.

Many of these rich people are worth a fortune, exceeding one billion rupees.

But even if you have this money, who will come up with 10 billion in cash?
Usually when there are large transactions, they are naturally carried out through bank transfers.

It's safer this way after all.

Carrying so much cash is too dazzling and unsafe.

But they were still amazed at how rich Qiao Ge was.

Especially Qiao Ge now has plenty of cash. These rich people have heard about this to some extent.

It is said that Qiao Ge has over [-] billion in cash in his account. It is simply unreasonable. It is too easy to make money.

Qiao Ge naturally accepted interviews from various reporters, taking advantage of the time when the other party was counting the banknotes. Because the amount was so large, even if there were a lot of people counting the money at the same time, it would still take several hours.

Qiao Ge just wants to expand his influence. I believe the impact of 10 billion in cash is big enough, right?
Otherwise, everyone may not have much idea about Xili Daiyu's 10 billion liquidated damages. It is just a number. Now let's give them a real scene.

(End of this chapter)

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