Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 293 Qiaogo’s assist

Chapter 293 Qiaogo’s assist

"Excuse me Mr. Gupta, we all know that Miss Sridevi is the leading star in Bollywood. Even so, compared with this billion, it seems too exaggerated. What should you have if you can spend 10 billion? Is there a special reason?" A woman in her twenties held a microphone to interview Qiao Ge. After speaking, a pair of big eyes stared at Qiao Ge.

There is a camera filming next to her.

This was from India's national television station, and they were on TV. Qiao Ge naturally gave them priority, and the others didn't have any objections.

There is only one TV station now, boss.

"Do you need any special reason?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile.

His eyes passed over the female reporter's chest without leaving any trace, and he secretly marveled at how interesting it was.

Comparing hers with Tapu's, I found that Tapu was no match for the other party at present, because the other party was too fierce.

Of course, Qiao Ge feels that Tapu is still young and there is still a lot of room for improvement. It will not be certain who will be more powerful when the time comes. It will probably be evenly divided.

Not only in terms of size, but in terms of appearance, she is also star-level.

It is indeed a national television station. Nowadays, one company is the only one. To be able to work here, in addition to having strong connections, the man must be handsome and the woman must be beautiful. Their appearance and temperament must be top-notch.

"Of course, I believe everyone present, as well as the viewers on TV and newspapers, would like to know." The female reporter laughed.

"If there is any reason, it is that Xili Daiyu is my sister, Qiao Ge. In my heart, she cannot be measured in terms of money, 10 billion, not much." Qiao Ge said with a faint smile.

These words made everyone around him silent for a while.

It’s really hard to refute.

However, it depends on who said it.

Whatever a successful person like Qiao Ge says makes sense.

The counting of the 50 boxes of cash was completed, and both parties happily signed the agreement.

Xili Daiyu is now free, and will sign with Qiao Ge's company.

"I still have to catch the flight back to Mumbai, so I'm sorry. I will leave the rest to Mr. Passi. If you have any questions, just ask him. I believe he will give you a satisfactory answer." Qiao Ge Facing the enthusiastic reporters, he said, "Before I leave, I have to say one more thing. The contract must be fair and aboveboard. If you use some sneaky means to take advantage of the moment, you may not always be able to take advantage in the future. I advise everyone and them When doing business, you have to keep your eyes open. You must check and recheck the contract carefully to avoid falling into a trap. After all, they are 'masters' in the contract industry."

After speaking, Qiao Ge waved to everyone and then left.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. What did the last words mean? It was directly aimed at the Aiyar family.

But most people also think that the Aiyar family is too unkind this time.

The faces of the Aiyar family present were ashen. They didn't expect Qiao Ge to be so careless. He almost scolded them directly and said bad things about their family.

Feeling unhappy, I immediately asked people to collect 50 boxes of cash, and at the same time called more people to come over. With such a large amount of money, they would not dare to transport it away without people.

Qiao Ge has been in New Delhi for more than half a month, and things here are almost fine.

Of course, there is no problem with Xili Daiyu's matter. I have already paid 10 billion, what else do I want to do?

The national goddess, of course she has to sign with her own company.

Half an hour after Qiao Ge left, everyone's interviews with Passi were over, and everyone began to leave.

"Cousin Shia."

"Yeah, Beni." The female reporter from the Indian National Radio who was interviewing Qiaogo looked back. After discovering that it was Beni, she immediately said a few words to the colleagues around her. Her colleagues obviously withdrew first, and then she He quickly came over to Penny.

"Are you here to shop?" Penny's cousin Sia asked.

"Originally, yes, but after seeing the scene just now, I didn't feel like shopping. One billion in cash was really scary." Penny said.

To be honest, this is the first time that Beni has seen one billion in cash.

"You and Mr. Gupta should know each other, right?" Siya asked.

She knew that the Sharma family had shares in Gupta Square.

"I know you." Penny said with a hint of uneasiness on her face.

Last time in the cinema, Qiao Ge took advantage of her. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he would chat with other women again and spent 10 billion. Penny was very angry.

"As expected of a young man with a lot of money, don't you think he has a big fortune of 10 billion and a beautiful girl with a smile?" Siya sighed, "Xili Daiyu is really lucky."

"Cousin, you are thinking too much. He probably thinks that Desire Daiyu will be helpful to his film company. Who would spend a billion for a woman?" Penny said.

"Say, Beni, do you really believe these men's lies? Why do you only value the other person's talent, not the other person's appearance, and treat her as a sister? It's all nonsense. I think it's more like a romantic sister. ." Shia said speechlessly, "You must be more vigilant when you meet these men in the future, they are definitely not a good thing."

Of course Beni had a clear mind, she didn't believe that Qiao Ge really didn't have any thoughts about Xili Daiyu.

10 billion, even 1 million is a very outrageous amount.

Can she still guess what Qiao Ge is thinking?

But now she can only sulk about this kind of thing. What can she do to Qiao Ge?

Besides, she now knows that Qiao Ge has several women, and she has seen them all, and they are indeed outstanding.

The relationship between me and Qiao Ge has just begun, and I don’t know what will happen in the future.Sure enough, it is the same, once these men have money, they will become bad, very bad.

She knew very well the virtues of her father and her brothers, and even some of her grandfathers secretly went to find young women.

Several of her sisters-in-law would talk to her about this from time to time, which really brought tears to her eyes.

But this can't change anything. According to the man, it was just socializing outside.

All excuses.

But Beni also understands that this is the social reality, and as women, it is difficult for them to change this situation.

However, her father and brothers still took care of the family, and the women outside were women outside, maintaining their respective respectability.

This is the best result.

"Stop talking about this, cousin, please go see your uncle sometime. He has been talking about you for a long time." Penny said.

"Hmph, I'm not from the Singh family, and I don't have a father either." Shia said with a serious expression.

"Cousin, I know you want to be strong, but it's not easy to work hard outside alone. In fact, uncle still cares about you." Penny persuaded.

"Benny, stop talking. I know it must be that bastard who asked you to persuade me, right? I won't go to that so-called home. If you keep talking, I will ignore you in the future." Siya was a little bit said angrily.

"Oh oh oh, let's not talk anymore. Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner. There's a restaurant there that has very good food." Beni came up and held Sia's hand and said coquettishly.

Both hands could feel the huge pressure coming from Shia's chest.

She couldn't help but lower her head and glanced at her own, feeling disappointed. Compared with Shia, there was such a huge disparity.

When Qiao Ge was being interviewed by Shia in the lobby just now, she was watching from upstairs.

Qiao Ge's eyes clearly stayed there for a moment. Men, they always have this look, which is irritating.

"Okay, it's good to have someone to treat you. Anyway, you are a rich little woman, so you don't need money. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare come here to spend money. It's so expensive." Seeing that Beni stopped talking about that annoying thing, Sia regained her smile. He pulled Penny and walked quickly to the mall.

After the person in charge of the Eyal family learned what Qiaogo said, he was so angry that he smashed several cups.

I have to say that Qiao Ge's words are too poisonous. When he cooperates with others in the future, the other party will definitely study the contract item by item.

Some cooperations may even go awry, which will have a big impact on your family.

They had done some tricks on Xili Daiyu's contract before. After all, in their view, Xili Daiyu was very valuable, and this value was a tool for making money for them. It had no status, so they could mess with it at will. If you pinch it, what can she do if you try to tamper with the contract?

But in other business fields, such methods have never been used in their contracts. After all, these partners are not ordinary people. If they really do this, the impact will be too great.

It's okay now. With Qiao Ge making such a fuss, his credibility is in crisis.

However, getting back 10 billion in cash from Qiaogo made the Aiyar family a lot less angry.

10 billion.

The family has been short of money recently, especially since the Sitharaman family has invested too much. With this 10 billion, the money will almost be available.

In the future, if my family and the Sitharaman family monopolize the grain and oil industry, Qiao Ge will have to take credit for his assists.

Thinking of this, their mood improved a lot.

Qiao Ge was building a lot of momentum. Although Anil was not present, some of his subordinates still told him all the news here.

After listening, Anil's eyes couldn't help but tremble, his face full of anger.

"Asshole." Anil cursed.

When he knew that Xili Daiyu's liquidated damages were 10 billion, he was very satisfied.

After all, he was afraid that Qiao Ge would be too wealthy to directly pay liquidated damages to others.

If it's one billion, no one would want to be taken advantage of.

Who would have thought that Qiao Ge had shouted out three days ago that he would pay liquidated damages for Xili Daiyu.

He still had a bit of a fluke mentality in his heart, thinking that Qiao Ge was bragging and would definitely let it go.

But Qiao Ge's final move was even more unexpected.

One billion in cash is simply outrageous.

But he had to admit that Qiao Ge's move made Xili Daiyu's popularity continue to skyrocket, which was equivalent to a perfect advertisement.

The advertising fee of one billion is definitely expensive, but if you add in the poaching of Xili Daiyu, this calculation seems to be acceptable.

In addition to being angry, there is also the fact that Xili Daiyu has now signed a contract with Qiao Ge's company, so his plan to get Xili Daiyu is completely ruined.

If you can't get started, this thing won't disgust Qiao Ge. Are you angry?
These plans were so perfect in the first place, but things always went wrong in the middle. It was just too bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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