Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 294 25-year right to use

Chapter 294 25-year right to use
After Jogo left the Gupta Square lobby, he went to the airport.

He could imagine that in tomorrow's newspaper, he would be the headline again.

But radio will be available soon, and television will air the news during prime time in the evening.

One billion liquidated damages is already a big topic, but one billion in cash would be even more shocking.

Qiao Ge could imagine that Xi Lidaiyu, his film company, and even the other companies under his name would get huge exposure.

This ad is absolutely one of a kind.

Of course, such an advertisement is not something that ordinary people can afford, costing 10 billion rupees.

And only the first time has the best effect. Even if there are people with large amounts of cash transactions like myself in the future, the influence will definitely not be so great.

By the time we arrived in Mumbai, it was already five o'clock that afternoon.

Before the meal was finished, Hu Di brought a fax over.

"Boss, it's from Indonesia." Hudi said.

"Oh? Clark?" Qiaogo quickly took the fax and read it.

Last time, people from Indonesia visited me, so I asked Clark to take people to investigate.

The results of Clark's inspection of Indonesia during this trip are faxed here.

According to Clark's survey, land labor in Indonesia is much cheaper than in Malaysia, which can effectively reduce costs.

However, there are many shortcomings there, that is, the lack of infrastructure facilities such as ports, roads, and factories, which greatly restricts the development of the palm oil industry.

Qiao Ge knew something about this.

After all, the palm oil industry in Malaysia started earlier, and many supporting facilities have become mature after so many years of development.

Indonesia has only begun to pay attention to the palm oil industry in recent years, from more than 70 hectares in the 10,000s to more than 60 hectares now.

Unfortunately, the planting area has increased, and other supporting facilities and management levels have not had time to keep up.

For example, in terms of palm oil transportation, Indonesia's transportation is very backward, the roads are poor, and there are not enough oil pressing plants.

Also, management and production are not as advanced as those in Malaysia.

In addition, Clark also specifically mentioned that the land in Indonesia is actually limited, and not much can be used to grow oil palm.

Therefore, all things considered, Clark feels that it is not a good time to invest in Indonesia now.

At least we have to wait until the infrastructure there catches up.

I have to say that Clark's investigation was very detailed and in line with most people's thoughts.

Indonesia is indeed not the best investment target for the palm oil industry. The best investment now is Malaysia. There is no doubt about this.

However, Qiao Ge feels that no one is optimistic about it now. If he enters earlier, wouldn’t he be able to get the land at a lower cost?

Speaking of acquiring land, here we have to talk about the difference between Malaysia and Indonesia.

The land in Malaysia has 90 years of use rights, while in Indonesia it only has 25 years.

For oil palm cultivation, there is almost only one round every 25 years, which makes foreign investment a bit timid and unstable.

After the contract expires after 25 years, can it be renewed?
Unlike the 90 years here in Malaysia, this can at least guarantee three rounds of oil palm planting, and the stability is better.

Therefore, in terms of investment environment, there is no comparison between Indonesia and Malaysia.

However, Qiaogo was not too worried about this. Later, Indonesia also realized this problem and slowly liberalized land use rights, which can be extended to 70 years in the future.

Qiaogo believes that as long as his financial resources are strong enough by then, Indonesia will only welcome his investment and not target himself.

So there is no need to worry about land use rights.

As for Clark saying that there is not much land for oil palm cultivation, looking at the land currently available, there is not much.

But Indonesia’s land area is larger than that of Malaysia, so how can it be short of land?
It's just that most of the land now exists in the form of virgin tropical rainforest.

Consider that in the previous life, the area of ​​oil palm plantations in Indonesia was more than 1700 million hectares, almost three times that of the Malay peak.

The reason why there is such a large planting area is that most of the land is increased through land reclamation, and this land reclamation is deforestation.

Increasing oil palm plantation land by clearing and burning virgin tropical rainforest.

That was what Qiaogo wanted to do next.

Cutting down tropical rainforests and destroying the environment?
Who cares now?

Nowadays, economic development is the main focus. Who would have trouble with money?

"Hudi, when you send a message back to Clark later, tell him that I am ready to invest there." Qiao Ge said.

“Boss, I’m afraid the situation in Indonesia is~~” Hudi hesitated, “The costs we see now, such as land, are indeed equivalent to free compared to Malaysia, but other costs cannot be underestimated, such as palm fruit. It may be rotten in the ground because it cannot be transported by road, and it may be difficult to export palm oil due to port problems. These issues must be considered.”

Hudi is obviously not optimistic about investing in Indonesia now.

"I understand your concerns, but I didn't say to plant oil palm on a large scale right now." Qiaogo said with a smile, "What I want is to enclose the land first. There are few people investing now, so we should be able to choose the land with good geographical location." land.”

"Boss, do you mean to buy the land first and then put it away? But the land use rights in Indonesia only last for 25 years." Hudi said a little worried.

If you leave it alone for a few years, it won't be enough for the oil palm to complete its growth cycle.

Qiao Ge is definitely not worried about this. At that time, he can renew and extend the lease.

"I mean those tropical rainforests." Jogo laughed.

Hu Di didn't understand what his boss meant. "Isn't there not much land in Indonesia? Isn't it mostly forest and tropical rainforest? Then we will open up wasteland from the forest and create plantations." Qiaogo said.

"This?" Hu Di was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, "Boss, do you mean you are targeting those trees?"

"That's right." Qiao Ge thought and Hudi finally came to his senses.

He is an elite after all, and his knowledge is very good.

"I think some of those trees can be used to make various furniture or panels for export, and some can be used to make paper or something. What do you think of this plan?" Qiao Ge asked.

Hu Di did not answer immediately. After all, his boss's thinking was a bit too big.

In the past, both myself and Clark were conducting research on the palm oil industry, and all the data surveys included were based on the palm oil industry.

Therefore, when it comes to the wood and paper industry, he is not sure for a while.

"Boss, I think your idea is very practical. However, more data is needed, such as Indonesia's annual export volume of wood and furniture, paper export volume, production, etc." Hudi said .

"Of course, isn't Clark still in Indonesia? Then let him stay there for a while, and then investigate these industries. As far as I know, these two industries must be good." Qiao Ge said.

The wood and paper industry is certainly good for Indonesia, after all, it has rich forest resources.

In terms of tropical rainforest area, it is second only to the Amazon rainforest. There are many precious trees in it that can be used to make high-end furniture.

Qiao Ge is now very sensitive to high-end products, because many of his properties rely on these high-end products to make money.

So now that we have gone to Indonesia, how can we not make use of the huge forest resources?
It can be said that these virgin forests contain huge value, just waiting to be discovered and realized.

Think about how much of these tropical rainforests were cut down in the past life.

Sooner or later they will be cut down anyway, so why not take advantage of yourself and at least get a share of the pie?

"I will convey your intention to them immediately, boss." Hudi said.

"Wait a minute, you contact News tomorrow and place some recruitment ads in major news newspapers. They say they are looking for people in charge of overseas wood processing, furniture manufacturing and papermaking industries. They will be paid favorably... and the location will be in Malay or Indonesia." Qiao Ge Jiang talked about some of the recruitment content with Hudi.

"Boss? They haven't investigated yet. Is it too early to recruit people now?" Hu Di asked.

"I got the news from Tulu. According to him, Anil, the Sitharaman family probably knew that I had gone abroad, to the Malay side. Now they probably don't know that I have entered the country. The palm oil industry has been affected, so this large-scale recruitment may also be for cover." Qiaogo said.

Hu Di understood that this was to cover up the boss's main real purpose, making them think that the boss was preparing to invest in the timber and paper industries overseas.

This can stabilize the Sitharaman family, otherwise it would be quite troublesome for him to react now.

The most effective way to do this is to catch them off guard.

"Boss, I understand. I will slowly choose the manpower." Hu Di smiled.

Qiao Ge smiled and let him go down.

Qiao Ge didn't want to correct Hudi's thoughts.

For Qiaogo, he can get involved in the timber and paper industries in Indonesia, so it is no problem to recruit people now.

"Frittapu is filming again. Let's go to Maduli tonight." Qiao Ge thought for a while and said.

Fuli's new movie has just been released and she has already started filming the next new movie. Tapu is still playing a supporting role.

Maduli's residence is where she and Qiao Ge had a private meeting.

But Xili Daiyu is here today.

Since Siridaiyu knew about Maduli and Qiaogo, Maduli did not hide her residence here.

Since the opening ceremony of the Gupta Plaza, Siridea's mental state has not been good because of the contract renewal.

She returned to Mumbai soon, and naturally found Maduri, who needed someone to talk to her.

"Sister, look, I just said it's okay. Once Qiao Ge takes action, it will be okay." Maduli said as calmly as possible.

The two of them were watching TV news just now, and it happened to be the scene that happened in the lobby of Gupta Square during the day, the scene where one billion cash appeared, and both women couldn't help but exclaimed.

It can be said that everyone in the audience who saw this scene tonight had their eyes widened.

This is not a TV series or a scene in a movie, this is what really happened. The rupees in the box are all real.

"I~~I thought he was trying to comfort me before, but I didn't expect that he really paid 10 billion for me." Xi Lidayu murmured in a low voice.

She still hasn't reacted yet.

"Ah, my good sister, can I still lie to you?" Maduli said with a smile, "How about it, can you rest assured now? I told you a long time ago, don't worry, but you just don't listen. , It’s really asking for trouble.”

"He's really willing to give up one billion. Can I help him earn so much?" Xi Lideyu said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, life is still long. I will help Qiao Ge make a few more movies in the future, and I can pay it off in my lifetime." Maduli said.

"Well, I can only work for brother Qiao Ge for a long time to pay off the debt." Xili Daiyu said with a smile, feeling better.

"Actually, there are faster ones."


"If you pay the compensation to Qiao Ge, you don't have to settle the account so clearly." Maduli said with a smile.

"You~~ are asking for a beating, let me scratch you~~" Xili Daiyu felt embarrassed and annoyed because this girl kept talking about these embarrassing topics in her ears.

So the two beauties in nightgowns got into a fuss on the sofa in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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