Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 298: Win 250 companies with 2 billion

Chapter 298: Win two companies with 250 billion (please vote for me)
Explanation: The title of the previous chapter was written incorrectly. 20 hectares is not 500 million acres, but 50 acres.

Manmohan takes this auction very seriously.

He called Qiao Ge specifically to ask which company Qiao Ge was going to bid for.

Qiaogo's answer to him was that he was prepared to take down two of them, but the specific ones have not yet been decided.

These words made Manmohan silent for a long time on the other end of the phone.

Two families, starting from at least 200 billion. He knew that Qiaogo was now worth a fortune, comparable to many traditional wealthy families, such as Dutta, the Sitharaman family and so on.

But the courage to invest 200 billion in agriculture all at once is still a bit amazing.

However, Manmohan is still not optimistic about Qiao Ge's idea of ​​​​taking over the two companies.

According to him, there are many people interested in the three companies this time. With more people, the bidding prices will naturally go up.

So 200 billion will definitely not be able to win two pieces.

It’s just that Jogo told Manmohan that he would try to raise 300 billion.

After hearing this, Manmohan said a few more words and hung up the phone.

What else is there to say?

If Qiao Ge has 300 billion, it should be no problem to win two companies.

"Manmohan, you seem to be in a good mood lately?" Narasimha Rao asked with a smile after seeing Manmohan during lunch.

"It means my mood has improved a bit in the past few days." Manmohan sighed, "You can't possibly not know how big the gap is in the finances, right?"

Narasimha shook his head slightly to express his understanding: "Otherwise, I would not support the auction of these companies."

Of course he knew why Manmohan was in a good mood these days, and it had something to do with the grain company's auction.

Manmohan was very anxious about the fiscal deficit before. This auction can effectively alleviate the financial pressure. Of course, Manmohan can breathe a sigh of relief.

"This time the government approved the sale of three grain companies. There are many people who want to bid, and everyone is very enthusiastic. I believe they can get a high price." Manmohan said, "This will give some relief to the finance side."

"How much do you estimate the final bid will be?" Narasimhe asked.

"400 billion is no problem," Manmohan said.

"An extra 100 billion?" Narasimha raised his brows and said in surprise, "Is there such a big premium?"

"Of course." Manmohan smiled, "Qiaogo, you know, right?"

"How could you forget that boy? He also wants to participate in the bidding?" Narasimha asked with a smile.

Of course he is now deeply impressed by Qiao Ge. This kid is really not simple.

Of course, it’s not just that Qiao Ge is making a lot of money, but also that he’s hooked on Manmohan’s line.

He and Manmohan were old friends, and he knew his friend's temperament very well.

It is difficult to get Manmohan's support.

Judging from Manmohan's recent performance, Qiao Ge really has the support of Manmohan.

"Yes, he said he would try to raise 300 billion to prepare for bidding for the two companies." Manmohan said.

"This kid?" Narasimha's eyes widened.

Such a big deal is probably the last petrochemical account incident. Those are the top wealthy families, whether they are traditional or upstarts.

Except for the upstart Reliance Group, traditional giants like Vasayan and Dutta have to resort to selling iron and steel if they want to raise 300 billion, and they all join forces with others.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge dared to say that he would invest 300 billion yuan.

"Manmohan, that guy didn't brag?" Narasimha still didn't quite believe it.

If it's more than 100 billion, Qiao Ge is ready to bid for a company, he has no doubt.

But now this amount is really amazing.

"Old man, I want to say that boy's courage is far beyond your imagination." Manmohan smiled.

"It's true." Narasimha knew that Manmohan was not joking and this matter was true. "If so, then the boy's courage is indeed amazing."

Manmohan smiled and thought that this is just what you saw.

If he had known that Jogo had already made a large-scale acquisition of the palm oil industry in Malay, I wonder what Narasimha would have said.

Manmohan has not mentioned this matter to anyone yet, not even Narasimha.

However, he felt that now was a good time.

"If that's all it is, it's not worth my attention," Manmohan said.

"Isn't this enough?" Narasimha asked a little doubtfully, but he quickly responded, "Yes, there is also the Gupta Square project, which is very helpful to our government's fiscal revenue and can effectively Raising land prices will increase a lot of revenue for state governments. This guy is good."

After Narasimha finished speaking, he saw Manmohan just looking at him with a smile.

This made him stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Of course, there is organic farming and high-end mineral water, oh, plus his Qiaogo clothing, I heard that he and Wim clothing are now going back and forth. Unexpectedly There were times when the companies under the Reliance Group were in trouble, and the opponent was just a teenager, who would have thought?"

"Yes, these are all good achievements of that boy Qiao Ge." Manmohan replied. "Huh?" Narasimha couldn't help but said in surprise, "Manmohan, isn't what I said enough? Although that kid has many companies, there should be none more amazing than what I said. ?Are you still not satisfied with these?"

"Of course I am satisfied." Manmohan smiled, "Actually, I am very satisfied with Qiao Ge, even if it is just a company, let alone a boy."

"That's right, oh, that's right." Narasimha suddenly said with a thought, "Manmohan, I remember that you paid close attention to the Gupta project in Chogo, and you even said hello to the people below. , so you already knew about his plan to spread across the country, right?"

"Of course." Manmohan admitted, "This project is very effective in increasing the government's fiscal revenue and is beneficial to the country. I have no reason not to support it."

"Yes, such a project should be supported. Under the leadership of this guy, many people are now investing in this industry. Recently, land sales have been popular in various places, and land prices have risen sharply, which has greatly eased local finances. This credit should be attributed to Qiao Ge One portion,” Narasimhe said.

“These alone cannot solve the financial problem, and more fiscal revenue-generating means are needed,” Manmohan said.

Narasimhe's expression changed slightly and he said: "Old man, don't you want to raise taxes on the domestic edible oil industry and liberalize palm oil imports again?"

Upon hearing this, Manmohan immediately swallowed his words about Jogo's investment in palm oil in Malaysia and did not mention it again. He realized that Narasimha should have something to say.

"Those people have great energy and convinced the Prime Minister, so~~~" Narasimha sighed.

Manmohan's heart sank. No wonder, he had mentioned it several times but had heard nothing. The power over there was also very powerful.

From this point of view, it is better for Jogo to keep his investment in the palm oil industry in Malaysia a secret.

Because he is not sure when he will be able to do government work.

Narasimha was definitely not lying to himself, because he and Rajiv had an extremely close relationship, so he knew this.

"I understand, I will not mention this matter again for the time being." Manmohan said.

He thought that he had to talk to Qiao Ge about this, so as not to have too high expectations. He might have disappointed him this time.

"Well, if this really happens, how can we solve the problem on the financial side?" Manmohan sighed again.

"That's why there is this auction. Manmohan, do you think this auction proposal can be passed without the Prime Minister's tacit approval?" Narasimha asked.

"I thought it was you~~"

"Who am I? What's the use of my support? I'm just speaking out as acting prime minister." Narasimhe said.

Manmohan was silent for a moment, but what he said was true.

Or I was too optimistic before.

"After all, this kind of auction is not a long-term solution. You can't just sell state-owned companies if you are short of money. There will always be a day when they are sold out. What will you do then?" Manmohan said.

"These are not what we have to consider, and we probably don't think so much about the above. We just need to get through it now. According to your estimate, this auction can bring in 400 billion, so the financial hole on the central and federal side can be filled. Most of the time, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief." Narasimha said with a wry smile.

How could he not know that it was okay to use such a method once or twice, but if it really had to be used all the time, not to mention that they themselves felt it was inappropriate, the opposition should not pounce on it to attack.

After separating from Narasimha, Manmohan returned to his office and called Qiaogo again.

After putting down the phone, Qiaogo fell into deep thought.

Manmohan was worried that he would be emotional, but in fact he was overthinking.

To be honest, I was not that optimistic about this matter.

After all, according to the memory of the previous life, it will take many years to truly let go.

It can only be said that the force on the other side is very powerful.

This was indeed proven now, as the other party directly passed through Rajiv's line.

With Rajiv's support behind him, it is not enough for Manmohan and the Sharma family to join forces with the people they are looking for.

But he is not worried. Anyway, his palm oil can now be exported. If it is not sold domestically, there is still an international market.

Even if you don't do anything, the country will let you go in a few years, and there will be no loss.

The only thing that makes him a little depressed now is that he originally wanted to borrow about 150 billion from Kuna and Hender.

The actual amount approved now is only 100 billion, with 30 billion from Kuna and 40 billion from Hinde. The total loan amount from other banks is 30 billion.

Although it did not reach his ideal loan amount, with nearly 250 billion in funds, Qiao Ge felt that he should be very confident in winning two companies with lower value.

At present, the land under the names of these three companies is 9 hectares, 6 hectares and 5 hectares respectively, for Company A, Company B and Company C respectively.

The valuations of these three companies are not arranged according to the size of the land. The highest valuation is Company B with an estimated value of 120 billion, the second is Company C with an estimated value of 95 billion, and the third is Company A with an estimated value of 85 billion.

The main reason for this situation is that almost all the land under Company B's name is paddy fields, and the land price is the most expensive.

Company c has a relatively high proportion of paddy fields and a small proportion of dry lands.

Company A is mainly dry land, with few paddy fields, and its dry land is really dry land. The area where it is located is often hit by drought, so it has a great impact on crops and the yield is very low.

This results in that although Company A has the largest land area, its valuation is the lowest.

Therefore, Qiao Ge's goal is to focus on the two companies A and C. The total valuation is 180 billion. He currently holds nearly 250 billion, and the funds are still sufficient.

Especially since he now earns an average of over [-] million yuan every day, so when the day of the auction comes, he will have even more funds in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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